Ed O'Shaughnessy

@eddieosh #1432

Complexity explorer. Residing in the liminal.
3270 Follower 1294 Following
ChatGPT is rapidly becoming my second brain. Very soon there will be a flippening and it will become my first brain!
All AI models in one place. Just Mac for now.

"The will to win is not nearly so important as the will to prepare to win"

~ Vince Lombardi, NFL coach
Be careful what precedent you set, as it may come back to bite you.
"Your freedom is on the other side of your fear. Because if you're afraid of heights, you stay low; if you're afraid of people, you stay alone; if you're afraid of the dark, you stay in the light. Your fear establishes the boundaries of your freedom, and so when you're defining your fears, you're actually defining your personal boundaries. And I'm absolutely convinced that the freedom we all long for is on the other side of our fears, and our fears become a psychological boundary that holds us captive and tells us that it's too dangerous to go there. But the moment we go there, we realize, oh my goodness, you know, this is what I've been dreaming of all my life."
~ Erwin McManus

'What It Takes To Live A Courageous Life', Modern Wisdom podcast
I'm unconvinced about this Iron Mountain story. Anyone that's worked in financial services has probably seen paper records (forms sent in by post) scanned into a computer system and then the paperwork sent to a long-term secure storage facility for archival and legal reasons. It would be weird to process the paperwork at the archival facility and have the records frequently manually accessed.
"AI cannot be aligned with “humanity” because alignment must be at the level of the Soul and “humanity” has no Soul.
Fortunately, each individual human has a Soul, and so a fully peer to peer AI can be aligned. Intimacy and care at the very personal level."

Trump is now so bad that he's worse than Hitler. Talk about jumping the shark, the establishment are just clowning themselves.
What, both of them?
(They are utterly delusional)

"To summarize, Japan's stagnation comes from two forces: a shrinking population, which means fewer workers to produce economic output and fewer inventors to raise productivity; and "zombie firms," kept alive by subsidized loans, which prevent creative destruction and drag down productivity growth across the economy."
"Self employment is a never-ending contest between the world’s worst manager and the world’s laziest employee."

— Daniel Akst
Didn't have the Mexican president protecting the drug cartels on my bingo card.

““If they declare these criminal groups as terrorists, then we’ll have to expand our US lawsuit,” Mexico’s president, Claudia Sheinbaum, said at a daily press conference.”

You keep using that word, Democracy. I do not think it means what you think it means.
“As soon as something stops being fun, I think it’s time to move on. Life is too short to be unhappy. Waking up stressed and miserable is not a good way to live.”

– Richard Branson, Screw It, Let’s Do It