
@harshh-jainn #533603

figuring out how to create a two sided funnel hobby cartoonist, software @ citi
31 Follower 112 Following
philosophy poasting must never stop :D
is anyone aware if other social networks have done this before?

And one must wonder what happens post the rewards period ends, but I guess once you become a poaster you don't particularly stop as it's fun

@v @dwr.eth any way i can read the bunch of notes post april 23? can't seem to figure out if you stopped publishing or have moved elsewhere. tia!
auto follow is the easiest way to find cool people from your rolodex communities and be farcaster mutuals with them!

a) access your rolodex communities with your farcaster accounts
b) choose which set of cool people you want to know better (personally recommend doing this for all communities, knowing too many cool people has never hurt anyone)
does sign in with neynar let me get the signature and message like how I can get that from authkit? I need these two to get some user data on my application. Post that I need the signer_uuid to perform writes based on user data. Is there a flow that helps me get all three things?
does anyone know how to implement forms of sign in with farcaster that let me get the message and signature and signer-uuid in a single flow

I need the first two to retrieve associated account details + the last one to perform writes on behalf of the users. TIA!
curious if there are farcaster users into comics
hey folks
is there any official farcaster api through which i can follow a particular account? when i looked around i can only see neynar api's (reference : https://docs.neynar.com/reference/follow-user)
why is this down i have some things i want to ship .-.
