@zherring #5062
Founder, designer, & product guy at /basepaint and /eigenlayer
9564 Follower 804 Following
Crypto: The Game where the tribes are sorted by cast sentiment analysis would be a fun twist.
Spencer Graham 🧢
@spengrah.eth·7 hours ago
I'm a Builder-Decentralist (-8.9, -4.5) on the Onchain Alignment Chart! Check out your position:
1. Stake stEth to read,
2. Withdraw when you're done/unsubscribed
3. Publication keeps the stEth rewards.
0.5E = around $3/mo subscription (at current prices)
2. Withdraw when you're done/unsubscribed
3. Publication keeps the stEth rewards.
0.5E = around $3/mo subscription (at current prices)
jihad ↑
@jihad·21 hours ago
How would you monetize an onchain publication today whose core audience is crypto natives?
Reread That Hideous Strength last year (along with the rest of the Space Trilogy) and found the parallels between clear satire from 1945 and bureaucratic talking points from 2025 pretty unsettling.
You can track me realizing this on Goodreads over 2023+
Dan Romero
@dwr.eth·a day ago
Posit: as AI advances, the relative value of reading non-fiction books declines. Reading fiction increases.
is there a way to search casts from a specific user? I'm trying to find an @dwr.eth banger about founders reaching for code to solve fundementally a biz dev problem...
Would recommend reading Devil Take the Hindmost if you haven't already. It's a history of financial speculation.
This does not make crypto look any better. But it does underline that many innovations that get financialized (patents, railroads, shares) follow similar boom/bust patterns.
Crypto double dips - it _is_ a new technology that has financial speculation baked into its operating system that then begets more innovation that is also _immediately_ financialized. Its crazes look markedly similar to chapters in that book: railroad speculation of the 1840s rhymed with the L1 own-the-rails logic. The patent bubble of the 1800s looks like ICOs. The Japanese country club mania of the 80s rhymes with the tortured logic of the NFT PFP club.
Maybe it's crypto's original sin. Maybe insurmountable and maladaptive to it really gaining adoption. But also not really that unique to it. There are good reasons to use railroads, patents, and (maybe) country clubs. Crypto is no different.
This does not make crypto look any better. But it does underline that many innovations that get financialized (patents, railroads, shares) follow similar boom/bust patterns.
Crypto double dips - it _is_ a new technology that has financial speculation baked into its operating system that then begets more innovation that is also _immediately_ financialized. Its crazes look markedly similar to chapters in that book: railroad speculation of the 1840s rhymed with the L1 own-the-rails logic. The patent bubble of the 1800s looks like ICOs. The Japanese country club mania of the 80s rhymes with the tortured logic of the NFT PFP club.
Maybe it's crypto's original sin. Maybe insurmountable and maladaptive to it really gaining adoption. But also not really that unique to it. There are good reasons to use railroads, patents, and (maybe) country clubs. Crypto is no different.
Ryan Grim
@ryangrim·3 days ago
The philosophical objection is also sorted of rooted in history. In the 18th and 19th century US banks created a different kind of cryptocurrency and we had countless versions circulating. Lots of opportunity for speculation and arbitrage and it avoided regulation by the Crown and then by the federal government and the result was some people got rich but most people got ruined in scams, bubble pops, etc. it was a disaster and I don’t see how this won’t also be one https://daily.jstor.org/banks-own-private-currencies-in-19th-century-america/
after years of blunt force market trauma to the head, I look at charts like this and think "man, perfect time to launch something cool."
stockholm syndrome.
stockholm syndrome.
The 21st century equivalent of the trains running on time.
@gigamesh·4 days ago
Jeff Bezos kowtowing to authoritarians isn't great but its hard to stay mad when he lets me return everything I order without paying for shipping.
These are the jobs AI is gonna create.
...nobody said they'd be good jobs.
...nobody said they'd be good jobs.
@andreitr.eth·4 days ago
i vibe-coded myself into a manual debug session, lolz
Happy catch the falling knife day to all who celebrate
Recasting this so Lex gets that sweet $5 Warpcast payout so he casts more on Warpcast
@lex-node·4 days ago
crypto is not monolithic, there is no "crypto industry":
-->Bitcoin community is focused on anti-Fed currency debasement narrative (replacing state money)
-->Ethereum community is focused on state-level-censorship-resistant compute and unbreachable agreements
-->Solana community is focused on composability and eliminating info asymmetries for HFT of RWAs, with a side order of centralized consumer apps
-->Ripple & most stablecoin operators are focused on [institutional or consumer] remittance
-->Bitcoin community is focused on anti-Fed currency debasement narrative (replacing state money)
-->Ethereum community is focused on state-level-censorship-resistant compute and unbreachable agreements
-->Solana community is focused on composability and eliminating info asymmetries for HFT of RWAs, with a side order of centralized consumer apps
-->Ripple & most stablecoin operators are focused on [institutional or consumer] remittance
the holesky 'shadow fork' has me calling it darq holesky and there's maybe 5 people on the planet who get that joke.
dwr onboarding journalists was really smart for the feedback loop they've built.
wicked smart. excited to watch it play out.
wicked smart. excited to watch it play out.
a buddy of mine made this, it's letterboxd for music, I am a fan.
