Nouns x Farcaster
3 teams, 3 months, $300k USDC. An open invitation to build a dedicated Nouns Farcaster client. Voting is live @ https://prop.house/0x767a3bdf2aa3b3201b794927a997fcf4e50d4702
gm and happy friyay @ccarella.eth and @seneca! @shapeshift invited us to a twitter space on wednesday at 12 ET to talk about /nounspace; would either of y'all be available to join and rep nouns?
Wow, hard to believe that it’s been 3 months already!
So excited to share what we’ve built so far, see what @rubinovitz and @gabrielayuso.eth have built, and hear from ⌐◨-◨ and the broader community on what they’d love to see next.
Is there still appetite for a demo day? If so, who should get the honor of organizing?
cc @ccarella.eth @seneca
So excited to share what we’ve built so far, see what @rubinovitz and @gabrielayuso.eth have built, and hear from ⌐◨-◨ and the broader community on what they’d love to see next.
Is there still appetite for a demo day? If so, who should get the honor of organizing?
cc @ccarella.eth @seneca
Thoughts on doing a demo day at the end of the 3 mo sprint so grant winners can show off what they've built?
cc @rubinovitz @gabrielayuso.eth @seneca @ccarella.eth
cc @rubinovitz @gabrielayuso.eth @seneca @ccarella.eth
Now that we've claimed our funding from the nouns x farcaster round, which memecoin should we ape into?
willywonka ⌐◨-◨
@willywonka.eth·19:31 01/04/2024
$100k USDC has been claimed, bridged to base, and deposited in to the Nounspace team multisig.
Pretty amazing that it only cost $0.37 to deploy a @safe on @base, and will only get cheaper.
Feel free to track our finances onchain :)
Pretty amazing that it only cost $0.37 to deploy a @safe on @base, and will only get cheaper.
Feel free to track our finances onchain :)
Congrats to the winners!
And props to @toadyhawk.eth and @brennen.eth for hosting a lovely /tavern last night.
LH will be be going ahead. So keep an eye out!
And props to @toadyhawk.eth and @brennen.eth for hosting a lovely /tavern last night.
LH will be be going ahead. So keep an eye out!
A very heartfelt thank you to everyone who participated in the round. I know the process is not easy and if we’re being honest, quite raw. It’ll get better!
For now - know that anyone is welcome to propose anything at any time: nouns.camp/new
Enjoy Nouns!
For now - know that anyone is welcome to propose anything at any time: nouns.camp/new
Enjoy Nouns!
hasn't even been 1 hour since voting closed, and big moves are already being made 👀
willywonka ⌐◨-◨
@willywonka.eth·19:34 29/03/2024
Nounspace team had a great call with @gabrielayuso.eth today (author of 2nd place prop, 498.wtf), and we tentatively aligned on a collaborative strategy that we’re super pumped about.
Thank you nouners for letting us cook!!! ⌐◨-◨
With all of the faith and funding you’ve entrusted us with, we have no choice now but to make you proud.
Building has already commenced, and we cannot wait to show you Nounspace 🚀
follow our progress in /nounspace
With all of the faith and funding you’ve entrusted us with, we have no choice now but to make you proud.
Building has already commenced, and we cannot wait to show you Nounspace 🚀
follow our progress in /nounspace
Gm builders! Wishing you the best today as we close in on the end of the round. Respect for everyone that cooked up a vision, proposal, designs, and/or working products. Let’s keep building no matter what happens in 4 hrs 20 mins.
Also big gm to everyone that took the time to read through the props and vote 💜
Also big gm to everyone that took the time to read through the props and vote 💜
good source for builders to catch up on stuff that's happening in nouns
Toady Hawk
@toadyhawk.eth·20:26 22/03/2024
It’s time for another episode of the Nouns Roundup for March 2024— all the news from around the Nouniverse in 3 minutes or less, brought to you by @jackwyldes.eth from /thenounsquare.
First 100 mints for FREE below, Leggo! ⌐◨-◨
First 100 mints for FREE below, Leggo! ⌐◨-◨
Multisig voters will be able to vote starting tomorrow. The manual process will finally be gone 🫡
rounds are not only about the product outcomes but also the second order effects that come with it: a gathering of great people discussing interesting ideas. what nouns is all about!
Context around voting:
- There are about 500 Nouns, turn out is expected to be ~20% (100 nouns)
- Each Noun gets 10 votes so total expected votes are ~1000
- It's common to see majority of votes come in during the final 48 hours
- All votes are onchain & final
- Voting ends this Friday (3/9) @ 3PM EST
- There are about 500 Nouns, turn out is expected to be ~20% (100 nouns)
- Each Noun gets 10 votes so total expected votes are ~1000
- It's common to see majority of votes come in during the final 48 hours
- All votes are onchain & final
- Voting ends this Friday (3/9) @ 3PM EST
the brand polls on X and Farcaster for the modular onchain universe are mirror images of eachother 😂
Running with nounspace.com for now, but we registered ourspace.wtf just in case. Each has pros and cons but I’m v happy with either.
Running with nounspace.com for now, but we registered ourspace.wtf just in case. Each has pros and cons but I’m v happy with either.

Thank you to all the builders who proposed to Nouns x Farcaster. It is not easy to put yourself out like you have.
The fun now begins: Nouns voters will have until Friday to vote.
Good luck and remember to enjoy Nouns - this is what it’s all about!
The fun now begins: Nouns voters will have until Friday to vote.
Good luck and remember to enjoy Nouns - this is what it’s all about!

