carlos juar.eth

@juar.eth #4132

CTO @aragon || Cooking paellas, satellite @nouns ⌐πŸ₯˜-πŸ₯˜
701 Follower 217 Following
I actually love this change. My homepage is now just people I follow!
Also, something everyone here will probably disagree I don’t understand properly how to use channels for most things
Trying out an IR filter 😌
As much as I hate points, gotta give a shoutout to Rainbow for the innovation they are doing with it
Lately I've been feeling a bit lost about how I vote at Nouns.
One of the biggest problems at DAOs is that decentralization means either a bit of chaos or having to go into politics/organizational overhead.
Because of my past, I often lean into more into the second that the first, but is that right? πŸ€”
Need some help, I’ve gotten severely injured πŸ€• pickle got hands
Tenim permis els valencians per a xarrar açi? O n'hi ha algun permis onchain que no ens el permeta? 😜
Me fa molta illusio veure com la cultura de la nostra terra es mou onchain
Public Statement: Even tho I own Noun #988 and could definitely kick that fat πŸ₯’ ass, I am completely against violence and I refuse humiliating another noun #NoNounsViolence
I'm not building directly for Farcaster, but nothing could make me more bullish on the protocol than the Core team focusing on making sure other teams can help push it
Let’s show him.
Valencia πŸ’™πŸ’›β€οΈπŸ’›β€οΈπŸ’›
My eyes be like βŒβ—¨-β—§ seeing everyone working so hard releasing dope updates
Slow governance, action systems, shared treasury…
All trustlessly for the first time in history.
Been thinking a lot lately about photography cooperatives (such as Magnum) and what web3 means for that. These have been super important in the last century and I wonder how we can help making these easy to spin up and manage.
Specially interested in hearing from @usersteen.eth for all the work he's put in this channel
Stop outbidding me everywhere! I can't keep up I can't keep up πŸ˜‚
I’m expanding into the nouniverse πŸ›°οΈ
Call me conservative or whatever, but I'm more of a statefull contracts person. And don't get me wrong, I love @graphprotocol (less so Shadow), we use it constantly @aragon , it's just that I think access to data should be publicly accesible via RPCs even if slow.
And then index it and cache it afterwards ☺️
I have an urge for building micro games using zk tech plus NFTs. Damn it, need more hours in the day!
Too many things to build! πŸ₯Ή
Last call!
These are the best designed and quality tshirts I’ve ever had. Not even close, the work put in them is over the top. Go get one if you haven’t yet, you won’t regret!
Any one here paying for Telegram? My DMs and group chats are now totally unmanageable and not sure what to do?
I have couple Folders, but doesn't seem to be enough
gm! Is this channel "time gated"?
Would be amazing to be able to attach custom "censuses" to channels, the same way you can for DAOs
The biggest Ledger security feature is failing 99% of the times you try using it
I wasn't planning on directly endorsing any project in particular, but fuck it!
I'm super impressed with the work by @nns in their proposal https://prop.house/0x767a3bdf2aa3b3201b794927a997fcf4e50d4702/29 .
It's the perfect spot of innovation and trad ideas.
"Nounish houses" βŒβ—¨-β—¨