Consumer Crypto


the hub for consumer crypto products, ideas, and mindshare

a little bit of casino activity is fine as liquidity enters the market, but that shouldn't be the whole point of new users getting in

tokens enable creative mechanisms beyond speculation. we could have them seamlessly integrated into our onchain experiences, like micropayments and automatic yield

some thoughts on this
new freemium onchain experience just dropped 👀

enabled by smart wallet + paymaster. this is the gwei.
new TAM slide reference just dropped
Blueprint in a good position to lead the onchain creator narrative for the coming months

Bello stays in the business of 'understanding collector behavior' but w/ a different product

cohort 1 creators have been particularly successful on warpcast but i still think that orb is a more creator friendly platform
The consumer is not stupid.

The consumer could be your partner, your brother, your mother, or your best friend.

The consumer is intelligent, but perhaps we’re not considering them when it comes to building…
1/ Celebrating @abstractchain

Privy exists to power an internet where anyone can bring their assets/experiences with them from app to app.

Few teams are pushing to make the ✨ of onchain interoperability the status quo for mainstream consumers more than Abstract.

Quick thread to dive in! 👇
brb calling in sick and watching pods all week
Just as private data lock in drove web2 product development, perceived liquidity lock in has led to web3 consumer use cases developed to optimize for economic capture over value creation and ephemeral experiences over durability. While network liquidity is essential for transacting, recent infrastructure advancements have made liquidity homogenous, removing its strong hold on applications. Now that data and liquidity are not the moat, applications must be in service of the user, not the chain.
"tell me we're in a memecoin cycle without telling me we're in a memecoin cycle"

pump dot fun generating more revenue than a lot of defi projects combined
imo crypto consumer apps would onboard more users if they focus on creating novel social interactions rather than copying what's already out there

we've already seen big tech adopt crypto, and social media platforms will likely integrate stablecoins and micropayments
So I made a silly @zora NFT that will become a tradable ART COIN on newly launched @artrun-io when it mints

I’m hoping that’s where you come in! Please mint my dumb pun coin ‘1 Ruggerfellar Plaza’ on @artrun-io or @zora:

(Premium acct codes in the comments!)
Blackbird is also higher coded

it has been growing a lot, evolving the app and adding new concepts in a seamless way that users don't even realize they are onchain. restaurants sign-ins are increasing as well as NFTs minted to users

for those in the US, how's the experience?
@cdixon.eth latest blog on creator economy

Honest question to all (but also for @a16zcrypto) : What is in this piece that is not today available to the masses on patreon/substack?

I read in the blog:

- fees are lower on blockchain "popular blockchain-enabled creator platforms today have very low take-rates, some as low as 1%- 2.5%"
- i can imagine more UI freedom blockchain is only some form of backend (however, we know the state of UX/UI around crypto)

I really enjoyed Patreon founder 2024 sxsw's talk and cannot help to think that its value proposition is nicer looking accessible today to millions (in the western world).
I can also hear the censorship. Resistance and Yes, probably edgy artists are not served by Patreon but that is not the mainstream creators either
architects make architecture

cults make culture
> it’s just a part of the tech stack

that’s how we should approach it. apps shouldn’t show chains, just like you don’t choose the network for a call or the bank when paying - it just works

swap, send, mint - any onchain interaction should happen without much thinking
I just claimed an airdrop from /mintclub 💚
The best part of composability that users don’t get locked in with particular experience!

@hypersub doesn’t need to implement and create everything

That’s how /consumercrypto should be
“Onchain, everyone will be rich for 15 minutes.”
Like it or not, incentives in consumer crypto work.
Many users on Farcaster became active after the degen airdrop.

I believe we should focus on improving these incentives rather than dismissing them as illegitimate growth hacks.
We do early on Zora’s art scheme

Just minted ($LQDT) on @artrun-io

What are your thoughts on the idea and execution?
1/ Celebrating @artrun-io

You've likely seen buzz on the TL today about artcoins

That's because in the last 24 hours, ArtRun, art trading built on @zora, has attracted >25K users (accelerating!)

It's a fun new way to create, discover, and trade art onchain. Let's dive in 👇
It’s Friday night and it’s consumer time !