

The Farcaster Forum for Philosophy.

I suppose this is practical philosophy — the consequences of thinking more clearly.

A very old friend from college pinged me last week. In her line of work, she helps people deal with uncertainties around what to do and what is valuable.

Her question is (I’m paraphrasing): When people do cost/benefit analyses or expected value analyses to decide what to do in situations where they don’t know what will happen, they are treating the situation as formally risky when it may not be. What's your recommendation? Other than re-labeling the word "risk," what's the alternative course of action?

It’s an important question, because so many real-world situations are unknown in uncertain ways, not formally risky ways. I wrote about the answer here:
It's remarkable how many elections worldwide remain at an arm's length of 50-50 outcomes. Perhaps modern binary institutions just gonna yield binary outcomes.
The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death. – 1 Corinthians 15:26.
What blogging/ newsletter platform do you think is comfy for the reader?
"You're not in traffic. You are traffic."
What does the farcasterverse think of intellectuals? Are they good or bad?

I understand that there's lots of science donde for legitimizing the system but the overall is very obviously net good. The problem is people associate these feats with the entrepreneurs that bring science's discoveries to the masses, and then see scientists as "the elite".
reality is language (h/t Terrence McKenna)

it’s amazing how my thinking and mental models evolved as my lexicon expanded
Is truth really about facts, or is it about what we want to be true? Maybe we only desire truths because we see others desiring them

is truth itself a mimetic desire
it's ironic to me that much of so called "objectivity" is itself conceptual and ideological. when I think long enough about it, the only exception I can think of is mathematics - but that in itself is *entirely* conceptual too.

the most important ideas to us all have cyclical definitions, and thus we can expend infinite energy to fight over them indefinitely with little resolution. are there any exceptions? thinking a lot about this.
“We have all the answers. Now we just have to find the questions.” -@vl4dfinance (𝕏)
i want to be able to telepathically shitpost without any intruder headset. who's building this?
in the name of decentralization, several gigaheads around here are ready to upload themselves to floppy disks, and merge the visible into a flatland. that's utterly based if you ask me. at least we can then play a lifesize game of life.
Hey Farcaster; throughout history, what tends to happen when you take power away from the people and give it to a selected few?
math socks while we discussed the philosophical underpinnings of this year's physics nobel prize and an unrelated paper in Nature Communications on vanadium dioxide oscillators as a way forward for building spiking neural networks
Good morning beautiful people. What have you been reading recently that has philosophical substance? I mean it can even be a shitcoin prospectus.
Because you and I are gonna die, we deserve to treat each other with love.
"The fundamental properties of language design indicate that a rich tradition of is correct in regarding language as essentially a tool of thought."
- Chomsky

Will AI be language models all the way down? What does that mean for the future of human thought and language?
I think a major gating issue for maximizing human/AI collaboration is human egoism.

Imagine a scenario where everyone on Earth could produce one-world changing thing. Say they had the choice of doing that thing themselves or with collaboration with AI-agents.

I think most people would, at least reactively, prefer to achieve the thing alone.

Then say they could do that same thing 1.1x better in coordination with the agents than they would alone. I still think a majority of people would, at least reactively, choose to do it alone.
"Sometimes people don't want to
hear the truth because they don't
want their illusions destroyed."

Frederick Nietzsche