

What’s your Builder Score? Create your onchain resume at talentprotocol.com.

I've earned 47,783 $MOXIE lifetime!!! That's $70.67!!

What have you earned?

See your Moxie Lifetime Earnings in this frame and action by @sgniwder!
Ⓜ️oxie tvl battle @mursi vs. @juujuumama
grats @mursi, you won 🥇
frame by @degenfans
Ⓜ️oxie Fan Token locked rank
frame by @degenfans
promotional frame pinning users FanTokenStreamer by @arsalang75523
MoxieFlow promotional frame by @arsalang75523 used @degenfans framework
Less than 30 minutes left to bid for the @talent fan token auction on @moxie.eth!

20% of the based $MOXIE earnings will be redistributed to Talent's fans.
Check price your $MOXIE. Frame by @cbcarom3c
view my replyke statistics 📊

frame by @degenfans
MoxieFlow promotional frame by @arsalang75523 used @degenfans framework
We wish you a Merry Christmas!
Today's my santa is @kawakami

This art by @eiteengo
Amazing artists bundles made by @marcelonada.
Keep reading the post; you'll find his tutorial on how to build your own pack 🎄🫰🎁
Check Your Moxie Milk
Frame by @dd8
Check Your Moxie Power
Frame by @dd8
Check your Masks stats.
From Effort to Achievement – $GENY Helps You Share Your Path! 🌟 Frame by @compez.eth

Check your /replyke power. My Replyke's Worth Ⓜ️ -> 0.71 💲-> $0.01 🎩 -> 0.86 If you like this frame do share and follow the builder @abss