
@nastya #20258

Passionate about simplifying Web3 data | Cast Alerts bot t.me/CastAlertsBot | Frames analytics framly.pages.dev | Moxie Frame warpcast.com/nastya/0x928b8aed
901 Follower 217 Following
Imagine running an AI app, paying $10k to openAI and now being able to host the same app for ~$200
The new update requires you to have a personal fan token to keep earning moxie with >100k lifetime earnings.

I didn’t have an incentive to create a fan token before, especially since I don’t have many followers and didn’t receive an initial airdrop.

Well, I’ve got an incentive now
Me, leaving a 6-figure SWE job to celebrate 1st time 5 USD reward from Farcaster 🥹
I just recently found out that /airstack also has a hub with write permissions, which is nice because there were only a few hubs available for posting messages to Farcaster, and they weren't working:
- standardcryptohub the last time I checked had broken certificates
- a large number of messages posted to the Pinata did not sync with Warpcast API and other hubs, and went missing
Last week I

Updated opens source Transaction Frame
- Added search (works only on base for now) and share buttons
- Perf improvements
- Added new types of transactions like burn and mint

2) Updated open-source Transactions Decoding library, added support of Gnosis Safe transactions and a better txs categorization

I see nothing wrong 🤠 My profession and hobby are both programming-related, which often made me feel awkward. Because most people I know from CS university have hobbies completely unrelated to IT, like music etc

But now I know that these people would switch to a job in their hobby if salary matched their IT job
The reason why blockchain data is hard, an example with Gnosis Safe

How call data (or input args of smart contract functions) are normally decoded:

1) Take call data
2) Extract function name from the 1st 8 chars or by looking at the Contract ABI
3) Apply and get decoded input args, nicely formatted with their names and types

How to do it with Gnosis Safe transactions:

1) Take call data
2) Look at the code of Gnosis Safe SDK or other repositories to find the logic of how this call data was constructed and argument names
3) ...

Now I'm wondering, what is the reason for not using a common method, used by all the devs and explorers, and instead doing this
After half a year of casually bouldering (once per week), I've finally bought my own boulder shoes as a way of commitment to this sport.

What stopped me from doing it earlier was that bouldering was surprisingly scary for me. Even though the height of the wall is ~3 meters, when you are on the wall in some uncomfortable positions, the height feels much greater.

What convinced me to commit - a cool new gym that opened close to my home. By the way, I did not know this before, but bouldering gyms usually have equipment for weight training as well.
Dedicated some time to add support of decoding Gnosis Safe transactions and this was quite time-consuming 🫣

Now, Loop Decoder, the transaction decoding library I'm working on, along with already implemented proxy resolution, multicalls and recursive decoding, covers most of the cases for decoding blockchain data.

And this all comes with request caching and batching, storage customizations and more, in the form of a TS library written in Effect TS.

Another cool feature I discovered in Effect TS - switching JS platforms with one line of code

In Transaction Frame, I was debugging a memory leak. The possible cause could be Bun itself. To test this, I needed to switch from Bun to Node.js. But because platform specific functions like FS are written with the Effect Platform package, switching between platforms is just a matter of updating a single line in Effect layers
Btw, I'm still getting daily Moxie earnings from the frames (Moxie + Transaction Frame from the bot), which are about ~$20 in Moxie. I find this pretty cool, especially since the frames aren't trending or frequently shared

Another cool feature I discovered in Effect TS - switching JS platforms with one line of code

In Transaction Frame, I was debugging a memory leak. The possible cause could be Bun itself. To test this, I needed to switch from Bun to Node.js. But because platform specific functions like FS are written with the Effect Platform package, switching between platforms is just a matter of updating a single line in Effect layers.
What could be the reason why some of the new casts(not all of them) don't appear in the profile after submitting to the http hub? The http hub also successfully returns a new cast hash. I'm using neynar hub
Trying out butterfly client - like the simplicity, and it feels really nice and smooth
Introducing open-source Transaction View Frame:

- Displays transactions in a human-readable format
- Relies on other open-source libraries
- Written with Effect TS

Supports Base and Ethereum Mainnet, can interpret popular contracts and swaps (more tx types coming soon), resolves Farcaster user addresses, and works great with Moxie txs (see @alertsbot)

Code: https://github.com/3loop/transaction-frame

"crypto is not even a casino"

I've only recently discovered polynya's blog, and from their latest article found great insights and a video about why it's not ok to compare crypto to casinos.

Some say that crypto just serves the demand for people's need of a casino in response to why there are many ponzi schemes. But here are quotes from the Jon Wu's video about what's wrong with this comparison:

- casinos are legal and operate within established legal frameworks
- casinos continuously prove their fairness and security to regulators and customers
- they use various methods to prove they aren't rigged: automatic card counting machines or other machines to ensure fairness, verifiable randomness, banning cheaters

This makes me think about how many problems are still not solved for the actual mass crypto adoption and questioning if meme coins are really helpful for the user's onboarding.

full video:
found a new great description for what I'm doing: an open-source interpretation engine for EVM transactions 💅
Moxie Bot also shows you when someone has burned their fan tokens 🔥

and it is completely open source if you are curious to check out how it does it
Moxie Bot now highlights huge fan tokens trades
Sometimes I think about how good should be the marketing of oat milk is, as it took over the alt milk market despite being worse in nutrition and health parameters compared to other milks

Oat milk doesn't have the benefits of oats, like lots of fiber, and instead, it is high in sugar and low in protein
I'm gradually exploring the Effect TS features and discovering more and more cool things that it has out of the box. For example, this is how much code you need to enable out of the box tracing for the HTTP server and send metrics to your honeycomb project
this is a sign to add whale alerts to the moxie bot 😃
This week, I've built an open-source Transaction View frame that displays transactions in a human-readable format and fully relies on other open-source components.

It supports Base network, can interpret popular contracts and swaps (more tx types soon), and resolves Farcaster user addresses

Linear released a mobile app and mentioned in release and on their landing page that it is fully native. Does anyone care about this nowadays?
