Joshua Hyde

@jrh3k5.eth #9702

* sponsored by Merkle, 5 USDC at a time * higher rank in Tae Kwon Do than Vladimir Putin * hobbies include emailing customer support at crypto companies
1425 Follower 167 Following
Feels like the ENS resolution in Metamask could use some work.

Partner: "I think I'll have to miss the time traveler's expo this year."
Me: "Don't worry. It'll happen last year again."
Partner: 😑
x-casting in case there's someone over in /dev who knows the answer.
I have a system that has multiple organizations. Each organization has multiple projects. I would like to issue tokens that are non-fungible between projects but can be identified as belonging to a particular organization.

It seems like ERC-1155 would be the right approach, where each project has its own token ID. However, I would like to be able to query for tokens across all projects that belong to a particular organization (for a given owner address).

Is there a good standard to accomplish this? Or am I looking at a bespoke token implementation for that functionality?
My partner: "I need gas."
Me, an EV driver: "What's gas? Is that what you use to pay for blockchain transactions?"
"I can send you some ETH."
"Sure. I need about $500 worth."
"Jesus. Do you drive your car on Mainnet?"
I posted on Facebook about the BREAD crowdstaking and a friend asked me to summarize it as a Spongebob meme for people who aren't crypto-native.
Dog caught a vestibular disease that is giving her motion sickness. Vet prescribed some motion sickness medication, so we had it filled at CVS. They used my last name, the dog's first name, and my birthdate to enter the prescription - so CVS now has an entry for a beagle on the verge of turning 40 years old in their system.
Is Kamino not allowed in the US? I was going to try supplying some USDC, but they apparently think I'm in a sactioned country. Getting this without a VPN while being on an IP that is very much American.
As the weather during my rides grows colder, I slowly begin transforming into the Winter Soldier.

Ready to comply.
Took the plunge because I was able to make it work on desktop. So many nice QOL improvements - very much worth the 10 USDC. Hoping, someday, that signin with Farcaster works on mobile.
The neighborhood kids' apparent favorite pastime includes screaming at random intervals, so, as @KohiKunoichi and I watch "Zodiac" this Sunday afternoon, we get to play the game, "Movie or Child?".
Considering getting a juicer to help improve the variety of second fermentations I can do in my kombucha brews. Anyone got recommendations?
Watching Aliens, and the business suit guy says, "It's what we call a 'shake and bake' colony," and it amuses that, in this movie's future, there's a commercial culture reference that has apparently died by the early 2000s and experiences a resurgence two hundred years later.
Driving home in my EV and my partner asks to stop by the gas station to pick up snacks. The urge to park my car at a gas pump and then act really confused is strong.
Reddit is really doubling down on their anti-VPN stance.
My insurance company gives discounts for installing this tracking software, and it tracked my morning ride as a drive in my car. There's someone who's going to be very confused about all the pedestrian paths I drove my car down this morning.
And an after-dinner cocktail (firecracker):

2oz watermelon juice
1.5oz rum (sourcing from Salem, MA optional)
1/2 oz lime juice
1/2 oz orange liqueur
1/2 oz simple syrup
1/6 tsp cayenne pepper
Dinner tonight: maple pepper chicken with roasted broccoli and mashed potatoes and an NAB wheat.
Question on sign-up using email:

I can't sign in using Farcaster because the deep linking into Warpcast is broken. If I sign up with my email address, is Supercast going to create a new FID, or will it allow me to (somehow) use my existing Farcaster account?

The UI leads me directly to payment, and I am unwilling to commit $10 to find out the answer to this question.
Finished "The Perfect Couple" last night. Some thoughts:

1. I thought it was Eugene Levy on the cover art until Lieb entered a scene
2. The brother, Thomas, gives me serious "Chris Pratt evoking JD Vance" vibes
3. This show has to have the worst and least-relevant show intro on all of Netflix
4. Not a bad murder mystery
Had a moment of panic this morning when Windows Defender said I had a Trojan on my computer.

What? How? Where did it come from?

Oh, apparently the budgeting software I wrote now happens to match a signature of a piece of malware.
Line-drying my laundry and cycling to coffee each morning has led me to an obsession with the weather forecast not shared by the common person.
MRW when a coworker asks for running shoe recommendations and my coworkers are suggesting toe shoes

When your water bottle lid wasn't on tight enough and it dumped a bunch of water on your chest so everyone at the coffee shop will just have to assume you're a sweaty boi.
My sunny-side-up egg, which I intended to break in order to flavor my dish with its yolk, apparently broke while in the kitchen, and the restaurant insisted on bringing me a replacement egg, and I'm wondering what ruckus raised by an entitled customer brought forth this policy.