Lost Founder


For the past 8 years I have had a private folder called “Lost Founder” with thoughts, ideas, images, everything to capture moments as I built companies. So what better way to chronicle my journey than a public folder. Enjoy!

24.10.16 - One step for man, one giant leap for Sheldini…or something like that 😂

Today was a big day. Got a lot done, and to add a cherry on top was repping over 200lbs on bench 💪🏾

Everyday is a chance to get after it, just keep moving.
24.10.15 - Honestly today was tough…

Majority of the days I feel like I have infinite energy but there are those days like today when I get in a real funk and the most basic tasks are a headache. It’s all a part of being human on the path set out for me.

Feel those emotions and keep pushing.
24.10.14 - Devcon 7 here I come!!! I look forward to every 2 years when this specific conference comes around.

Last time I went it was such a great chance to meet people irl, learn about the new breakthroughs and experience a different culture. Super excited for it next month!
24.10.13 - One of my closest friends came into town and it’s been such a blast kicking it with him. Cool just to catch up on all the recent happenings 😌
24.10.12 - Spent a good chunk of the day in thinking and planning mode. A lot is shifting so formulating a clear plan!
24.10.11 - I’m in the lab cooking!! Nothing like some fruit, the occasional cookie and some code to bring in a Friday night 👨🏾‍💻😏
24.10.10 - Musings on appchains:
First dydx, (then @goldchain 😏) , now Unichain. This is one of the biggest shifts in crypto narrative that we are undergoing. I can’t understate how monumental this move towards isolated block space, maintained decentralization and emphasized UX above all will be.

This is just the beginning of what will be a sea of app chains. As the OpEx of running and maintaining a blockchain drops, the value prop of owning the chain for any new onchain product will be drastically increased. I learned first hand from Gold just how powerful owning the full stack can be for an app but it was honestly still fairly costly and challenging. I’m very confident it’ll get much easier and cheaper going forward.

The Cosmos ecosystem had the app chain thesis right but they were just too early and lacked on the path to get here 🤷🏾‍♂️.
24.10.09 - Sometimes it’s a matter of changing up the strategy to get to where you want to be.

Also, say leeesssss. Love me a viral FC trend :

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24.10.08 - I am 🥦 and 🥦 is me. This is hilarious! 😂
24.10.07 - Mmmaannnn navigating the idea maze got hands 😔
24.10.06 - Took some time away from the keyboard and saw The Wild Robot. Such a beautiful wholesome movie. Highly recommend!
24.10.05 - The characters you run into in NYC are unmatched! I’m about to jump into this DeLorean and meet you all in the future 😂
24.10.04 - What a week!! So much happening in such a short period of time.

Random, took a walk today and it was just a reminder that there’s also so much happening out in the city away from my keyboard.
24.10.03 - Random musings: Call it inspiration of just gut feel but sometimes I get random ideas that I need to run with.

Have those thoughts just been lingering below the surface waiting for the right moment or is it just a net new idea that came from some external input at the right place at the right time 🤔
24.10.02 - In the darkest of times when things don’t seem to be working just know there are brighter days ahead!

Stay true to yourself and trust the path,
wherever it might take you.
24.10.01 - Running and working out really have been my outlet for thinking.

While everything else is a complete rollercoaster, at-least I can go back to sweating out all the negative thoughts, stressors and come back with a clear mind.
24.09.30 - One second it was the end of August, I blinked and now it’s already October…where did September go?

This year really picked up speed 🤦🏾‍♂️
24.09.29 - Today definitely didn’t go as planned but still got in some work 🤓

Good start to the week. Let’s get after this week!
24.09.28 - Just realized there’s less than 100 days left in the year! Nothing that came this year was on my 2024 bingo card so I can’t even imagine what’s about to happen 🤯

Someone told me “everything you want can be done in 100 days”. Well let’s go get it 😤

Unrelated, fell into a rabbit hole about threshold encryption, and commit-reveal schemes. Super fascinating stuff, might tinker on something 🤓
24.09.27 - Taking big swings is the name of the game.

There’s times when you need to really lean in and go for it, sprinting all out... This is one of those times.

These next couple weeks will be huge.
24.09.26 - Overall really love everyone I have met through FC. 🫶🏾

My experience would be nothing without these people:

@marissaposner - Of course my cofounder on the mission 🫡

@dawufi - Knew you would be a vibe the moment we started joking at Farcon 1. Always keep that same joy with a hint of spice.

@ahn.eth - No matter what city, I can always count on you for a run and catch-up sesh!

@cameron - I still remember that first time we sat and chatted for HOURS during Farcon 1.

@j4ck.eth - Mans is just too cool AND a genuine soul. I too am 6’8 (…in my heart).

@jpren.eth - The #1 founder supporter. You are always down to chat and help in any way.

@samantha - So happy we met in Farcon! Not only are you hilarious but I admire the care you have for your craft.

@samuellhuber.eth - I’m so glad we had that random 15 min turned 3 hour call all those months ago.

Lastly, gotta show mad love to my Pitch club crew (you know who you are 👀). #1 rule of the club is you dont talk about the club.
24.09.25 - Oh ok, I’m locked in. These are the moments I play for.

Let’s get it!
24.09.24 - What I thought was going to be a chill return to “real life” has taken a hard turn.

Story time: so I landed back in NYC from Singapore, unpacked and as one does, I opened WC for some casual enjoyment only to get nerdsnipped.

Merkle you done it again! This is the moment I have been waiting for! 🤓
24.09.23 - And that is that; Singapore was 🔥. Lots of new connections and opportunities for us. We came, we saw and we conquered!

Man Singapore does not miss! Even the airport is a whole experience. They have an indoor waterfall and rainforest 🤯
24.09.22 - Mama!!! Your boy just passed 8k followers.

I repeat: he’s unofficially a micro-influencer on a mini social network 😂. I’m basically like a D-list celebrity 😛

What better way to kick it off than a $5 reward for my borderline bangers. I’ll keep doing my best to say interesting things. 🫶🏾