
@karmentruong #6636

learning web3, marketing (prev: @cartesi), posting plants, books, thoughts - consuming everything 🧠😋
1007 Follower 313 Following
Surprised to see these flowers/seeds (?) sprout! Had this plant 3 years already, I’m guessing it’s a good sign?
Quote cast by change what the skeleton is holding:

|/ \
/_ \_

Happy spooky season everyone 🦇
Tore through this book over the weekend, beautifully written, devastatingly bleak but I just couldn’t put it down.

Will have to revisit for a reread in the future, but gonna have to sit and process it a little first haha.

@yuko if you’re still looking for book recs!
marketing is so oversaturated with brands scrambling to jump on viral moments (moo deng, demure, brat), but there's really something to be said for consistently showing up and committing to a bit/format.

does make me wonder, where to draw the line between commitment to a good concept vs. delusion/no actual pmf lol. and is there space for a long-term content strategy in web3?
One time I argued with my (ex) manager over the type of waveform to use for an audio snippet turned video lol
Awesome to be part of /rives' journey launching on @base mainnet with the DOOM Olympics!

I suck at DOOM, so shouldn't laugh at anyone's gameplay, but love this clip of @rickcrosschain's speedrun attempt.

If u think you're better, join the Olympics and earn $$$ for your skills: https://app.rives.io/olympics
Accidentally ordered a bonito flake cake - didn’t check the label, just saw it and it looked delicious!

Could not get over the fishy taste but I respect the sweet and salty concept!
Failed on this one, but it’s one of those movie franchises I’ve never seen.

@chinmay.eth 3 clues before the photo is revealed feels too short though! 5 could be a nice number!
got sucked back into Twitter by the olympic memes and commentary 🙈

how do people manage multiple personal social apps at once!
This week excited to launch the campaign for DOOM Olympics, built by @muxi (who needs to get more active here)!

/rives is an onchain console, with a verifiable emulator
DOOM is executed in @cartesi's deterministic RISC-V VM. Both in the user's browser & on the RIVES App-specific Rollup, an L3 on @base

Excited to see another dapp launching on mainnet in the @cartesi ecosystem 😍

/rives is bringing DOOM onchain! (but like 👏 actually 👏 onchain)
Show off your skills, verify your gameplays and enshrine your name on immutable leaderboards.

Join the DOOM Olympics mainnet launch: 7 days, 7 disciplines and a $15,000 prize pool: https://signup.rives.io/olympics/

RIVES is an onchain fantasy console built with Cartesi Rollups. Go ask @muxi allll about it!
Just a guy walking around with his dog on his back.

P.S. I love whoever made these gem stickers 😍
Feeling like a gold medalist cus the Olympic parade just passed the coworking space I’m at 🫶🕺

Also how adorable is Lin Yu Ting!! 🥇
Me reading messages thru push notifs but not answering any of them.
Well, I don't think white hat hacker is the career for me.

Anyways, great to see Bug Buster, a trustless bug bounty platform built with @cartesi rollups hit @optimism Mainnet 🔥 Congrats to @claudioengdist & team!

If you want to self-checkout on the Solidity compiler v0.8.26 bounty, test/submit on bugbuster.app, if the exploit is valid, you get the bounty!

P.S. Come stock the Bug Buster store - if you want to create a bounty for your software, the team is happy to help you get it set up!
/herocast newsletter dropping some great alpha alongside their new warpcast analytics - got me ready to dive in!

Congrats @hellno.eth @biji 🥳
Been sleeping on @tyb - doing quests, earning points to redeem for discounts off brands I normally shop at??

Sharing here for other girlypops too (if you love glossier/ouai/rare beauty too 😍)
1. First job: Temp Christmas Sales Assistant at a clothing store (although idk if being forced to help at my parents Chinese takeaway really counts cus I never got paid 😂)

2. College degree: Psychology

3. Favorite non work hobby: Reading

4. Introvert or extrovert: Introvert

Your turn 👀
Scrolling through my pictures from when I was last in the UK, can you guess what it is?

A reminder that we’re living in the future lol
Is it too early for a spreadsheet of Devcon side events? 👀

Not sure if anyone has seen one floating about!
Finally met my friend’s pup when I was in HK! Such an enormous cutie 🥰

She adopted her as a small abandoned street pup and she never stopped growing - now weighing 30kg lol
Doom scrolling through Instagram and got an ad for another social media platform.

Would be fun to see an ad for Warpcast hitting the streets!
🥳🕺💫 what a notification to receive!

What’s something you’re celebrating today?