
@know #243906

meditation teacher @ spacetobe.xyz | find me in the /garden
1100 Follower 139 Following
If you experience burn-out, meditation can help you recover.

If made a part of your daily life, it can keep you in touch with how to work sustainably, as well as expanding your capacity to handle intensity.

This industry is fast, with many waves both big and small.

If you want to learn how to surf. Message me.
gm everybody

have a good day ☀️
mistakes are the ground from which the fruits of learning are grown
the decentralised way of being

is a recognition of the interdependence of your own wellbeing with the wellbeing of others

compassion therefore becomes an important qualifier for actions being taken

with all nodes included
I released a new podcast; this time with @marlo.

We talk about her art practice and what she's currently moving through in her inner-work.

make the decisions you need to make to rest easy at night.
for crypto folks who are interested, a 30-minute intro call is available before subscribing
I recently discovered Lama Rod Owens and I think they are a very, very cool dharma teacher.
Happy Sunday, everyone. I hope you're having a great day.
Mindfulness meditation is a game-changing practice if you want to live an unconventional life courageously.
good question!
I've released another episode of the podcast.

It's with Dr. Slurp and we talk about technology and nature, AI ethics, creating musical instruments as a public good, MyFi Studio's most recent work for the Bass Museum 'in real time', and spirituality, with words from Herbie Hancock and Mike Gordon of Phish.

Listen here: https://open.spotify.com/episode/5MzoTfKI320OEQ4SRMAHIx?si=17b4adf45b9a4dfd
I empower curious and creative individuals who experience anxiety to overcome self-doubt and overwhelm using mindfulness and meditation techniques so that they can express more of themselves and live with confidence.
you are literally destined to die fr fr 💀💀

you can do what you want with your life 💗💗

shit changes 🔀🔀🔀

join me in the /garden
happy Sunday, friends 😌
I saw this and thought: “art”

who could tell me I’m wrong and be right

who could I tell that I am right who couldn’t assert that I’m wrong

who would be right in either case?

this is the reality of our world

and so arises compassion
interesting to consider that the work we do may never be recognised

and yet still deeply important in shaping the atmosphere of the future

both in the case of community or co-living, and the actual atmosphere
if impulse contains wisdom

you may only need to slow down enough to let your innate goodness shine through
belief clings, faith lets go

Alan Watts
om mani padme hum
a poem from last week