


The details for PumpBera are here!
🎉 Are you ready? Get prepared for the mint.

- Launchpad: @KingdomlyApp
- Mint Time: October 18th, 14:00 UTC
- Quantity: 2,333
- Cost: Freemint
- Chain: Arbitrum Mainnet
- Rule: 1 NFT per address

📄 About Whitelist
There will be 3 windows for eligible addresses to mint the PumpBera Collection. You can secure a whitelist spot through these special windows.
The feature to sync tweets from Twitter to Takocast has now been restored! This is just a small part of the experimental features, and we look forward to exploring and sharing more exciting possibilities with everyone in the future.
“无聊猿”被“胖企鹅”拉下王座 https://www.odaily.news/post/5193118
i need a clothing manufacturer that will accept crypto
It’s time to buy ETH?
We are all Satoshi
When they all doubt you. When they all think you’re finished.

It is the greatest time for the come back arc.

It is darkest before a new dawn.
i dont think you realise how early we are

ai are literally launching memecoins

and no one in mainstream media has picked up on it

sam altman hasnt even talked about it yet
this happens to every niche online hobby
日拱一卒:10 月 16 日
#tiptag #Slime

1. https://t.co/sg0uBVaXyG : 关于链抽象你应该了解的。
2. https://t.co/XB0pKzlfQY : 微策略是炒股大师。

想了解链抽象的可以好好看下 Lydia 这篇文章。
项目方很贴心的左下和右下留了空位,没去的朋友可以把自己 p 上去,发个朋友圈。
#tiptag #Slime
之前看王川公众号,收集的图片,左右脚顺时针、逆时针各踢 8 次,每天至少踢 16 次,坚持下去,效果据说很好。(动作不复杂,难在坚持,据说还能练练腹肌啥的。)
#tiptag #Slime
在项目方看来:发币是起点,只有主网了才和世界接轨。但是在撸毛党看来,发币是终点,意味着双方的一拍两散。(有感于最近陈剑老师的帖子。 #Slime