

for code of laws, "code is law", and other lexical activities

speedOfEvolution = speedOfInformationExchange;
You know how those code scanning tools always find offensive words and you are wondering- how did 'slaughter' or 'mullato' get in here? Well, I just wrote "that function will help straighten the kink in the hose" in a documentation. Now it makes sense
h/t @neerajka

would also like to know the distinction between deploying & publishing code as it relates to freedom speech vs conduct. (h/t Jonathan Howard)
huh, TIL (from a channel 5 video, no less:

this distinction between status & conduct seems to roughly meet the same function as the distinction between speech & conduct.

human conduct itself speaks to mindset & personhood, enough to obviate de facto rights derived from less precise principles hardcoded for sentimental assurance.

in other words, there's political efficiency to the bureaucracy only triggering on taboo initiative instead of more broadly sweeping the taboo (and risking a major schism).
h/t @valkenburgh for sharing this:

also h/t @neerajka for the "I'm sry your system depended on a third party in control" (paraphrasing).

the core legal concept that will continue to play out is the impudence of developers to "speak" *beyond self-interest*.

society has not arbitrated a disobedient public good. consider how this in the scope of autonomous code.
how would installing a physical stock certificate in a mobile domicile w/ a livestream be otherwise limited?

assuming the domicile can interact w/ its environment & this can trigger transactions, what other emergent properties are different?
I wonder if we've stepped into a new age. following the Information Age.

something like a "Neocorporate Age", where the definitions of LLC-like entities, as well as traditional personhood, inherit legitimacy from an irrepudiable source of truth. contrary to this, our culture has to inherit the "post-truth reality" of the previous age, alongside the attack surface of the dark forest.
in a sense, codeslaw is a reference to the unrealized IRL benefit/liability for coordinated behavior.

awesome to see Curia in action: