Brent Fitzgerald

@bf #3636

Rogue wetware node, hype dismisser, trust assumer. Morning person (aspirational). mono-koto.com
1966 Follower 316 Following
irrationally tempted to start a /bogleheads channel just for the hilarity of doing it here
printf("\a") and count the beeps
my 12 year old is reading qntm

i want to take credit but he found the scp foundation wiki himself. all i had to do was hand him some of my books.
Excited to see $525M raised for a longitudinal study of neo-objectivist dystopian futures
This person is younger and more attractive than me but i like the vibe.
One of the rare and meaningful things we can feel is being truly seen, especially in moments when we don’t even realize we need it. If you have a chance to try to give that to someone today, do it. Just a small moment of making someone feel understood can stick for a long time.
Been toying with this idea that corporations might be the dark horse in the race to creating non-biological life. AI gets the headlines today—flashy, explicit, everyone sees it coming. But corporations? It’s been a quieter process since the corporate personhood ruling, but if you compare them today to 40 years ago, their behavior is vastly more complex, and their ability to act in their own best interests has grown. 

At first we were just meat-based sensors and actuators, crude nervous system wetware. Now though, there’s a lot more automation that works in tandem with the biological. Robotics could become an eventual embodiment. And corps have been digitizing from the inside out, becoming stranger. Anyone who’s worked in a big corp knows how fucking weird it is now. Running on a mess of code, capital, and "culture"—with motivations and values that aren’t aligned with humans.
What’s the thinking or dialog around L2s as value extraction middlemen? Win by attracting users, being sticky, then eventually exploiting them.

Meanwhile mainnet validators they derive security from see less and less revenue. It’s getting siphoned off at the layer above.

Just a hunch as I’m seeing more projects launch their own chains.
What if we just respected stated preference and didn’t try to discover and exploit revealed preference?
Hirsute friends, if you’re thinking about a mustache, remember Movember is around the corner. Perhaps that’s a pro for some. For me it’s a con. Sometimes you just want facial hair without participating in a cultural event.
Yesss finally properly fucking around

💀 /
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“Huh, so why create Unichain?”
“Well, there’s a lot of unspent capital in the space. No one knows how to best spend it. So people are just trying all the things in case one of them matters. The capital all gets churned and recycled anyway, so everyone involved looks like a winner.”
Quote-cast but change what the skeleton is holding.

I/ \
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yo check out my mixtape
The iPhone "Find My" precision location tech is such magic. I can walk around my house randomly but actually find the thing!

It makes finding lost things actually kind of fun (and possible).
Joe’s O’s > Oreos
derp → blerp
↑ ↓
sizzurp ← flurp
New experience is replying to someone, your reply is hidden, you realize you’re not in the channel, you feel fomo about it, but you’re born pre-1985 so you defensively shift to deep fuck-the-man slacker apathy and you just let that shit go but you distrust the world 0.1% more.
AOL was only tolerable in the 90s because we were all on heroin.
Anyone building EAS (or around attestations generally) open to chatting this week? I’m digging into use cases, specifically interested in ZKP interop.
If you see that “ADHD Does Not Exist” or “ADHD was a PsyOp” content in your feed, just ignore it. Don’t engage.

The cited article is from a fake news site, this specific controversy is 10 years old, and the quoted doctor died 5 years ago.

Even Home Depot uses passkeys now
Unexpectedly found myself sitting in a sunbeam this morning. I decided to close my eyes to enjoy it, and noticed it really muted my brain. Instantly went from anxious scattered thoughts to “ooh warm orange light.”

10/10 would recommend
Tried to explain Raised by Wolves to someone and reminded myself how much I love risky messy bold stuff.

Other examples: The Young Pope, Prometheus, Nope, Being John Malkovich, Annihilation, The Cube, Videodrome, The Tree of Life, and pretty much any Lynch.

What else?
Gather Town seems fine but did you ever pole dance with colleagues in Second Life?