

Social media is mainstream. This is a place to discuss social media's design and impact. /social is the place for the intelligent and globally informed conversation about social media we've always been looking for.

What are your thoughts on X's change to the block behavior?

(Blocked users will see your posts, they won't be able to engage with them).

I think it makes public X profiles sort of like blogs with open comments, with the option to ban users from commenting. You can't selectively block people from reading a public blog so you won't be able to selectively block people from reading a public X profile.
Definitely one of the best crypto reports. Key takeaways about social:

less than 1% of daily active addresses are linked to social networking, yet 10.3% of crypto projects in 2024 are social-related, revealing a significant gap. and Farcaster stands out among the top 5 hottest builder subcategories.

still early!
The permissionless group chat platform @towns has finally launched. It previously raised a total of $51M in funding, led by a16z. is built on the @buildonriver protocol, which consists of an EVM-compatible L2 chain, decentralized off-chain stream nodes, and smart contracts deployed on Base. This means you can quickly create chat groups (called towns) with end-to-end encryption for all messages, all without needing permission.

In terms of user experience, it looks a bit like Discord or Slack. Similar to other onchain messaging platforms, it supports gate access using tokens, NFTs, or specific wallet addresses.

In short, @towns claims to be permissionless, decentralized, trusted, and entirely controlled by the people who build on it, these are the reasons I'm excited to give it a try.
checked out arena dot social

at first, i thought it was a low-key version of wildcard on avalanche, but it's basically a twitter clone with profile tickets

i'm surprised projects are still experimenting with basic social feeds and bonding curves

saw it here:
Community Notes seems like pretty pointless moderation unless there is a penalty for users who repeatedly get corrected by it.
the emerging and ever-growing market of IRL social apps will need a permissionless social graph in order to be as impactful and wide-reaching as possible

this is why i’m passionate about farcaster’s open, programmable approach to social and its bet on channels

technology to connect us, not divide us
reaction videos, takes on twitter, etc - it feels like original content gets lost in our feeds, and we end up consuming mostly opinions while actual news or events are rare. this fills our social feeds with biased takes, making users less creative with the content they post
three signals of spammy behavior

- Graph based: assuming social graph

- Behaviors: repetitive actions

- Textual: the way they write
highly recommend reading this from july

social giants have numbed us to the value of our creativity, interactions, and time - this will change, it’s just gonna take a bit ⏳
tring @memstagram built on /base. you can share memes like on but it more focuses on memes related to memecoins, including AI-generated options with famous meme characters models.

the standout feature is that your meme could be selected for, or you can vote in meme battles to earn rewards onchain.
I am not the hugest Sandberg fan, but this is definitely true.

Without her, Facebook (Meta) would have never become the behemoth it is now …

She built the whole monetization model.
So there is another big thing need to be noticed by the web3 social sector:

Binance has launched its Chatgroup product, currently integrated in Binance's webpage ( not in mobile app yet)

If you want to try the product, you can join my chatroom via the following link ⬇️
Very cool story + breakdown
Has anyone tried Timeleft? If so, what's been your experience?

It's a neat concept (dinner with algo-matched strangers), curious to see if they can scale it. French startup, first dinner was in Lisbon in 2020, started doing dinners in NYC back in March.
"bullish about the untapped potential of the friendship space"

Totally missed that Bumble acquired Geneva back in May. The problem I've seen with dating apps trying to get into friend-making is that they tend to overindex on physical appearance.

Dating: I care about how you look
Friends: I care about how you think
Love this update! It helps Twitter users get accepted by FC friends easily and quickly.

Even more exciting is the potential for an API from FC’s connection with Twitter, possibly integrating the two social platforms into a unified social graph layer for building reputation, incentives, social apps, and more legos.
LinkedIn truly is the social network for NPCs
uh oh, the ChatGPT replyguys are infiltrating tiktok (and every other social platform that exists)

so what’s their incentive to do this tiktok???
i love that beverage industry has permeated youtube culture enough that drinks founders are breaking the 4th wall as influencers and telling their story on the side of the can
"Meta is currently banning and restricting users on a hair trigger. One of my colleagues was locked out of her account briefly this week after joking that she “wanted to die” because of a heatwave"
Uvio Network is a onchain predictive market platform, it reminds me of Vitalik's previous idea of combining Community Notes with prediction markets.

While Polymarket is about asking questions, Uvio is about making statements.

It allows users to make statements about real-world events (Claims) and stake their reputation on them. This is a platform for those who seek to gauge their accuracy over time.

overall, it seems to be an interesting attempt at a prediction market outside of the many imitations of Polymarket, but I personally feel it lacks significant appeal for users. 🤔