
@amie #14298

program manager at Backdrop Build
291 Follower 103 Following
It me 👋🏼 apply to @backdrop so I can motivate you to build that thing you keep putting off
Got an incident report from daycare that my 19 month old was bit by a “friend” then picked her up and told she has “watery eyes” (looks like double pink eye) and the worst part is…we pay for this! 😂
Asked ChatGPT for help re-imagining commercial airlines that are kid and parent friendly. Imagine - stroller storage, bassinets, family friendly seating, nursing privacy, cry pods, and bottle warmers!
Do you ever get sparks on old aspirations? My first job out of college was at an advertising agency in nyc. I was obsessed with advertising — the Dunkin Super Bowl commercial was a spark for me. Still thinking about it and smiling at different parts. They don’t make ‘em like they used to :)
Just finished the fruit tray, Valentine’s Day box, and Valentine’s Day cards for my 18 month old’s *daycare* party tomorrow, which is day 3 of their Valentine’s Day Spirit Week
Probably because I don’t get to take very long ones anymore that rocking my toddler to sleep at night is my new shower thoughts moment
Today in finding child care…one place wants a non-refundable $200 application fee and a $250 non-refundable security deposit. No guarantee you will get a spot. Another charges $1400 a month for under 12 months and requires you to volunteer 10 hours a month!
Some interiors inspiring me lately. Need to have multiple homes one day so I can embrace all my design personalities :)
Can’t wait for my daughter to get home from daycare and see this 🤗
People have strong opinions on wake windows, sleep training, and schedules when it comes to babies but it worked with baby no 1 and sleep is even more valuable now.

With baby no. 2, I’m finding the app Huckleberry to be amazing with the sleeping training part. Sleeping 8 hours at night and is almost 3 mos old!
The best argument I’ve seen for a bay leaf
Just got home from 6 hours in the ER with our 2 month old. The culprit? A hair tourniquet- which I guess is a common phenomenon but I had never heard of until today. Parents, check your kids hands and toes! Especially those onesies during these cold winter days!
Took a break from Robert Caro’s LBJ series by watching Julia (as in Julia Child) on HBO only to decide to try reading something light and picking a random sample on my Kindle…ended up picking a book written by Caro’s editor and was at Knopf during the Julia years 😄
Fish focused this week. Chirashi bowls and fish tacos were the highlights.
Can I get a warm FC welcome for @dsherry? I have had the delight of being a customer of the company he founded, Death to Stock. Then the opportunity of being - through happenstance - on the receiving end of his advisory skills within a startup. Now, I get to call him my friend as well.
Julia on HBO Max is amazing. Best Julia yet - and that’s saying something considering Meryl Streep played her! This series shows by far a more well rounded person - funny, smart, endearing, stubborn…https://www.max.com/shows/julia/9fab087a-73f8-4e08-b778-bd502697295e
If you’re on deck to bake something for Christmas, these are super easy, hold the familiarity of sugar cookies but unique because of the Gochujang. 5 stars, over 5k reviews 🫨 https://cooking.nytimes.com/recipes/1023675-gochujang-caramel-cookies?smid=ck-recipe-iOS-share
Finished Vol 1 of Robert Caro’s LBJ series 😮‍💨. Learned more than I planned to ever know about Texas. Made me reflect a lot on Trump. Affirmed a lot of what I feel is probably true about politics & power. Def increased my weight on “yes, LBJ was involved in Kennedy’s assassination” option by a few
Is there a book or two I could read to help me make sense of this take? My historical and religious knowledge is, I guess, best summed up as Judeo-Christian so this has fried my brain
Running 45 minutes late to something I’ve been actively trying to get the fam out the door to for the past 3.5 hours 🫠
Very quiet here on Thanksgiving Eve. Are the US casters busy cooking, waiting for tomorrow or off duty for the holiday?

Went low-commitment this year so contributing a salad, *the* only veggie side dish for the table, and a dessert from Alison Roman’s Thanksgiving guide.
(Disclaimer: I am not a traditionalist when it comes to Thanksgiving). If I were having 2-4 people over for Thanksgiving, I’d totally make Beef Wellington https://apple.news/APX4hD-ucRzSWjRXFSFNSfw