

Songcamp is an experimental product studio building onchain music distribution software.

We just updated with some major changes!

They are:

⇢ Desktop version of the app unlocked!
⇢ Fresh homepage
⇢ Fresh song pages
⇢ Secondary swap widget
⇢ More mint stats
getting back online more now that our son is 4 weeks old (!! goes so fast), and i’m excited to share what the team [@russ & @peace] has been working on.

we’ve got some fresh upgrades to the @songcamp site coming your way very soon - incl a fresh desktop browser version of the app!

meantime, i highly suggest you click into the insanely good songs @anatu has been releasing seemingly everyday:::
Songcamp now shows market data for each song :)

Songcamp is now live with the hottest and freshest music market app on the scene
You can mint on the /zora’s new protocol or Zora Classic

it’s pretty chill :)

all happnin’ at
lots of people are in it just for the degen. matthew ain't one of them.

i'm long songamp.
Mint & comment stats are live on Songcamp feeds.

We've also shipped:
✢ Player improvements
✢ Create flow improvements
✢ Nav improvements
Mint stats coming to feeds on songcamp soon!
nice lil shoutout to CHAOS here

it was 450eth in nft sales (1.4m USD today)
$LUCY is now listed & available to trade on Bolide

We are fast huh 😄🐶
i used to run around
Profile Pages are now up on

Fill yours with good music ⭐️
profile pages going up on songcamp this afternoon
Latest Online Music
i’m interested in making song dot camp feel like an amazingly chill and valuable place to mint your music on

if you’ve given the app a spin (or even if you haven’t yet!) and have thoughts on how we can make it feel better plz PLZ hit my DMs with that ⭐️☀️🙏
have you minted a song on songcamp yet?
it’s at song dot camp