Tay Zonday

@tayzonday #768581

Chocolate rainmaker. Singer. Thinker. Voice
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Malcolm X joked that if he said “Mary had a little lamb” the press would report “Malcolm X lampoons Mary!”
Sex scenes can be useful for character development. Like in HBO’s “Billions” it’s narratively meaningful to see that Chuck is a straight edge, buttoned-up prosecutor but wild sub with a kink for being whipped in his marriage.

What I DISLIKE are pointless “look at beautiful people having heterosexual intercourse” scenes that just reinforce Hollywood’s eugenic casting favoring youth, height, and a predictable set of body aesthetics as if that’s inherently substantive fiction.
Americans face a mythological problem in which recent historical civil rights gains are too uncritically celebrated as organic uprisings that “shocked” a reluctant status quo into submission.

Yes, the women’s suffrage movement had a notable organic trajectory. However, it also benefitted business and economic expansion in a manner more complex than the “women marched and made institutions comply!” version promoted in grade school history.

There was enormous post-WWII backlash against women’s rights driven by the profitability of domestic homemaking using washing machines, dishwashers and other dividends of redirected war-manufacturing.

Yes, getting sit-ins and brutality into national news helped black civil rights, but MLK was also condemned by that same media once his anti-war advocacy exceeded the economic benefits of black consumerism and harmed the military industrial complex.

Miseducated 2024 progressives try to reproduce anti-oligarch “uprisings” that weren’t anti-oligarch at all.
There’s a simple game theory approach to analyzing it:

How did the things you oppose historically come to power?

Did they come to power with incrementalism? Or did they come to power with a single act that permanently achieved a dramatic policy shift from opposite policy to their policy?

Your goal is to be in the position what you oppose is in: in control of policy. How did your opposition do it? Was it by refusing incrementalism?
You are supposed to support the major party that is incrementally closer to your policy position. That means that if your policy position is New York City and one major party is Los Angeles while the other major party is Las Vegas, you need to support Las Vegas to get closer to the outcome you want.
It’s already public knowledge that the pulse and blood oxygen monitoring tech of Fitbits/Apple Watches is inhibited by melanin (they work worse on black and brown people but charge them the same money). But I am pretty sure a higher and more variable heart rate also drains the batteries faster—

Using myself as a case study with a sample size of one, my Fitbit battery life more than doubled once I stopped taking an ADD amphetamine (Vyvanse) that raised my heart rate, blood pressure AND made both more variable.

The battery cost increase has to be logarithmic or exponential. A 15% increase in pulse or blood pressure, and 50% more variability between peaks and troughs in a day, must cause 50% to 100% more Fitbit battery usage as it increases power usage to keep up.

Melanin might also poison-pill this logarithmic increase with a second, undisclosed logarithmic cost.

Both Apple and Fitbit probably have internal research showing these shortcomings precisely and choose not to make that data public.
I wonder whose job it is at Amazon to organize the feedback when people tell Alexa “I have feedback” . . . I imagine it goes through speech-to-text processing and gets organized in a searchable queue that is an extension of the Customer Relationship Management database . . . probably with phrase “hot spots” sortable by timeframe and region that can then be reviewed by various product managers 🤔
Jack lit two candles. He yanked the velvet curtains shut. They were the kind of curtains that sunlight came to Earth dreaming it could negotiate with, but then said “fuck it” as newborn photons careened to certain death.

Dust filled the air of the old, attic rectory. I could feel hints of both feet as I lay face-up in the coffin. Every breath I took lifted an invisible hippopotamus as I desperately tried to stay conscious.

I had never been injected with embalming fluid before, let alone by my childhood-priest turned-necrophiliac who quivered with rhythmic arousal as I helplessly lay on the verge of passing out.

How did I end up here? I just wanted to deliver Grandma’s cookies for Sunday mass brunch. I sipped complimentary Aquafina— not holy water—in the church kitchen and woke up in this . . . “ceremony.”

I could hear Jack kneeling in prayer: “Jesus, Joseph and Mary! To whom much is given, much is expected! Thou hath given me much, and now I gift thee A SACRIFICE, anointed by MY FLESH!”
I never play games on my phone. Every day my life is an actual game of “Do I need a different psychiatric medication cocktail or does reality actually suck?”
My sensei father, who raised me in the dojo run by nine generations of my patriarch ancestors, has a confession that twists his normally brave-aura with shame and fear. He can barely muster the words to tell me the truth: we DON’T actually serve the Mint King. The chants about good warriors entering a wondrous paradise better than Potpourri are a lie!

