
@stringtheory69 #191213

Software guy
1236 Follower 184 Following
just gonna get buff and learn to farm
Underrated: Dan Romano
Is there a product that offers usdc staking as a service?

I want to do what Coinbase does - offer yield for using my wallet.
Social media has convinced me that no one has anything interesting to say
sf tech scene seems extremely consensus
Is there a crypto founder with as much hardware knowledge as anatoly @solana ?
Saying that humans couldn’t have built the pyramids / aliens did it is decel!

Humans consistently achieve the impossible!
I feel like it has to do with the qualitative difference between zeros and teens and 70s to 90s
How can zk tech be used to allow data to be purged from systems while tracking the provenance and history of relevant transformations (could be malicious) of data over time
Founder mode is a top single for the YC startup cult
money printing is taxation without representation
ns just rebrands what has been happening for thousands of years

humans gathering and actively architecting government - a technology representing the meaningful compromise between the individual, society, and the technology itself

the rebrand is necessary because the Overton window for governance designs gets smaller as societies grow older and calcify

sometimes we don’t need ideas just fresh perspective
“founder mode” gives me the ick
i kinda like the communist idea of sending young elites to work in the fields
every great invention, including consciousness itself, is an attempt to constrain the entropy of the universe
both campaigns try to convince us that we can delegate our problems to a presidential candidate and they’ll clean up our lives for us

the reality is that the relative comfort of being an American over last couple decades has made us forget that being alive means you are constantly immersed in existential threats

at least with Trump the existential dread feels vivid and real

democrat’s paternalism makes me ignore the reality of my accountability

that’s why I voted for Biden - tired of feeling accountable
good businesses are machines where smart people go in and money / solutions comes out
protocols steal entropy away from people processes
“Bumper boat diplomacy”
who’s building the sdk for totalitarianism?