dorgo 🇺🇦

@dorgo.eth #237567

About law, crypto, philosophy, art and why in the end you'll switch to Ξthereum and find yourself in cypherpunk | https://t.me/cypherpunksUA
44 Follower 19 Following
speedOfEvolution = speedOfInformationExchange;
Хто не знав, саме Гетманцев порадив на днях Баффету продати 50% акцій Apple перед вчорашнім обвалом фонди
Economic sanctions are increasingly being used at the international level among all types of punishments. They are the best way to deprive a "partner" of resources.

In this regard, Ethereum, where slashing is used as a form of punishment, reminds me of a state.
Meanwhile my gen-3 today
Americans, don’t let tyranny lead you. Blockchain brings freedom, no matter who the president is.
Remember, Trump sucks
Your keys mean your ownership. This is the pinnacle of the private property law institution. Private is the opposite of the state. States are starting to lose control over money
Пояснювальна записка до законопроекту 11340, який дозволяє корупціонерам «відкупитися» від корупціі, містить такі самі софізми як і це речення 🤦‍♀️

Законодавці кажуть приблизно наступне: «Нам треба запровадити угоду про визнання винуватості. Як новаційне європейське явище. Мовляв, компенсація - це 2-в-1: відплата за вчинений злочин + індульгенція на його вчинення».

Тільки чомусь починають не з розбою чи крадіжки, а саме з корупції.

blob: https://itd.rada.gov.ua/billInfo/Bills/Card/44421
Your keys mean your ownership.
That’s all
How long will it take until political parties in parliament are replaced by blockchain networks, and their leader is an exogenous figure (first among equals)?
Indicator of right events: people of the future laugh at you as they would at the barbarian
Competition is naturally supposed to stimulate people
Ethereum is a meritocratic state where validators and contributors have a proof of the right to govern
How should we tackle populism? A de-anonymized social rating for politicians on blockchain?
Savor the moment as we stand at the dawn of the blockchain technology boom.

Savor their niche appeal.
Soon, it will become commonplace.

Yet, I am certain this will usher in the flourishing of a democratic society, which, in essence, will also be a "niche" period.
Help to unban @alik.eth (the ʼUkraineʼ channel creator)profile on Twitter.

Will appreciate your likes and reposts of the following post ->

Thank you a lot ETHKyiv and @vitalik.eth for this opportunity.
We will do our best on our law+blockchain way
A constitutional compiler, smart contracts as law, ‘The source of power is the people’ in the Ethereum network, and the signatures of 43 million Ukrainians.

Web3 philosophical journal, “Algorism in the 21st century”.
The PFD version is available here https://agorist.xyz/media/products/issue-02/Agorism_XXI_II_2023.pdf
I believe that law is an archaic form of mathematics. And as mathematics evolves, more laws will be regulated through code, not humanistic presumptions.
Я запустила ⚖ AI юриста на базі OpenAI (GPT4)

Мета проєкту - підвищити правову грамотність українців і обізнаність у власних правах 🔱
