
@markmywords.eth #14131

I speak to CEOS and Tech founders | Mint episodes on Pods - https://pods.media/thinking-on-paper YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@thinkingonpaper/videos
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The podcast has come a long way. From blurry nonsense, to yesterday's show with IBM quantum... and Coinbase tomorrow. Crazy.

Now, how the hell do you get on @layer3xyz?

Perfect timing for the Thinking On Paper Podcast! Join us this Thursday as we chat with Côme Prost-Boucle about the latest developments in the crypto world. We’ll be discussing Coinbase’s decision to delist unauthorized stablecoins, including Tether’s USDT, across the European Economic Area (EEA) by December 2024.

You couldn't handle that shit on strong acid, man.
The Big Guns of tech and crypto are coming to Thinking On Paper. IBM and Coinbase this week. Stay tuned for links... Or get the notifications for the YouTube live feed.

I'm sorry, but we've done it again. Another podcast on Base that isn't about crypto. They'll string us up.

Some weeks, nobody listens to my podcast on connecting the dots of emerging technology. Do I care? Well, yes, actually I do... Had a friend make a video about it.
Collect Could AI Powered Gaming Unlock The Future of Human Potential? from Thinking On Paper on Pods!
In 1 hour we're speaking to AIArena founder Wei Xie about combining AI, web3 and gaming into a new kind of gaming experience.

Join everyone live. And bring your questions.

Ready Player One? ⬇️⬇️

Stop the 15-minute book summary. FFS! Do people really expect to get deep, actionable insight from 15 minute audio snippets of other people's thoughts and conclusions?
Next week we're blocking out the noise from across the Atlantic and focusing on the European perspective.

Over the next month, we've lined up some kind of Noah's Ark of technology guests for you over at Thinking On Paper Podcast. Because to understand the future, you need to think like a polymath, not a specialist.
well that's mad! Finally got some mints. Thank you to the 19 people who supported our latest episode. 19 mints! Holy crap. Our best was 3. and I bought 2.

Tick.. Tock... Tick...Tock.

Autumn is the longest season...
Up The Villa!

What a game. What an atmosphere. What a team.
Talking about geoengineering and climate change technology. Because, you know, climate is fucked.
It's all fun and games until your AI agent understands the concept of money.
Bought EIC02 | Summer 24 Digital
For the metal heads....The story of how Riot Games created Pentakill...
In 1786 Italian physician, physicist, biologist and philosopher Luigi Galvani was rubbing a piece of metal against the severed legs of a frog...the first real study of bioelectricity was complete.
The Godfather on a design principle that sounds so simple...
Whilst reading Clear Thinking in book club, I had to get honest. Memento mori
There are 5 levels of automation for self-driving cars. I guess you Californians all have self-driving cars...
We've dropped a new episode of Thinking On Paper. You can mint it on Base. And once again, there is no mention of crypto. Zero. Nadda... It's all about letting AI drive your car because... you suck at driving.

Link in bio.
...but the actionable insights you gain from each one.

Which is why we have a book club. To read slowly. To read between the lines. To change perspective.

In a book club you ask the questions you would never ask if you were reading alone... And that's where the difference is made. That's how you stand out.

Every week, we dive into the wisdom, ideas, strategies... and sometimes outright lunacy of books that have stood the test of time.... Books that will change your mind.

And you can join and read too.

Link in bio.