

Far more than just an artistic and community-focused pfp project

Wearing /masks 🎭 during flu season helps reduce the spread of influenza viruses. Masks 🎭provide several benefits: they reduce transmission by filtering 95-100% of airborne pathogens, protect vulnerable groups such as the elderly, young children, and those with weakened immune systems, and prevent infected individuals from spreading the virus.

Effective masks 🎭 include N95 respirators, which filter at least 95% of airborne particles, and surgical masks 🎭, which block large droplets.

Masks 🎭 should be worn in public places, crowded areas, healthcare settings, and while traveling. Additional preventive measures include vaccination, hand hygiene, social distancing, and staying home when symptomatic.
Wearing a /masks 🎭 properly is essential for reducing airborne pathogen transmission. Here’s how to do it right:

Before putting it on, wash your hands for 20 seconds and ensure the masks 🎭 is clean. Place the masks 🎭 over your nose and mouth with the nose clip on top, adjust for a snug fit, and secure it behind your ears or head. While wearing it, avoid touching the masks 🎭 or your face. If needed, wash your hands after touching it.

To remove the masks 🎭, avoid touching the front and handle it from behind. Dispose of single-use masks 🎭 or wash reusable ones. Replace masks 🎭 every 4-6 hours or when damp.

Masks with 3 layers offer better protection.
Good ideas are always crazy until they’re not
🎭🎩⚜ Event 02/11 /bycmlab ⚜🎩🎭
Merci pour le freemint @jplerossignol 😘
7-in-1 skin rejuvenation device. It produces H2 ions on the skin surface that deeply penetrate the skin, smoothing wrinkles, fine lines, eye bags for hydrated, healthy skin. It cleans and shrinks pores and clears sebum. It treats blemishes and pigmentation, revealing an improved, brighter skin tone. The ion gun pen enriches the skin with nutrients in the form of fine molecular atomization. The high frequency lifts and tightens the skin for youthful and firm skin.


Suitable for all skin types
Suitable for home use
7-in-1 device
Equivalent to 8 hydrating /masks .
Even in the mask, you can still live a genuine lifestyle. 🎭
Chaque jour de l'année, je vous propose une citation du jour ! Une pensée choisie qui vous fera rire, sourire ou réfléchir...

✍🏻 “L'enfer est vide et tous les démons sont ici.”

Like, tips, quote sont les bienvenus. 🙏🏻
Pastel, pochoir et posca sur vinyl
Experience the synergy of performance art, where /masks ignite the stage and souls connect.🎭🎭
We all wear so many kinds of masks but the most rampant of them all is the mask of keeping still, not saying anything.

In as much as that helps us and gives us a moment of peace but is it actually the best??

It can give us quietude but same time, it's the worse mask to wear because keeping still when something heinous happens is as good as killing the victim.

It's time to remove the mask and be real.
The Hidden Cost of Disposable /masks 🎭: Environmental Consequences

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a surge in disposable masks 🎭 usage, with billions discarded daily.

These masks 🎭, made from non-biodegradable plastics, contribute significantly to plastic waste and pollution, especially in oceans where they harm marine life.

Most masks 🎭 are not recyclable, leading to landfill buildup and potential soil and water contamination, with decomposition taking hundreds of years.

Additionally, masks production and transport increase greenhouse gas emissions, worsening climate change.

Solutions include; using reusable cloth masks 🎭, developing biodegradable alternatives, promoting proper disposal, and creating recycling programs.

Every step towards eco-friendly choices helps reduce the environmental impact of disposable masks 🎭.
I was at the verge of giving up
But a friend told me not to give up yet.
Mask could actually surprise us pretty soon.

And here I am, Again!
Let's see how it goes..🎭
GM tout le monde et on peut enfin parler d’une vraie performance. Les 67K$ sont brisés, maintenant il faut aller chercher les 68k. On y arrive fin de semaine ?

Stay SAFU 🫡🎭
Papier-mâché masks
were used in traditional theater and folk art in China, Japan, and Mexico.🎭 /masks
Oh, look! Only 1 week ago I discovered $FOMO by TOCD Studio(@tocd) and now they are listed on Coingecko.

Guess where the price of $FOMO token will go? Did you earn $FOMO points for potential airdrop?

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$FOMO to every wallet. $FOMO to $1
Chaque jour de l'année, je vous propose une citation du jour ! Une pensée choisie qui vous fera rire, sourire ou réfléchir...

✍🏻 “Les enfants commencent par aimer leurs parents ; devenus grands, ils les jugent ; quelquefois, ils leur pardonnent.”

Like, tips, quote sont les bienvenus. 🙏🏻
⚠️ Don't need ❤️ and 🔁… But…
There is ZERO credible science to show that healthy people should all be wearing "/masks ".
Behind every /masks , there's a story of secrets and revelations, of hiding and seeking, of identity and transformation. /masks
The greatest mask 🎭🎭 you can ever wear is one of true self.

A lot of relief,
More opportunity to be you and no one else and staying true to your course.

Wear that mask with so much contentment and courage and smile always.

Beauty they say, lies in the eyes of the beholder. For me, this is a beautiful work in all ramifications.

Beautiful mask on a beautiful face! 🎭 /masks