Highly recommend submitting now if you are moving ahead. Since everything is onchain - there is no way to submit afterwards.
Art generated by DALL-E when given the Nounspace proposal and asked to generate a psychedelic piece of an artistic representation of Nounspace that represents the Onchain Modular Universe and is psychedelic.
1111 editions available, share to earn 14% of mint fee
1111 editions available, share to earn 14% of mint fee
@krel·15:05 24/03/2024
In your application, please consider spending some time outlining why you are well positioned to build [your idea].
Its not just credentials (altho can be relevant if impressive) but experience or insights that are unique to you/your team
Its not just credentials (altho can be relevant if impressive) but experience or insights that are unique to you/your team
Just updated prop #21 with almost 13 hours to spare.
You can now enjoy mockups of Nounspace and/or meet the team in a quick intro vid. @artichokelord @realitycrafter.eth
We're so stoked about the idea and hope y'all are too! We NEED to build this!!!
You can now enjoy mockups of Nounspace and/or meet the team in a quick intro vid. @artichokelord @realitycrafter.eth
We're so stoked about the idea and hope y'all are too! We NEED to build this!!!
gm, please take a sec to weigh in on the name of our nounish farcaster client 🙏 both will have noggle logos
Note that Nounspace/Ourspace is bigger than Nouns and designed to appeal to a spectrum of communities throughout the onchain universe while bringing them closer together.
Both domain names have been secured
Note that Nounspace/Ourspace is bigger than Nouns and designed to appeal to a spectrum of communities throughout the onchain universe while bringing them closer together.
Both domain names have been secured

Offer only valid for the next 24 hours! First come first serve until I run out of tips.
Here's the latest draft: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1A3U--Qw29fkVwYN27jqKiLjqN5SWWEfcv4FIjyljWPI/edit?usp=sharing
Open for comments, as are my DMs.
Mockups coming soon 🔜
Here's the latest draft: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1A3U--Qw29fkVwYN27jqKiLjqN5SWWEfcv4FIjyljWPI/edit?usp=sharing
Open for comments, as are my DMs.
Mockups coming soon 🔜
if i had to sum up my dream nouns app (client), it’d be a place where you can *enjoy nouns*. that can be expressed in many ways but the feeling is the same.
Didn't get as far as I would have liked today, but hit the goal of getting a shareable draft prop on paper: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1A3U--Qw29fkVwYN27jqKiLjqN5SWWEfcv4FIjyljWPI/edit?usp=sharing
Tn @artichokelord is working on UI mockups, and tm we will finalize the prop. All we need is your feedback! 🙏
Tn @artichokelord is working on UI mockups, and tm we will finalize the prop. All we need is your feedback! 🙏
Nounspace is designed to not only be the ultimate Farcaster client for the Nouns community, but a novel and useful client that appeals to users and communities across the decentralized universe.
willywonka ⌐◨-◨
@willywonka.eth·22:43 22/03/2024
Super rough example to illustrate what @trashnfts' Nounspace profile could look like. What do y'all think?
First one to find the easter egg gets tipped my full DEGEN tip balance for the day (5605 $DEGEN)
First one to find the easter egg gets tipped my full DEGEN tip balance for the day (5605 $DEGEN)
I present Nounspace's first official meme in mintable form:
"Nounspace in 3 buzzed up words"
1111 available
"Nounspace in 3 buzzed up words"
1111 available
Just for fun, I asked ChatGPT to imagine a mockup for Nounspace based on a prompt generated from the draft scope doc. Here's what she dreamt up.
We're not quite at the point where AI can generate production-ready UI/UX, but we're getting damn close.
We're not quite at the point where AI can generate production-ready UI/UX, but we're getting damn close.

More than nailing the details of the perfect client, the game is to iterate your way to something that has 1 killer feature/ux modality.
Accordingly, Nouns voters will likely weigh who the team/individual is just as much (if not more) than the proposed product.
Accordingly, Nouns voters will likely weigh who the team/individual is just as much (if not more) than the proposed product.
getting more excited as we make more progress on Nounspace, a Nounish Farcaster client inspired by Myspace.
Here's the latest draft scope for anyone that's curious: https://shapeshift.notion.site/Nounspace-a1fb1d8e6bd146978ea3f8310da5c494?pvs=4
Would love to hear any/all feedback! It's open for comments
getting more excited as we make more progress on Nounspace, a Nounish Farcaster client inspired by Myspace.
Here's the latest draft scope for anyone that's curious: https://shapeshift.notion.site/Nounspace-a1fb1d8e6bd146978ea3f8310da5c494?pvs=4
Would love to hear any/all feedback! It's open for comments
nothing like a deadline to get the job done 💪
listening to this devin the dude song until the job is done ✍️
listening to this devin the dude song until the job is done ✍️
feedback for proposers:
- 50% of the prop is the ideas your proposing
- the other 50% is who YOU are. nounsfolk are betting on people here - not just ideas. so make sure you add who you / your team is, what you've done, etc. the more trust you can build, the better.
- 50% of the prop is the ideas your proposing
- the other 50% is who YOU are. nounsfolk are betting on people here - not just ideas. so make sure you add who you / your team is, what you've done, etc. the more trust you can build, the better.
4 days left to submit to the Nouns x Farcaster round.
Dms open if anyone is on the fence or has any qs!
Dms open if anyone is on the fence or has any qs!

some thoughts from a recent call:
- #1 goal for early stages should be to build something that people come back to on a daily basis
- lean into what is already there: nouns governance (nouns.camp) is a pool of data that is already an attention grabber
- go manual: in order to iterate fast, don't build systems initially
- #1 goal for early stages should be to build something that people come back to on a daily basis
- lean into what is already there: nouns governance (nouns.camp) is a pool of data that is already an attention grabber
- go manual: in order to iterate fast, don't build systems initially