
@jaen.eth #9447

Artist & psyche explorer https://jaen.art 🌍 Exhibited Worldwide/Museums/Saatchi/ in actual Space 🛰 💎 SR/6529 Memes/Fake Rares/Disney /cult /audiovisual
1548 Follower 383 Following
Me coming back to see what's up in Castland: the Dead Internet Theory coming up real fast with AI chatbot replies everywhere 🤖
A new conceptual and minimal piece on attention economy and the dismal place of art in the age of social media.

How long do you look at a piece of art before it goes down content oblivion with the rest?

A thread on X:
New song available everywhere
Boomer: sweet 30 sec intro!
Zoomer: y does it start at 1'30 tho
As a channel owner, not being able to ban someone, or at least mute them in the channel, or hide individual posts is unfathomably bad design.

Th only thing you can do is like everything that you think fits as a mod to hope to push unrelated stuff away. That's an inverted boolean mechanic that's 100x the work for the same result, if bad posts are few.
Okay, who amongst you had to check? 😤
Great exhibition by @hugofaz in São Paulo. Context, great screen, and FUCKING SOUND.
Y'all exhibitooooors should take notes 🙏🥂
Animated PFPs - gone
Power Badge - gone
Degen allowance - gone
People idk in my feed - still there

This is how we build 🎩
If anyone wants to build a new social app, please:
- don't let the algo ask people to spend their life on it
- allow people to choose what they see (regarding both imposed algo and censorship)
- make the rules transparent and fair
- allow posts to be displayed for days (LinkedIn culture sucks, but the algo is great in that regard)
- don't create bubbles, leave some randomness to what's shown
- don't create priviledge tiers
- would there be bot problems if there are little ways to benefit from bots? (artificial virality or engagement focus)
Reply with cheese, or else
Are we gonna break a record this week?
Maybe the first cryptoart documentary ever? (seen plenty of NFT ones, but nothing feeling specifically cryptoart yet)
What is the Cult?
What is cryptoart?
Some questionable answers and more unsollicited questions, with many of your fave artists in this space.
The only thing you'll miss is the laughters and woooos during the projection 🥂
I could post it daily anyway.
This piece was going to be auctioned in an AI-themed auction at Sotheby's, until someone left the company and it got benched.

In a parallel universe, it did 🥲
Times might change, cf @nfc-summit
-@basileus @johnkarp opening 28th
-Immersive Mockumentary 28th 10am @jaen.eth ++
-Party 28th 10pm @basse @plutonicmind @arthr @angietaylor @dundo
-Art Market Souline ++
-AR Exhib. @ogar ++
-Exhib. IRL Gallery @mablab @defiantsquid @nedtzo @theperfesser @stina @jaen.eth
Anyone else has their feed filled with people they don't know?
If you let Panache's song through a spectrogram, you will see literal echoes of the past in the frequencies.
Their time of release is getting closer.
Bringing some paintings to @nfc-summit
at the /cult Physical Art Market 🎨