@7858.eth #2494

2790 Follower 495 Following
Does anyone have Thom Yorke’s address?

I’ve been feeling guilty recently about entering “0” into the “want to pay” field when I downloaded In Rainbows back in 2007

I’d like to send him $20 or at least a friendly note letting him know I’ve really enjoyed the album
If you draw my number in secret Santa, will you please buy me this low res 4x6 print of a dismal Liverpool rail yard?

A FC client that changes font daily
Scavenger hunt, go:

- a live striped bass greater than 20kg
- a shot glass full of fingernail clippings from a flat earther
- a fresh edelweiss flower
- a case of pre-ban mango juul pods
- a daguerreotype selfie by a Mennonite
I had just made my peace with the fact that 24 had won Yoink and then discovered that yoinking is back
Applying this stuff to a cut is such a rush. It’s the champagne of pain
Block planes are the most gratifying tool in all of woodworking
I’m looking to arbitrage USD<>YEN a bit.

Who’s got recommendations for Japanese tools?

Literally anything, just recommend it
This is gasconade, yet
Absolutely deserved it

I think this is highest rating I’ve seen on Audible
You should be altogether avoiding doctors to the greatest extent possible
Red Bull is the Medici of extreme sports
I commit to lift heavy weights a few times each remaining day in 2024, and then to figure out a more optimized program
I recently read Nausea and the whole time I was just:

Nuh uh

Nuh uh

Nuh uh

It’s a miserable read about a miserable guy. Ennui Puritanism good only as a rejection exercise
The people who lived in my house 40 years ago smoked cigarettes and there are certain atmospheric conditions that occur for a few days each fall that reawaken a scintilla of stale tobacco odor.

I love it, it’s like being visited by a cheerful spirit of autumn past
If my bleach can’t come in a beautiful amphora, it should at least have a breathtakingly beautiful label

I am dead serious. We have the wealth, we have the technology, we have the talent
Today’s follow Friday rec is @blankspace

Follow for a steady stream of lovely, engaging images

I acknowledge that it’s not Friday don’t @ me
I want, and I cannot stress this enough, to get off Mr. Culture War’s Wild Ride
For my followers who don’t normally partake in jam music but like music theory, check these videos out

Coconuts and chloroform
Some wicker and some cork
Toxic waste, some purple paste
She hoped was not explosive

Reba dip a ladle for a taste of her creation
And she knew that what she make
Would be the finest in the nation

Even if you don’t like mfers, check out the past few weeks worth of top tier mints from @lawl