
@tanwenbrantley #392965

A creative soul with an inquisitive mind. Music/Art/Organic Gardening/Gaming. Web 3 explorer. Always seeking knowledge. Build something beautiful!
901 Follower 454 Following
Hey /gardening, it's been awhile! How is everybody doing?

Wanted to share:)

Making a sauce from my cherry tomatoes. Also frying up some garlic and onions grown in my garden. Such a great feeling!

Think I'm going to post more frequently around here.

Anyway, have a blessed night everybody
Sup /replyguys...Anybody know where I can do research about Moxie and how all this new stuff works? Been a few months since I've been on FC. TY!
The whales ain't shaking me out of my bags!
Been missing in action...Still love my Farcaster fam:)

Much ❤️ frens
What is going on with my artichokes?!? They are covered in ants and covered in 💩. Are these plants beyond saving?
uwu~ tanwen-chan's gawden is full of tweekews and gophews, but she's too busy pwocwastinating to build a fence >w<

This Waifu AI is pretty spot on...My garden is filled with gophers and I've been procrastinating on building a fence. Also, some tweeker lady walked into my garden last week...yet I've never mentioned it here.

Waifu Is SENTIENT!!!!!

Create a Waifu based off your FC profile with WaifuCast!

Snap peas have grown a bit wild so I made a trellis. Bamboo + zip ties are a gardener's best friend!

Experimenting with Open Art's "Sketch to Photo" AI on some of my old drawings...most sketches were from 10-15 years ago, practice pieces/unfinished etc. Pretty impressed with the AI's capability to use the proper form, has made huge improvements over the last year.

This guy is supposed to be casting a spell with a wand.

THREAD of pics
Another fake, AI video advertisement on YouTube is being pushed by their algorithm. An AI Brian Armstrong of @coinbase promising you can double your BTC & eth investment by visiting the scammers website.

This is the 3rd fake, AI generated scam ad that Youtube has pushed to me. Last one was an AI version of Michael Saylor saying the exact same thing, but shilling a different website.

Does YT not have the proper infrastructure to screen their ads for scammy material or is this intentional?

Wanted to give everybody a heads up about this stuff, please stay safe!
Truth is confirmed by inspection and delay: falsehood by haste and uncertainty - Tacitus
Sup /masks? Practicing my Illustrator skills and remade this. Hope ya'll can use it in something! Let me know if you want the .ai file!
Built this garden bed with my son...going to be for potatoes/root crops. He did a great job!

So important to teach these types of skills to the next generation, especially to our boys.

Just a small, crudely made box, but it gave us a chance to bond as he learned a new skill.

Just wanted to share, hope everybody is able to touch SOIL today!
Don't forget to use your Ham Sanitizer!
Sup /replyguys ? How was your Saturday? Hope you all spent it touching SOIL/grass or just spent time enjoying life...Took my son fishing today. He caught 3 fish...The only thing I caught was this moment, which is good enough for me!

Much ❤️ yall
There has to be 100+ blooms here! Eventually I'll have Cherry tomatoes out the wazoo.

Very impressed with the growth of this variety, the Super Sweet 100's.

I prefer long tomato stalks rather than letting them bush out. What I do is cut the leaves below any blooming branch in order to force production.

The stalk ends up being very tall, but you can fit more in a small space with this method.

Let's see your 🍅! What is your preferred pruning method? Keeping it Sucka Free?
Sup /farther ...contributing this graphic. Hope y'all dig it:)
Sup /replyguys ? Tell me your plans today, inspire me...I have a lot to do but feeling like this...
RHAMbo shooting off some Ham today for the pHam.
Staring off into the fog.....losing my train of thought.

In awe of nature as I sit at its mercy.

There's a place the next town over that has an abundance of bamboo growing wildly by a creek. A running variety, every so often I harvest some to use in the garden (and to battle with my kids)

Bamboo is one of my favorite materials, it is so versatile. Can use them to build trellises, create borders, to stake plants etc.

One thing I do is create small platforms to keep plants off the ground.

I take a thicker piece, drill holes on one side, then place a couple thin pieces to make a stand.

Here's an example.

Works great.

What are your go to items/materials you use?
Got a lot of work done yesterday, pruned pretty much everything & Planted some Bok Choy, Lettuce and Kale varieties, moved some plants around etc.

Having a difficult time actually pulling plants and tossing them into the compost...finding a corner somewhere and throwing it back in the ground, lol.

Ton of work I still have to do, but am pleased with what I accomplished.
Fresh start to the season...Lets start this month off right! A 60k lock got me an 1,199 allo...which is more than what I'm used to.

Tipping as many people as possible today.

Send me down a rabbit hole, best replies get extra 🎩

Frame by @nikolaiii. If you like this frame, send him a tip.