
@elenithinks #1684

Co-founder building @loopcrypto, unlocking onchain payments without the headache | https://www.loopcrypto.xyz
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This is amazing validation that onchain payments are here & growing - congrats to the Stripe team on launching!

Stripe, as a payment management system, entering this space is a huge signal. Other tools that serve businesses from creators to educational platforms to e-commerce sites will need onchain payment processors, like @loopcrypto.

At Loop, we can plug into any system, even Stripe, to unlock onchain payments, including subscriptions, on any EVM + Solana and in any ERC-20 token.

We’re excited to be building in this growing space!

If you learn more from failing then succeeding, why don’t we interview more people who have failed?
The Singapore readout you've been waiting for...

@phantom: softest shirt
@solana: best compilation (bag, jacket, hat )
@ETHGlobal: most useful (packing cubes)
• heliuslabs: what a hoodie should be
• okx: most fashionable sock
• wormhole: best brand (marine layer)
While the Bank of America charge card had some early success in 1958, the missing piece that would allow it to scale was the communication layer (i.e., Visa). Once banks, merchants, and customers were all using the same communication layer that identified the context around the payments being made, card networks could scale and hit escape velocity.

I was inspired to do a little more writing on the history of card networks. Here is some weekend or plane reading if you're headed to Singapore 😉.
Excellent piece on stablecoins solving real frictions in payments today.

“....you're systematically not paying enough attention to the weak signals in this market because of personal biases, lack of usefulness in your context, or distaste for anything with a proximity to Crypto.

That's a recipe for disruption....

Like everything in payments, it's slowly, then suddenly."

This is because payments is a 2-sided market: payers and payees build on either side, one attracting the other in a feedback loop, until the speed at which each side is added moves so fast it hits escape velocity.

To start this flywheel, you must start with solving painpoints for payers. Simon explains how on-chain payments is doing this today.

The signs are there all along, the wide acceptance only feels sudden to those not paying attention.


I've been using Arc browser for the last week and I still don't get the excitement about it.

What feature should I be using that makes Arc 10x > every other browser?
Podcast on prediction markets - they’re bullish on embedding in apps (like swaye!)

Thank you all for tuning in these past 23 hours!

Before I fade into the background again...if you want to grow your customer base, reduce churn, and enable on-chain payments in minutes, please check out my company @loopcrypto.

We’ve helped 50+ companies including @neynar, @pinata, @kaitoai, & @tokenunlocks transact millions on-chain.

If you're a company, foundation, or DAO, we can streamline your operations with recurring payment scheduling. We've helped top organizations like @ensdao, @alongside, & @bottodao save hours each month.

A few of our killer features 😉
- Integrations w/ web2 payments & accounting products (e.g., Stripe, Xero, QBO, etc.)
- True autopay for recurring subscriptions
- Instant off-ramping
- Purchases via Frames
Before joining web3 in 2018, I spent 6 years in DC working at the federal government.

I deeply believe if there was a better path & more fluid movement between federal employees and industry across all positions we’d all be better off.

Part of the issue is some of the jobs that exist in government (i.e. diplomats) simply don’t exist in industry, but the larger problem is government experience even for functional roles (i.e. product manager) that do exist in industry is simply not valued. Your skills are seen as non-transferable and you're viewed as someone who doesn’t have the “mentality” for industry.

This should change.

Government would understand industry’s problem from first-hand experience & industry would respect the people in government working for all Americans.
In 5 years, the majority of cross-border payments will be on-chain.

@loopcrypto we’re already seeing that >80% of the payments our merchants collect are cross-border.

For cross-border payments, Visa charges an additional 1-1.4% fee TO BOTH THE MERCHANT AND THE CONSUMER.

On-chain is faster, cheaper, and easier for all parties.
Napster (1999) & Pandora (2000) were launched before Gmail (2004) 🤯
My dream position to hire for is a technical strategic initiatives person.

I'm envisioning a dev that reports directly to me and solves customer fire drills, builds small features we can iterate & fail fast with, and addresses the random UI bugs that annoy the shit out of just me but aren’t a priority. Our dev team can then just focus on sprints. 😁
Feels like a win-win for everyone. 
Is there boost badge? I feel like a tool recasting this...

Writing takes me a really long time but I did it and I'm proud of my work. I wanted to share it more wildly.
Hopefully my boosted casts helps with your reach.

World, see some awesome jobs below 👇
Diana is absolutely amazing. Her content is one of a kind, she’s willing and excited to try new products, and she deeply believes in this space.

Don’t miss out 👇
As my first order of business, here’s a work trip hack:

- Add another timezone to your google calendar by going to "settings" and checking the box for "display secondary time zone". It makes scheduling 100x easier.
If anyone is using Rippling, they asked us to sign some form about a change in address which made no sense since we haven't moved. When I inquired about it, turns out they mistakingly updated our address to a dummy address and were trying to correct it without having to tell us.

I'd double check your address for federal taxes in case you're in the same boat.

The Notorious B.I.G. got it right - mo’ money, mo’ problems.

More money doesn’t fix your problems at a startup, it amplifies them. At earlier stages, these problems can be manageable, but at some point they can take hold. This is part of why bigger, more well known companies don’t always have the better product. More money & headcount make moving faster and fixing things harder.

Learning, iterating, and adopting in a radically changing environment is the edge startups have to build a better product and achieve asymmetric returns. 
I wonder why we don’t remember dreams
Update: I got my dog a Pokémon. She’s still unimpressed.

(Disclaimer: no dogs were actually acquired in the making of any casts this weekend)
It’s me, hi. I’m the problem, it’s me.
I got my dog a dog so she wouldn’t be lonely, now I just have 2 dogs staring at me.
Messy FinOps is the business equivalent of tech debt. If your FinOps are 100% in order, you likely spent time early on focusing on the wrong thing.
someone should invent a desk chair that is wide enough for both you and your dog