
@julieinweb3 #212259

community first | enjoy the moment | building decentralized social @tako | building /thebasics /00s /zhongwenjiao /spacem3lon /base-hk
2002 Follower 802 Following
@vitalik.eth 中文好流利,欢迎来中文角跟大家分享一下中文学习经验呀!

welcome to Space M3lon. 🍉🍉🍉

let's meet and get a photo!!!
‘Water brings wealth,’ right? Big thanks to Singapore and @token2049 for the Mid-Autumn Festival gift!

Right after #FarCon Asia wrapped up, it started pouring. we got completely soaked in seconds, inside and out.

Maybe it’s a sign that our money’s on its way? 😆
遇水则发。谢谢新加坡和 token2049给的中秋礼物!

今天在 #FarCon Asia 活动结束,突然大雨,几秒钟我们从上到下,从里到外,完全湿透。

我在 @TakoProtocol 做增长。


// 增长的类别


1 技术驱动型增长
2 产品驱动型增长
3 商业驱动型增长
4 叙事驱动型增长
5 市场/营销驱动型增长
6 社区/运营驱动型增长

// 增长官的职责

1 类增长看 CTO/CEO
2 类增长看 CTO/CEO/PM
3 类增长看 CEO/CBO/CSO


// 增长官的目标


If you do growth, are interested in the Chinese market, or curious about my growth approach, or just want to connect — drop a comment or DM me. Let’s meet up!
At @TakoProtocol, I lead growth.

Growth is critical in any company/project. The person taking charge of the growth is usually called a growth lead, chief growth officer (CGO) or the head of growth.

// Types of Growth

Growth typically falls into six categories, each driven by different forces:
1 Tech-driven growth
2 Product-driven growth
3 Business-driven growth
4 Narrative-driven growth
5 Marketing-driven growth
6 Community/operations-driven growth

// What Does a CGO Do?

Tech-driven and product-driven growth (types 1 and 2) are usually led by the CTO, CEO, and PM. Business-driven growth (type 3) involves the CEO, CBO, or CSO.

The CGO is mainly responsible for narrative, marketing, and community-driven growth (types 4, 5, and 6).

Sometimes, CGOs also help with business-driven growth. Ideally, the CGO is on the front lines, closest to the market, community, and users.

// Growth Goals

A company's growth objectives depend on the company’s stage. It could be growing brand awareness, expanding influe...
come to #FarCon Asia to meet all the cool peeps!
Scored 106 in FarColor! Ranked #1, and I see the world as sharply as an 🦅!
hey @vitalik.eth, the asian farcaster community and (especially) myself are hoping to see you in this community meetup (as you are an active farcaster user) and learn about your thoughts on next-gen social in real life.
testing ways to bring more followers to /00s
怎么样给即将到来的 #TOKEN2049 活动定合适的 VIP 邀请名单?除了重点的合作伙伴、投资人爸爸、早期支持者大户等,KOL应该怎么邀请?每一个有小范围活动的项目方伙伴应该都在思考这个问题。我也是!

记得之前 @iamyourchaos 有分享过一个 @TweetScout_io 分数超过100 的华语KOL名单。或许可以从这里开始。

我那个时候追踪不到两千,已经有239 分。现在再看,我的追踪两千出头,分数增长到了263 分。

于是,我想,华语这边儿是否有追踪数比我少,但分数比我还高的伙伴呢?我肯定第一批邀请他们!一开始我比较自信,觉得肯定没有,还打算出 1ETH 悬赏来着。


每一个都超有趣!推荐大家关注起来或者放在你的邀请名单中!我们的邀请函也马上送到 🫶🏻

以下是 “人狠粉不多” 名单

// @momir_amidzic:投研 @IOSGVC,追踪~2k,分数 394
// @xylu2:Ape的小...
How do you craft the perfect VIP invite list for #TOKEN2049? Besides key partners, investors, and early supporters, how do you decide which KOLs to invite? Every project planning private events is wrestling with this — I know I am!

@iamyourchaos once shared a list of Chinese KOLs with @TweetScout_io scores over 100. Might be a good starting point.

Back then I had 1.8k followers and got a score of 239. Now, with just over 2k, it's up to 263. I started wondering — are there folks with fewer followers but higher scores?

Yes, and they’re incredibly interesting. These are definitely going on my first wave of invites.

Here’s the list — give them a follow! Invitations are on their way 🫶🏻

// @momir_amidzic: Inv & Research @IOSGVC, ~2k followers, score 394
// @xylu2: Ape gal, ~1.9k followers, score 426
// @KibaGateaux: New to me, ~1.9k followers, score 503
// @alex_wykoff: Product @airfoilstudio, ~1.9k followers, score 499
// @Satoshi_GoJo_: Marketing director @animocabrands, ~1.8k followers,...
最近在给我们在 #TOKEN2049 期间的活动 FarCon Asia 2024 制作邀请函。


Working on invites for our #FarCon Asia 2024 during #TOKEN2049. Tough balance: maximize exposure while keeping the guest list limited cos we have limited VIP spots and time.

How do you craft a focused, high-quality invite list? Would love to hear how your projects handle this.
Incredible energy at @tako VIP event at #KBW2024 with VeChain! Check out the recap video below and feel the amazing vibe

Big thanks to everyone who joined us!
f**k the rules
keep exploring

we are the 00s