We are actually controlled by a multinational cabal of oligarchs who invented the Mint King to placate villages like ours. Before I inherit the dojo, I must swear a blood allegiance to this cabal and its cryogenically preserved immortal ruler, Lord BankBurn.
If Americans can vote from space, we should be able to vote from our cell phones— the same way we can pay taxes: https://www.tmz.com/2024/09/13/stranded-astronauts-still-voting-2024-election-ballot/
Digital video lacks the magic of analog. The power to fast-forward and rewind smoothly, or “scrub” play any speed and direction, is four-dimensional chess to digital video’s two dimensions.

Yes, formats like ProRes in non-linear-editors bring this back to digital video. But why not social media? Why can’t I smoothly scrub TikTok in any direction and speed?

One can’t argue that this is a necessary sacrifice of format compression. Because any client can download and linearly decode keyframes far enough ahead to scrub a meaty length of video. A social product manager could build this type of player.

The ability to toy with video like it’s on a DJ turntable just isn’t profitable user behavior.

Collecting telemetry to effectively spy on users to serve them ads requires that users behold static video assets in a non-interventionist way. Allowing otherwise would add noise to the telemetry signal.

But what if noise is the signal? Maybe video-scrubbing outliers are an untapped, unmonetized majority
Once Windows removed the ability to have the taskbar on top, which is objectively the BEST position for function and utility, I knew to surrender all hope.
There’s an anime Terminator RPG with a false “first” ending in which the triumph of victory gets interrupted by Skynet erupting between the protagonist and the romantic interest—a flaming blob of GPUs who summons and throws Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, Satya Nadella and Sundar Pichai to five corners of the land to do Skynet’s bidding and be conquered.
Thirteen hours after my double flu & COVID-19 booster vaccinations, my entire body feels a dull stiffness. It’s like I’m being tazed from my head to my toe by mouse police.

I’m having a mild hot flash.

Each appendage feels like it weighs a thousand pounds.

I’m slow but agitated, playing imaginary congas with my hands on my mattress. I drum a carnal rally rhythm to grow antibodies faster.

My cells will tell their great-grand-cells about this moment like Woodstock 🤘
Coinbase’s record downloading is mind-numbingly awful. There’s a clear reason:

They are trying to comply with bare minimum KYC (Know Your Customer) legal requirements and avoid volunteering any information beyond that to the US Government.

They could let you download a CSV spreadsheet of deposits/withdrawls listed by interacting wallet, currency, and momentary USDC equivalent.

That, as well as USDC-equivalent interest from holdings, is all the U.S Government would ever *care* to know for taxes, but in some cases is more than it needs to or is required to know.

So instead, Coinbase frames your account history as Gain/Loss gobbledygook in the exports for you to show your accountant.

I’m a big boy. Coinbase can give me a spreadsheet with 30 columns (that include everything else I interacted with) like *every other financial institution*— and I’ll articulate what happened on my own, thank you very much! 😡

They’re terrified to volunteer records feds could easily aggregate and fish for issues.
We’ve only had 9,000 years of organized human society on a planet that spent 40% of its 4.54 billion years with no oxygen atmosphere and 25% with no multicellular life.

Humanity is time sneezing sentience. The sneeze just hasn’t dissipated yet.
Negative and positive belong in mathematics. Truth belongs in life.
Being poor is like gambling. Am I too poor to travel to a work opportunity? Am I too poor to see a specialist instead of Urgent Care a third time? Am I too poor to run the heat/ac and use more fuel when I drive? Everything becomes a slot machine. Degeneracy and responsibility become the same.
Corn reduces serotonin and tryptophan in the brain. It may be causal in a vivid correlation between domestic violence and other anger-adjacent behaviors and dietary corn consumption in various populations. https://isom.ca/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/JOM_1978_07_4_02_Corn_Consumption_Tryptophan_and_Cross-National-.pdf
Something tragic like Roots, Schindler’s List or Saving Private Ryan to remind me that all prosperity that manifests as unsustainable Christmas consumerism and domesticity came from either genocidal plunder more depraved than Santa Claus and Rudolph or sacrifice more noble than them.
How hard would it be to kinetically launch mass to escape velocity without it burning up in the atmosphere?

If we built an electromagnetic launch rail atop Mount Everest on 1 kilometer-tall pylons to begin with as thin of an atmosphere as possible, how long would it need to be to hypothetically work?

We need cheaper and more sustainable ways to enter space.

Would floating a launch rail at, say, 10km altitude with balloons and tethering it with a very long power cable—then floating payload up to it—be more feasible?
The Moon has always been better than Mars as our next habitat. It’s 45% oxygen by mass and 40% at the surface. Solar radiation is abundant for intermittent thermoelectric power generation.
From Blizzard’s upcoming Usher-World-Of-Warcraft DLC 💪✊
Being sensory sensitive and autistic, my genuine surprise at many mass-shootings is that a person fired an AR-15 with no hearing protection. Even a 9MM is too loud for unprotected ears without extreme discomfort, unless silenced and firing subsonic grains.