talk story


's personal channel to "talk story" with whoever wants to pass some time and get to know each other. Topics big and small, don't be shy, just be yourself and bring an authentic point of view.

We are in Oklahoma. No, this is not a prison. This is what travel hockey looks like 😀

Hockey all day long. Kids found a place to play knee hockey until it’s time to leave for the tournament…
I've been wanting to do a cast about Aloha since I started the channel. Its a word that gets thrown around a lot, trivialized because of its packaging into tourism & products. People generally know its word that can mean hello, goodbye, thanks, love, which is fun and novel, but it's so much more.

The word itself means the breath of life. Its part our mandate to connect with the land and nature, we use it to describe our collective spirit of kindness and harmony, which you need to survive, when you're isolated in the center of the Pacific. You need Aloha, because that extreme isolation requires you rely on one another to thrive.

This reminds me of Warpcast, right now, its our size and isolation that has shaped our culture, which is friendly, kind. But things are going to change, we are at an inflection point. As our communities grow, we will need to choose between tribalism or our own version of Aloha, looking to one another to both survive and thrive, companions not competitors.

Pic from State of Hawaii
Update. Got back from the vet, turns out Deez had a fever, which might be from an infection that is tied to a bleeding ulcer. Would explain the vomiting. He got a shot, some additional antibiotics. We are going to keep him on IV for a bit and his meds, see how he progresses. Feeling upbeat, since we got home and he instantly ate the chicken I was offering him this morning, but he wouldn't take.

Deez is majorly food motivated and not seeing him go after it had me stressed. Anyone who has had an animal that suddenly won't do their favorite thing due to illness knows what I'm talking about. So, once again, tough little guy. Thank you for all of the kind words today 💛
Rough night. Diesel vomited a large blood clot a few days ago. Vet said no signs of cancer, but he's still struggling to get back on his feet. Vomited so much yesterday that he was too weak to walk last night, we thought he we were going to lose him. We had to give him an IV of fluids, feed him wet food through a syringe. He's much better this morning, but going to take him into the vet again later today. Its especially hard when they are this small, they deteriorate very quickly. He seems to have stabilized though. Tough little guy.
sometimes it’s just fun to hop on a vid chat with farcaster frens and talk story about whatever.

thx for making the time @christin appreciate you 🥰
This makes me feel better (whew). I always find myself trying to put my thoughts into words and when I do, I feel it doesn’t sound right or it wasn’t what I was trying to say.
In Korean time, it’s already past October 1st, which was Armed Forces Day in Korea. Here in the U.S., it's still October 1st, so it still counts😅

I'm QCing fren's oldest child, thanking those who serve in Korea's military.

I've worn the U.S. Navy uniform for 19 years and have worked closely with the Republic of Korea (ROK) forces many times. In 2012, during heightened North Korean threats, I was stationed in Japan while my ship was in the yard. My CO sent me on a two-week mission aboard the ROK destroyer Sejong the Great (세종대왕함).

During this time, I witnessed not only the strong bond between the U.S. and ROK, but also how dedicated Korean service members are, standing on the front lines to protect their country and its people 👊

This cast is to pay my utmost respect to Korean service members and to say how proud I am to have worked alongside them!
Thought I should doxx one of the cats before taking a break on the family zoo series here. This is Elmo, we rescued this guy from a park whose cat population we helped managed (catch, spay/neuter, release). The park had been completely overrun by a feral population (now under control), made much worse by people dumping their cats there from the surrounding high rises.

Elmo was a long time resident, but tame and very friendly, clearly an abandoned domestic. When the City and County decided to destroy the hedges he had called his home, we decided to take him in and let him live out his last days with us. But SURPRISE that was 6 years ago and he keeps trucking along. He needs monthly vet visits and each time, she's pleasantly surprised he's still going.

He has no teeth, loves eating dog food, will only pee on the floor in front of the litter box, because, you know, park cat. But we love him all the same. He's a good little guy.
I am actively shifting my entire focus on getting quality sleep. Throughout my life I have been a night owl, but in recent months I’ve experienced some detrimental insomnia and racing thoughts at night preventing me to go to sleep before 4am.

On some days I would not sleep at all and take afternoon naps… Needless to say my circadian rhythm was off, resulting in impaired cognitive function, memory issues, and causing hormonal imbalances.

Without restorative sleep cortisol levels tend to stay elevated, leading to increased stress and inflammation. It is often overlooked, but an irregular sleep pattern and lack of sufficient rest can worsen anxiety which I started experiencing.

Ultimately I’ve learned that afternoon naps can’t make up for the deep, restorative stages of sleep like REM and deep sleep, leaving me fatigued throughout the day.

So I started implementing my new approach to aim for a 11pm bed time, in order to be able to rise early and refreshed.
To answer some of the questions about the birds we get, they actually come in all ages and sizes. People find them on the ground, at the park, gardeners will come across a nest after a tree is trimmed (like in this pic) and bring them to us. You would be surprised how many people find birds and want to offer compassion and care to them, they are profoundly fragile and gentle animals, so wanting to care for them takes a lot of dedication.

But, its satisfying once you see them quickly grow, heal, and leave your care. I'm thinking this is going to prep me for when my own kids leave and I become an empty nester. ✌️ 😂
As the rain began to fall, she sat quietly in her car, watching droplets race down the window. Outside, the world blurred into soft shades of green and grey, with trees swaying in the wind. Each raindrop hit the glass like a heartbeat, steady and calming.