Jack Spallone
@jx·5 days ago
/music @rac and team built an app to post music, factory.fm
Long term goal is to bring these posts onchain so users never lose their music history.
Maybe Farcaster?
Long term goal is to bring these posts onchain so users never lose their music history.
Maybe Farcaster?
gonna make me refill my rodeo credits, smh
gonna make me refill my rodeo credits, smh
@pwiththeone·5 days ago
what's your absolute favorite ecommerce check-out flow?
The first good trailer Marvel has cut since Infinity War?
It's maybe a bad sign for the movie that they're having to lean into the behind-the-camera talent to promote Thunderbolts. But it might be a good sign for the culture at ME. It's a notoriously difficult for a directors vision to survive the Marvel machine (even Sam freaking Raimi couldn't do it).
I'm hopeful that, if this trailer is successful, in the movies with the same old formula keep bombing, maybe they start letting directors be directors again.
It's maybe a bad sign for the movie that they're having to lean into the behind-the-camera talent to promote Thunderbolts. But it might be a good sign for the culture at ME. It's a notoriously difficult for a directors vision to survive the Marvel machine (even Sam freaking Raimi couldn't do it).
I'm hopeful that, if this trailer is successful, in the movies with the same old formula keep bombing, maybe they start letting directors be directors again.
It's healthy to just assume your title is inversely correlated with the size of the company (either by revenue or funding series).
Granted, this can still happen at a similar company, but it's especially prevalent, like Justin says, at a startup.
Be prepared to leave the series A and have to fight your way back up the ladder in a Series B.
Granted, this can still happen at a similar company, but it's especially prevalent, like Justin says, at a startup.
Be prepared to leave the series A and have to fight your way back up the ladder in a Series B.
Justin Hunter
@polluterofminds·5 days ago
I think this is especially a problem in early stage startups.
Write just enough software and no more than that.
me in every engineering meeting talking about Claude
working on SDLC improvements is an excuse to write a rant about how building software at a startup should work
Ha ha this is more than modestly unsettling
I think my favorite snippet of this kind of mindset
"How does your product make your user the hero? Because your product isn't King Arthur, it's Excalibur."
"How does your product make your user the hero? Because your product isn't King Arthur, it's Excalibur."
I live a few cities over, bussed in as many days as I could and EthDenver accidentally downtown-pilled me. Loved how walkable it was, plenty to get to on foot.
I was checking Zillow for nearby homes which is what triggered the latest market nuke.
I was checking Zillow for nearby homes which is what triggered the latest market nuke.
risk on WFH: "I don't **think** I'll talk during this meeting, so maybe I can get away with doing kettlebells while I listen..."
gotcha headline aside...
1. this was a dumb law that...
2. created a pop-up industry of grifters who soaked LLC owners for $$$ bc ...
3. the ux was terrible and other agencies ALREADY had this information but also...
4. there was already an injunction bc courts didn't like it
1. this was a dumb law that...
2. created a pop-up industry of grifters who soaked LLC owners for $$$ bc ...
3. the ux was terrible and other agencies ALREADY had this information but also...
4. there was already an injunction bc courts didn't like it
retirement only
1̶0̶ y̶e̶a̶r̶s̶ o̶u̶t̶
3̶0̶ y̶e̶a̶r̶s̶ o̶u̶t̶
80 years out
1̶0̶ y̶e̶a̶r̶s̶ o̶u̶t̶
3̶0̶ y̶e̶a̶r̶s̶ o̶u̶t̶
80 years out
OAI deep research > Sonnet 3.7 reasoning
its not even close
its not even close
"Let no unwholesome word come out of your mouth...only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs..."
This is maybe my biggest concern about an all-prompt future.
I'll pivot hard into atoms if the AI make the bits too easy.
I'll pivot hard into atoms if the AI make the bits too easy.
fully loaded. its yours if you can drag it out of the venue without any help.
Going to tell people I spoke at EthDenver this year and send them this as proof.
I'm biased but @cryptomoogle 's limited edition Build on Ethereum mousepads are my favorite EthDenver swag.
I'm at a conference and getting some good tshirts but all I really wanna do is take these 3 deep research projects I have running and vibe code them into a POC.
REMINDER: TODAY, 1PM MST BASE BOOTH: /BasePaint meetup y'all
what's a group of 20-something VC junior partners called? a gaggle?
"The markets can remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent" is exactly why you need a code that values something above money.
"which of these 5 HH are you going to hit up after speaking nonstop for 10 hours?"
custom punks
that's the tweet.
that's the tweet.
We should stop welcoming grifters and stop building casinos.
ETHDenver, Day 1