0xlapi 🎩

@0xlapi #253410

Web3 citizen, DeFi Professional, Investor and Blockchain enthusiast.
710 Follower 593 Following
Dúo Dø are tremendous artists and this song is yet another proof of that. I certainly love the japanese lyrics combined with tunes and rythms that make me feel I am in Buenos Aires. Great song!

Every day that goes by I am more and more worried about protecting my privacy. I have not done a great job so far but I will continue trying and working towards that goal.
I have been doing the @zerion.eth quests on @layer3xyz with my Ledger and got to say that I'm impressed with the extension. I tried it a long time ago but wasn't ready for prime time. Now it seems to be. I am willing to take it back for a spin beyond the quests and see if it actually can become my primary one.
I am certainly minting a lot of things lately because they are part of quests. Honestly it seems that people only mint those, or the ones that are boosted (you get a small reward). Otherwise nobody would care.

Merits don't count. Boosts and rewards do.

Is this how it should be?
I remember those days when FC was actually fun.
I certainly believe that LibertAI will surprise people.
They said that every CUBE counts.
I don't know if that was true.
I keep collecting them regardless.
Is Sonata really a thing?
I just minted a photo on Moshicam! :•>
I wish I was in the olympics. I clearly messed up.
Was gone for a few weeks and seems that a lot has changed here.
i'm not building anything.
I was a power user of Warpcast.
Now I am not.
Already posted in this channel, but just in case, sharing the link:

I just minted my LiberAI commemorative NFT. If you don't know about it, it is an awesome private, confidential and decentralized chat powered by AI.

BTW: have fun chatting with your virtual girlfriend or with Donald Tromp. Try it: https://chat.libertai.io/

Plus collecting the NFT might just reward you (read the description)

This was just announced!! And I already signed to the Argent Card waitlist. Join me here: https://card.argent.xyz?m=ZlwCjC3j
Long time waiting for this. Will be super awesome!!

I'm getting an Argent card!
Join me on the waitlist https://card.argent.xyz?m=ZlwCjC3j
I honestly hate Solana. What are people even doing there, on that centralized sh**t chain?
The hard truth is that 99.9% of the NFTs you mint (and spend fees and gas on) are and will always be worthless.

But you got your "reward" for being active on chain.
There are 3938583 different perps trading projects in crypto and it feels like everyday there is a new one on testnet. Most of them are quite poor.

Space is really crowded already and still more builders trying to get a piece of that pie, because that's where the money is.
I notice that while I listen to music in web2 platforms, I am not really using and sharing on Sonata. Mobile + HW wallet never a great combination.
I don't like @layer3xyz lootboxes. They are being eaten by bots and by the time I wake up in the morning, they are all gone. I have to stay up very late at night just to open one.

Not good for the community, IMHO. Kind of feeling excluded. Also because there are now quests accessible only with an NFT that is hard to get in a lootbox.

Great idea, poor execution.