

your musings, thoughts & dreams; welcome here

december reflections. the only non negotiable rule i’ve for myself - I must do my best in any situation.

if I gave it all and still failed, it’s okay. if I was lazy or dishonest, that’s a no go.
In Japanese supermarkets, nabe soup stock is sold in large quantities when the weather turns cold!!

Nabe is a great way to eat lots of vegetables and meat, and it also warms you up. Above all, this nabe broth is easy to cook, as all you have to do is cut up the vegetables and add them✨✨

Today I'm going to make a spicy hot nabe←Akakara (赤から)
Read some books that suggest that living forever is not as sweet as it sounds and ultimately you’ll wish for death, thereby justifying the natural process of death. Is it too much to ask to get there and decide for myself?
something you read that changed your thinking


the blackswan / antifragile - nassim taleb

the logic of scientific discovery - karl popper

world after capital - albert wenger

passions within reason - robert frank

words on the move - john mcwhorter

high output management - andy grove

seth goden's blog
something you read that changed your thinking cc @zeuzc


letters to a young poet - rilke

siddhartha - herman hesse

zero to one - peter thiel

nausea - jean-paul sartre

who - geoff smart

how to make a few billion dollars - brad jacobs

the intention economy - doc searles

fjords vol. 1 - zachary schomburg

a modest proposal - jonathan swift
Imagine a species capable of getting sad because they cannot go fishing on a celestial body one billion km away because little metal thing they built cannot drill through 35km of ice 👽👽
@Naval on degrowth (1/2)

“Nobody actually engages in degrowth in their actual everyday life.

Nobody lowers their standard of living. Nobody wants to be less fit.
Nobody wants to be less healthy. Nobody wants to be less knowledgeable.
Nobody wants less of anything.

So, the idea that society as a whole is going to go through degrowth is just, it's just suicide of a sort. Now, these bad ideas, they basically get tax on the good ideas. But any society that degrowth itself will simply get outcompeted by the societies that don't degrowth themselves.
Needing nothing attracts everything, basically letting go of desires creates a space for abundance and opportunities to naturally flow into your life.

But how can one understand this? Life is not logical
it was fun dim-sum-ing with @kmacb.eth @july @sahil
🧠 synapses were stimulated
No depiction of struggle will ever show the immense effort poured into taming chaos into order. The doubts, the hours to bring something to life remains hidden behind the results. Only when the product is easily enjoyed by others, I know I did a good work.
My problem is… I want to build Rome in a day.
Warpcast rewards are one of my motivations for casting!!

But for the past 9 months I have been casting with constant motivation, neither hot nor cold.
I think that is one of the good things about me. I have seen many people leave here because they got too hot.

I believe that being myself is the best way to get results!

A friendly reminder that without warpcast rewards you’re still eligible to cast. Don’t let rewards change your personality.
Been working on a thing and turning this into a formalized system and theory in a book in 2025. Wolfram is big influence but there are plenty of new twists. Something i started putting to words about 20 years ago about how representational systems create value and the theme keeps coming back.

Title: "The Mirror and the Loom"

A New Observer Paradox
Incentives only gets you as far as the incentives go
Intrinsic motivation, when nurtured, knows no bounds
I didn’t miss SF when I left, but I missed what SF used to be. I realized that going back wouldn’t ever give me what I was looking for.
Japanese frozen foods are very good✨✨

The photo is of fried noodles with five-meat starchy sauce (Gomoku ankake yakisoba)
Very tasty. And since it comes in a tray, there is no need to wash dishes!!

I’ve heard this quote today and it stuck with me.

The empire long united must divide, long divided must unite; this is how it has always been.
— Luo Guanzhong

It’s a quote from the Chinese novel, Romance of the Three Kingdoms
these drones
I can’t
Rudeness is the weak man's imitation of strength.

Quote by Eric Hoffer
Active leadership is a prerequisite for achieving anything meaningful.

Every time I am paired in a group, I quickly realize that someone has to take the initiative and direct if anything is to get done.