
@citydaonetwork #194290

A network for the city DAOs of the world || www.citydao.network
307 Follower 194 Following
CityDAO-chan's aiwdwops awe wike the Dawien scheme, evewyone dies and goes bwoke uwu... but at weast we'we buiwding a netwowk state! >w<

Create a Waifu based off your FC profile with WaifuCast!
This frame is going to be everywhere on farcaster soon. It just works so well. Congrats @spatializes and @blocklive team!
Thanks to frames we sold out our ETH Denver side event in 2 hours. Inframe tickets are such a monster use case.

Thanks to frames our ETH Denver event sold out in 2 hours. Conversion rates were outrageously high.
We will make sure we have the space, and offer more this evening. I think you have something here @v

Wen SF DAO? If anyone has considered making a city DAO for SF, but doesn’t know where to start, we can help. It’s fun.
Austin! Join us this Thursday 6-8 to hack on frames, with pizza provided by @base.
The rsvp is an NFT on base of course, perhaps that’s a frame idea…


Shout out to @spatializes for making this happen. @atxdao @willywonka.eth @jacobhomanics.eth
The first Network States are going to look like the failed Scottish attempt at a Panama “canal” (everyone dies and goes broke). But out of the wreckage at least one will emerge successful. It’s a wild history maybe we do a thread sometime.

Some day this truth will be commonly accepted. It’s the ultimate measure of a city.
Airdrops to city DAO members will be a growing trend. Membership is tokenized and all holders are guaranteed to be real humans who care deeply about crypto.

If you know any projects interested in airdropping to city DAO members across the world, please reach out to us.
Cities can be measured by their public water fountains.
In this world, the optimists have it, not because they are always right, but because they are positive. Even when wrong, they are positive, and that is the way of achievement, correction, improvement, and success. Educated, eyes-open optimism pays; pessimism can only offer the empty consolation of being right.-Landes
It would be cool if every city had its own DAO
Cities are the laboratory of democracy
Web3 speeds up the creation of a successful irl community
You need to be organizing locally and onchain
100x your life, join your local city DAO
A city DAO is an onchain org to mobilize local action.