
@phimarhal #13577

@divide is the One True God
2260 Follower 128 Following
Metamask Mobile exists in this odd space where they'll let you set your password to "abcdef", but should you try to take a screenshot of your seedphrase, it's explicitely disabled.

I'm sure it's sensible pragmatically. But on the user side it makes for a funny experience.

First you breathe a sigh of relief because FINALLY, the service you just want to sign up for doesn't force you to use a 24 characters password with alphanumeric and special characters.

Then you're greeted with 12 words you have to write down, and you realise it was a trap all along.
Composability is magic.

I never get tired of it.

My tiny toy app automatically ends up on block explorers. Displaying the onchain NFTs and all. Same would go for marketplaces, or wallets with NFT support.

You don't have to go and talk to anyone. You deploy your code permissionlessly, and then it lives forever and spreads anywhere with incentives to do generalized data retrieval.

How COOL is that?

All blockchain apps are inherently viral. Not virality in the sense of capturing human attention. But definite virality in extending its existence, in time and scope.

It's impossible to get away from the idea this is how things should work. The World Computer. This definition of Ethereum resonated with me when I heard about it, and I still feel it more than anything, even if the space moves to "ultrasound money", "digital cement", or any other framing.

Although, I do like "the infinite garden". It's another great metaphor to capture this feeling.
This... This is the best day of my life.

I vow to keep this achievement pristine and unsullied, by never ever casting anything viral again.
Finally, the boost is gone. Time to plug my Soundcloud.

I deployed a smart contract on Scroll today:

It's a collaborative onchain story.

The story behind the story:

The story behind the story behind the story: I did not code a single line of this myself. From the contract to the frontend, it's all AI. Claude Sonnet 3.5 specifically.

The whole process was a long back-and-forth chat. Sharing my ideas with Claude, implementing its code outputs, testing it, coming back to ask for fixes or improvements.

And now, the result works!! Kinda! Sort of!

Having a virtual assistant always willing to entertain your ideas, always here to answer your questions, always okay with coding under your arbitrary limits, is such an amazing superpower. For most things digital, we're only bound by our willpower these days.
Contrarian urge to counter the contrarian urge.
Most disturbing aspect of the anti-homestaking crusade over at x dot com is how far the Overton window shifted on Ethereum staking in general.

It's true the state of solo staking is unfortunate, in terms of network weight.

It's to the point solo staking, which should be seen as the baseline, is considered to be at the opposite end of the spectrum.

People on the fence reach for the middle point between anti-homestakers and solo stakers, as if the latter group were also extremists.

Or they praise the spirit of open discussion in the Ethereum community. As if this were a debate between two reasonable groups invested in the health of the network.

It's a bit like holding a governance round-table in a democracy, and one of the groups campaigns for tyranny.

(Oh, and a good half of the pro-tyranny group members look suspiciously different than the average countryman. Who knows why.)
What's a good setup to juggle multiple Warpcast accounts?
What's a good setup to juggle multiple Warpcast accounts?
What's the easiest way to verify a contract on Etherscan when it's compiled with --via-ir?
Does gating website access by invite codes truly work? As in, no info no nothing, a direct "GET CODE OR ELSE" block.

I churn everytime I'm greeted with that. Unless I knew enough of that website already, and wanted to join despite the annoyance.
There's a certain kind of father who brings up their son any chance they get, wagging their tail like an overeager puppy. Fundamentally good people, no matter the rest of their actions.
I like that they named it Claude. I can't code, but I can claude.
Very little of the Ethereum angst is relatable for me.

But if I were to play devil's advocate, I'd see the main problem as follows:

i) Ethereum is more or less unforkable today. It's arguable the forkability as escape hatch thesis never works in practice anyway, but I think today we can conclusively say it's impossible to fork Ethereum, due to the mindshare, the rollup structure, the stablecoins, and so on.


ii) any system that grows big enough ends up captured by mercenary interests and loose associations of psychopaths. Delaying this capture requires constant vigilance, tireless defense. Until Ethereum ossifies, we're only as resilient as the ability of Vitalik to come in fourth quarter and deliver a couple clutch shots to rectify course.

Nobody else has enough influence. It's also possible nobody else is as well aligned and capable, even if they had influence.
There's something so visceral to environmental destruction in video games. Likewise with building things. I wouldn't mind a game that was solely about these aspects. For that matter, that sums up Minecraft; but I'd love to see higher fidelity versions of this. Let me smash a car with a hammer and have the windshield break according to force and point of impact, the glass shards flying appropriately, and so on.
Social media trend I find strange: bragging about bidets as a hallmark of civilization.

I get it, often there is subtext of formerly "thirdworld" countries (using bidets), taking revenge on Western populations (not using bidets) for looking down on them.

But suggesting your diet is so messed up the fruit of your bowels turns out messy and sticky as a common enough occurence you need a bidet strikes me as a self-own more than a gotcha.
Stylistic change on the fly would be an incredible use of AI for music.

Think Giana Sister Twisted Dreams, where the tune shifts seamlessly between two versions when you switch characters.



Then instead of 2 alternates, think 3, 4, 10...

I wonder if anyone is working on this.
Something underdiscussed in BTC vs ETH: Bitcoin, organically, appeals so much more to older gens (60+ y/o) than Ethereum.

Yes, it is discussed, in terms of "what boomers do/like". Wording evidences the dynamic. Older generations as an outsider group.

I wonder what kind of framing could change that.
Wrote long cast on mobile app. Tabbed away to take phone call. Come back one hour later. Cast gone, no draft. 😢
Many Farcaster builders build annoyanceware by default. i.e.: click on this specific frame to interact with our app, which was posted 1 month ago by this very active account, pinned at the time and unpinned since, and the only official docs point to now obsolete "link in profile". Frames take seconds between each transition, have unexplained server errors, you lose all your progress the moment you step away, and so on.

It's rather strange. We have this decentralized protocol where transparent data is presumably a big draw, but then the official UI for it heavily restricts your UX (don't get me started on button placement - almost sent one of my dolphin nudes no less than 3 times typing this, due to button placement and interface lag). Thirdparties go even further in that direction.

These are choices, which at least is reassuring for Farcaster the protocol. If x people are willing to endure this UX, some multiplier of x should be willing to play once we reverse course at scale.
Farcaster is a safe space.

For those who don't read Farcaster.
The hardest part of being unfit to live in low trust societies has to be the way the many sociopaths who make these societies low trust gaslight you into thinking you're the defective one.
Suno. Good as a music generator. Mindblowing as a dramatic text reader.


OP (by /u/pa7x1/): https://www.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/1f31zal/comment/lkbmqp8/

"They still have no fucking clue": https://suno.com/song/e0ae6ace-f1ae-4f7d-afbe-419ee7cf4fd9

"FIVE HUNDRED T P S X": https://suno.com/song/7bf34f62-ba4a-4595-b664-931d543305b6
Timetravel murder mystery game where NPC dialogue is powered by a LLM.

Each NPC has a distinct set of goals determined from the start (randomized at least to an extent, so each playthrough is different and the Internet can't spoil you an exact walkthrough).

Fail conditions and thematic limits on player dialogue so user can't just bruteforce through i.e.: might get to speak to NPC mr A 3 times in a row, but then he has to do task X so he excuses himself no matter what.

Unless player said something so compelling it overrides task X!

Run a global clock for NPC behavior Elder Scrolls style, essentially.