It had been months since the dry season had ended, and now, with the first monsoon rains, the earth seemed to come alive again. The smell of wet pavement mixed with the scent of fresh rain-soaked soil. She took a deep breath and smiled.
Started with the first, so let's do the last (most recent). This is Eloise, she's the youngest, she's a maltese lhasa mix, we got her after one of our most cherished dogs Marley passed away last year. They say you're not supposed to get a dog immediately after losing one, but we decided we could be sad or we could be sad with a really cute puppy. 😂

Suffice to say she has been an absolute joy. Marley was the ultimate lap dog, which Eloise is not, but she is pure love and affection. Not an aggressive bone in her body. While she ofc loves dirt, which turns her into a mop of mud whenever she goes in the yard (the record is 4 baths in one day) she's worth every bit of effort.

Pic: That's her with a cameo from Carlos (I'll do him next, since he clearly can't wait to be featured)
wen i was 11 and lived in Singapore, my moms friend Rosie used to pick me up and we’d go to Hard Rock Café on Orchard Road. She was Lebanese Australian, super girlyyyy and i felt so cool going there with her 😂
a very happy birthday to our cofounder @mikey! 🥳

fun backstory: mike built the prototype for an nft gallery app early 2021, back when he was still at apple. his childhood friend @jonjyan (cofounder vectorDAO) connected us when the app started gaining traction and he was looking to scale. i was still at coinbase at the time and had zero intention of leaving – but once @kaito aped, it was hard to resist.

needless to say none of us would be on this incredible journey without his initiative ❤️

p.s. we're cracking up in this photo bc he's way taller than me so i asked him to crouch. taken from kualoa ranch last year!
Getting a few requests to doxx my little zoo, I'll definitely share more about each of our permanent residents. But, in the meantime here is the little guy that started it all. Our senior citizen Diesel, who looks like a wild man today after coming in from a wet and windy yard. His story in the attached reply.
I live in a small zoo. Not literally, but kinda. I never wanted to have this many animals, but I married a kind and compassionate woman that will care for any living creature that needs it. I used to fight, I used to refuse, not wanting all the added responsibility, but unfortunately, I have a weakness. One that I cannot overcome.

If I feed an animal, I instantly feel responsible for it.

Why? Because food = love. I call this my inner immigrant grandma. I constantly need everyone to eat and once they do then its love at first bite 😂

I was just raised this way. My mother could cook literally anything, epically, famously, and no matter how long she had been working or how tired she was, her first question was always "are you hungry?" So, while she wasn't the type to gush with big emotional professions of love and affection, I always felt cared for in her kitchen. Everyone did.

Now, I do all the cooking for my own family, because I want them to feel just how much love can go into a dish, just like I did.
One day I went to the ATM to make a deposit, grabbed this receipt and thought, how come I won the lottery?!
1️⃣ @bigdegenenergy.eth well… kind of felt like sharing how my crypto journey started, and this story might be better on its own rather than as a reply. so, here we go:

i’ve been in the navy for just over 19 years, planning to retire once i hit 20. not sure if you know this, but we get a pension right after retirement until, well, i’m gone for good😅 while it’s a nice cushion, there’s always that uncertainty—what if i can’t land a job or the pay isn’t enough since this is all i’ve ever known? people say they’d hire me in a heartbeat, but you know how that goes. i need to be prepared🤔
July and I had a little exchange about the Golden age of Hip Hop (I will not accept any opinions about the validity of this 😂 ). I'm a late Gen Xer which is clear in my reflection on the other eras and genres I've experienced.

My new wave alternative phase (wore a lot of black and hair spray in HS), my rock period (I saw Fleetwood Mac's reunion tour, blessed), big hair and metal (it happened, I'm not proud, but it did), alternative and industrial (like sisters of mercy, Joy Division, NiN) I loved 90's grunge, (so many earrings and yes flannel in Hawaii), my long time love of house, dance, trance, and all the sub genres of electronic (was on the East Coast during the warehouse era, my summer in Ibiza is one of my favorite memories), and even a consistent love of heart wrenching emotional female vocals (tori, sarah, ebtg) ✌️ 😂 .

The cheesy, the classics, the cringe, I've kept my love for it all, because they've been, they ARE my soundtrack.
When I was in High-School my boyfriend and I would go backpacking during the summer for 2 months, buying a ticket to Greece. We had no exact destination, only a map. Everything happened unplanned. We dealt with each situation as it arose.

Somehow it all felt much less stressful and lighthearted than when everything was planned. There was no anxiety. We made decisions on a whim and connected deeply with the locals and their culture.

We were invited to stay in their houses, people prepared delicious meals right from their gardens for us, or dropped by our campsite to give us potatoes, melons and the fishermen in the bay we camped at provided us with fresh fish. There was so much abundance…

This photo wasn’t taken in Greece but it represents the simple lifestyle we grew accustomed to. Living outside with nature and the villagers really taught me appreciation and gratitude.
gm. just returned from the most epic [and traumatic] journey at the 2024 coinbase ventures summit.

behind this smile i was actually about to vomit.

storytime in 🧵

One of my favorite weekly activities is throwing on a heavy pack and rucking for a couple of hours, I try to do it at least 4 times a week or whatever my body can handle. Living in one of the most beautiful places on earth I feel guilty not being out, experiencing the outdoors whenever I can. (This pic is from a few minutes ago, I decided to walk along the coast before heading home).

Even though its something that's better with a companion, I've always prefered doing it alone. Allows me to process things, quiet my mind, at my own pace. But for the last few months, I've been taking Warpcast with me, today I took @chicbangs.eth and /higherfm; other ther days @pichi and @jacque over at Power Hour; the guys at /latenightcrew or @jc and @eriks' meetups, even @okbanger.

That's something very unique about WC, the cozy corners, the relationships you just build, the friends you find that you want to take with you wherever you go. Even on walks when you prefer to be alone, WC makes sure that you never really are.
Met up with an old friend tonight after ages, crazy how little hangouts like this can bring up feelings you didn’t even know were there✨