Abdul R.

@ablulrah #837163

I am interested in medicine and technology. Student.
110 Follower 314 Following
A useful post 👍
Medical facts ⚕️ :

76. In a lifetime, a person will lose 19 kg of dead skin.
77. Modern technologies make it possible to grow leather. One hand's donated skin is enough to grow enough new skin to cover six football fields.
78. The retina of the eye contains 137 million light-sensitive cells, and the fluid that fills the eye changes 15 times a day.
79. The average person falls asleep within seven minutes.
80. In a lifetime, a person eats about 27,000 kg of food, which is the weight of about 6 elephants.
Medical facts ⚕️ :

71. The human intestine contains about 1 kg of all kinds of bacteria. There are more bacteria in and on the body than there are cells.
72. Humans have 22 muscles on each side of their face. This is the largest number among all animals.
73. The human hand contains three main nerves, two main arteries and 27 different bones, and more muscles are devoted to controlling hand movement than any other part of the body.
74. On average, over the course of a lifetime, a person spends 5 years on food and consumes 7,000 times their own body weight.
75. When the body falls asleep and enters deep sleep, the areas of the brain responsible for movement are deactivated.
Lol 😂 goddam this was the worst erection ever..

I say this every 4 🐸 yrs
Medical facts ⚕️ :

66. When skydiving, there is a high probability of injuring and even breaking a leg, because a person falls with the parachute dome open at a speed of about 8 meters per second.
67. When bitten by a venomous spider, many wounds become inflamed more from infection than from the effects of venom.
68. If a person blinks with one eye, he uses about 200 muscles.
69. The length of the foot is equal to the length of the forearm between the wrist and the inner part of the elbow.
70. In 24 hours, the blood in the body travels a total of 19,000 km, which is half the length of the equator.
Medical facts ⚕️:

61. Humans are the only living beings in the world who cry.
62. A person inhales 5 liters of air every minute.
63. A baby has more than 300 bones. In an adult, some bones fuse, their number decreases and there are 206 bones.
64. Every time, in the process of licking a brand, a person consumes 1/10 of a calorie.
65. During blood pumping, the heart creates a lot of pressure. It is enough for blood to spray up to 10 meters.
I wonder what will come of it
Medical Facts ⚕️:

56. Human teeth are almost as hard as hard stones.
57. The eyes never grow, and the nose and ears of a person are in the process of growing all their lives.
58. The nail on the middle finger grows the fastest.
59. Children begin to grow more actively in the spring.
60. The human nose distinguishes odors 20 times worse than the nose of a dog.
Be careful when trading cryptocurrency😆
Medical facts ⚕️ :

51. The human body consists of 230 movable and semi-movable joints.
52. The average person drinks about 60,000 liters of water in a lifetime.
53. Beard hair is the fastest growing human hair.If an ordinary person had never trimmed his beard, then during his lifetime it would have grown to 9 meters.
54. People get rid of 600,000 skin cells every hour. This amounts to about 600 grams per year. By the age of 70, the average person will lose 47 kg of skin.
55. The femur is the longest bone in the body. It is about a quarter of a person's height.
Medical facts⚕️ :

46. The average weight of a human head is about 4.5 kg
47. The weight of an adult human brain is about 1.3 kg
48. The size of the DNA helix is 60 billionths of a centimeter.
49. Eyeballs are three and a half percent salt.
50. If Barbie were life-size, her height would be a little more than 2 meters, and she would have a neck twice the size of a normal person's neck.
Medical facts: ⚕️

41. Every square centimeter of the human body contains an average of 20 million bacteria.
42. The number of bacteria in the mouth is equal to the population of the United States and Canada combined.
43. The fetus acquires fingerprints in the womb, at the age of three months. But since fingerprints are not laid from the first days of life, they will be different for twins.
If a person does not eat anything, he loses about one kilogram a day.
45. The tiniest muscle is the stapedius in the middle ear. It is only one-third of a centimeter long.
This is an incredible result in 8 days, this guy is working hard. Thank you for having doctors like him⚕️
Medical facts:⚕️

36. The human body has about 5.6 liters of blood. All of it makes a complete circulation through the body in 30 seconds.
37. The heart pumps about 1 million barrels of blood during an average lifetime — that's enough to fill 2 oil tanks.
38. There is as much hair on the human body as on a monkey, it's just that monkeys have thicker and longer hair.
39. Man is the only primate who has no pigment in his palms (has light palms).
40. 10% of a person's weight, excluding water, belongs to bacteria.
Medical facts:

31. Taste buds live for about 10 days.
32. A person cannot sneeze without closing his eyes.
33. The brain contains almost 100 billion nerve cells.
34. The aorta, the largest artery in the body, is almost equal to the diameter of a watering hose.
35. Capillaries, on the other hand, are so small that it takes ten of them to match the thickness of a human hair.
Wow, it looks delicious 😋
Medical facts:

6. The human body has enough carbon to fill about 9,000 "lead" pencils.
7. One square centimeter of human skin contains about 500 sweat glands.
8. When a person blushes, the mucous membrane of the stomach also turns red.
9. The human body has fewer muscles than a caterpillar has.
10. If you add up all the blinking of human eyes into one, then the gaze would see solid blackness for one year.
The importance of habits from early childhood 👇 👍
Medical facts:

1 There are more microscopic organisms living on the skin of one person than all people on planet Earth.
2. From the age of thirty, people gradually decrease in size.
3. The body contains enough iron to melt a metal pin capable of supporting a person's weight.
4. The surface of the lungs occupies the size of a tennis court.
5. People lose 50% of their taste buds by the time they turn 60.
1. The nose is a natural ventilation system: it is able to heat cold air, cool hot air and filter a variety of pollutants.
2. A square inch of the arm contains almost 3 meters of blood vessels, 600 pain points, 36 heat sensors, 9,000 nerve endings and 75 pressure sensors.
3. The human body contains manganese, nickel, copper, cobalt, zinc, calcium, phosphates and silicon.
4. It is generally believed that the main function of eyebrows is to prevent sweat from getting into the eyes.
5. A person inhales about 20 kg of dust throughout his life.
The following 5 medical facts!

1. The body produces about 200 billion red blood cells daily.
2. When a Man touches something, the message to the brain moves at a speed of 200 km/h.
3. When the face smiles, at least 36 muscles are involved.
4. There is about 70% water in the body.
5. Salivary glands secrete saliva up to 1.5 liters per day.