

Understanding tokens & their economics πŸ’Έ

It looks like is a potential solution...something similar for issuing only pegged app tokens could be really interesting

I need this dig into this properly to better understand app token models

Big thank you to @phil for sharing the article and @so for bringing Brale to my attention - follow them both if you don't already
okay, a little sleep-deprived so I'm going to dump some "do you want to win or not" degeneracy.

OpenSocial is lapping other networks w/ daily dopamine. while Farcaster has saturated the tip meta, we haven't seen an unlimited supply, daily mini-app claim, streak-weighted fungible token.

/basepaint just introduced burning a canvas for an animation. I'm curious if it'd be possible to do the same with the oldest, expired-mint canvasses being offered through a gachapon, and somehow paying this forward into each new canvas with so many new artists. point being, it's already taking off, and imho there's open upside trajectory. cc @zherring

were there such a hyperinflationary ERC-20, there can be a proportional incentive to burn out of self-interest. to be brutally candid, I dare you to find any GenZ gamer that has never experienced loot boxes at all.

RNG games can be very powerful, and well-designed ones will efficiently recycle the overwhelming basket of tokens this network connects to.

but idk, tho.
Hypothetical question: what are the pros and cons of Warps having a floating exchange rate?

Warps only come into existance when a user pays USD equivalent for them

But if Warps could be traded, speculated on, used elsewhere, the velocity of circulation might increase β€” maybe good, maybe bad but key thing is they only gwt created when someone buys with USD equivalent
The most important part of Tokenomics is making sure you have a great pie chart.
has anyone done a mechanism/tokenomics analysis of aerodrome / velodrome? would love to get some insights
I still think this is a good idea
point well taken.

it's not just about deploying a sophisticated monetary policy. we should also be performing continuous maintenance of all other methods & make sure the upcoming novelty remains coherent relative to that.

empirical results will falsify whether a farcaster-present protocol is actually aligned to enterprise value.
there's no such thing as an inflationary apparatus (like emission tipping) that becomes more outsized over time w/o counting other people's money from the numeraire. bonds also are not sustainable on paper as a closed system, they work as an open system that uses periods of surplus to service debt, and periods of deficit to discover deflationary tech/culture (that's the MMT gambit).

points are useful. NFTs are useful.

the claim() of your ecosystem is underutilized, anon.
Why did Blur's token incentives work?

Why did LayerZero's not (at least so far)?
if you're new to tokenomics, here's a great 101 for you
clarification: eventually a system will interface between credit, currency, and claims, *while stabilizing itself into the fundamental value*

after DeFi szn last cycle, one thing remains clear: whichever project need to circulate through real life & foundational maslow's needs.
🌢: all of these are debt with varying purpose-binding & conversion of different capital (especially social/attention)

the last two have more provenance, & grants especially have composability to handle purposebound debt.
Really gotta take the time to pass my Module 3 exam this weekend!
I just want to point out that for so many tokens that go out to *18 decimal points*, there's a colossal discrepancy for # of consumable holdings.

$DEGEN has almost 400k holders, and that might seem impressive in comparison to other tokens. but L3 txn costs ~ .000001 units when there's billions of circulating units.
Curious to hear perspectives on this
on a fundamental level, a network like Ethereum can reach a considerably large critical mass once it efficiently manages all powers of its gas token & all versions of credit/undercollateralized debt. all fungible tokens on the network exist on a superficial abstraction layer beyond this.