SynBio 🧬


Synthetic Biology - Engineering with Nature - Growing the future 🌱🧬

when the public finds out synthetic biologists are just forking nature straight out of her open source DNA code and not even doing the things nearly as well

🍐 😅
Pineapple flavoured genetically modified craft beer anyone? 🍻

(I told you synbio was going to change the world)
Really cool pre-print from George Church’s lab on a cellular biocontainment strategy.

Fun fact: bioengineers are working on internal mechanisms to stop the unwanted spread of genetically modified organisms outside of standard environmental protocols.

Paper spoiler: the cells ultimately can still escape the engineered contraints at a pretty high rate.

We are making progress, but life is ultimately:

Bacteria: 1 Humans: 0

Tiny organisms >>>
New pre-print from the BacStitch team on their core tech in long complex DNA synthesis: High-throughput DNA engineering by mating bacteria
Amazing to think that the term synthetic biology was conceived around 1912 - before we even knew what DNA was.
Getting drugs into the brain is incredibly hard.

These scientists have engineered a brain parasite to do it for them.

/synbio = parasites become our friends
Reviving the /synbio channel with the viral hair treatment K18 that is possibly better than olaplex 👀

Synbio is also saving your hair 😎
I love seeing synbio creative ventures resonate with very thoughtful and knowledgeable people. Makes me feel really optimistic about the space and encourages me to keep working on my projects knowing they might find a home with others just as excited about them.

brb adding influencer to my LinkedIn 🥲
/synbio is never beating the Jurassic park allegations
Have you heard of future society’s extinct flower perfumes? 🧬
Japanese scientists have engineered an enzyme that can turn plant waste into vanilla

Would you use this?
Your favorite brands are transitioning to sustainable synbio alternatives in their manufacturing practices!

Lululemon’s collab with Geno (prev. Genomatica) to find alternatives to petrochemicals for their nylon fabric needs!
Chilean soapbark is the only source for a critical vaccine ingredient QS-21

*enter synbio*

Yeast is a favorite when it comes to engineering new ways of producing rare ingredients. It may now save the day for vaccines!

Yeast: the hero we need but don’t deserve
Anyone here attending SynBioBeta this week?
What synbio fuelled futures do you envision?

'We'll All Be Happy Then’ is Henry Grant Dart's 1911 piece depicting a future of 'Opera delivered to your door', robot service, and wireless ‘accurate’ live news

Synbio is serious, but it’s also a space to imagine and realize beautiful seemingly fictional futures
Question: “Why don’t we just genetically engineer ourselves to live in space/ adapt to life on Mars?”

Trying out a casual Q&A format
I’m carving out time to make more content: educational videos, writing, casual question answering etc.

Please let me know if you have any topics/questions you’d like me to cover :)
New /synbio vid out!

Synthetic Biology and the future of Space Exploration 🧬 👩🏽‍🚀
How would one start getting into growing synthetic perals in petridishes?
What's the best place for a software engineer to start deep diving into synthetic biology?

Never had anything to do with biology, but as a dev I programmed everything from AI, blockchain, low level hardware, does that help? :)
Just attended a tech innovation seminar in the SV and Dr. Tiffany Vora was speaking very convincingly about biotech including synbio. Made me think of you @gmo, do you know her?
mRNA, the gift that keeps on giving:

Researchers from an MIT spinout company have engineered a new class of mRNA molecules for targeted cancer treatment!

I imagine people know a bit more about mRNA as a result of Covid-19 🦠