Local-first Dev


Local-first software built for offline and collaborative apps

new cross-platform react framework from the tamagui team with built-in local-first data support with zerosync.dev, very cool stuff!

This channel is dope; need @pushix to drop srcbook stuff here!
Hi local first enthusiasts! We are working on a distributed system protocol called Topology Protocol, which builds on BFT-CRDTs and PubSub groups over open P2P networks. It offers an abstraction called Conflict-free Replicated Object (CRO) and defines a set of interaction methods for CROs.

Beyond the familiar concurrency semantics, we are giving devs the full freedom to define custom semantics. Of course, this risks breaking convergence, but we believe the design space there is extremely under explored.

Check out the whitepaper of the protocol: https://paper.topology.gg and let us know your thoughts!

Development wise, we are wrapping up our first pass of hash graph and moving to sync (via rateless IBLT) very soon. We are looking for protocol engineers and research engineers. DM open!
just discovered this community. Was yesterday just writing about it. Would love to learn more from you all.

I've been using https://logseq.com/ for a long time know and I love how opinionated and extensible it is. You're encouraged to sync the data however you want and if you support the project you get access to their first party sync feature.

@notshant is presenting /rolodexsocial next Tuesday at LoFi/18 as part of a great lineup. Tune in to find out how we're building a local-first account system for every user on the internet.
have always been interested in the field but have become *super* local first pilled in the past few weeks! the tools are getting so much better and being able to cache & update data in a much easier way/without as much overhead is a great feeling both for DevEx and for UX
Another good episode about the current set of trade-offs in local-first dev.