Tess 🔴

@tess #623

product @ optimism • ex-crypto @ ex-twitter
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I spent pretty much my whole time in SF living in the blue box, and… unfortunately, yes

I can’t stop laughing at this clickbait ad my sister sent me

whyyyyy are they accusing the mouse and what are they accusing him of???
this is a great post!

(and as an aside, I love that people in web3 are asking “what can our work learn from cities?” which feels very different from the 2010s web2 refrain “what can cities learn from our work?”)
one more photo from the weekend, to close out this thread: your local triathlon correspondent 🫡
this is not technically “receipts”content, but you’ve probs seen them all over the leaderboard, so…

I’m in Belgrade this weekend to cheer on @hamdi and @zain in their first half Ironman! they’re absolutely crushing so far
one of my filthiest american maneuvers is that I will always use the beer glasses for drinking water in the german airport lounges

(the beer glasses are much larger than the water glasses, and like any good american, I just love to hydrate)
this is TRULY the most San Francisco thing I’ve ever read

(h/t @lsn for surfacing the original post)
I’m visiting Belgrade soon — first time! For anyone who’s been before, what are some things that you can’t miss? Anything you wish you knew before you went?
I was trying to understand the different insurance numbers in Germany and found the wikipedia page for 'krankenversichertennummer', which contains sample code (in four languages!) for validating the format of any insurance number

my god, I love this country

it's both appropriate and annoying that 'decentralization' doesn't have a canonical spelling
when I was at eth denver, I overheard someone define being "crypto native" as "you don't have a 401(k) because you put all your money in defi instead"

(I think I prefer Jim's definition instead)

is there a channel that's the american equivalent of /europoooooor ? a place to examine and giggle at the foibles and fallacies of american life?
always fun to try to explain to my european friends why americans don't celebrate labor day in may along with everyone else
justice for the pilates girlies
based 🔵
gentlemen: if you are going to use the restroom labeled for “people who sit” (as opposed to “people who stand”)

please for the love of god put the toilet seat back down when you’re done
from @gakonst, some of the things that reth does to prioritize contributor experience

this is a good cheat sheet for every oss project
when they ask “deutsch oder englisch?” and I say “egal”
"dear guests, please note that inflated footballs are not allowed on the flight; please deflate any footballs before boarding the plane"

gotta love flying out of BER the day after the euros
Thank you to the Optimism community for a fabulous week in Brussels! Here are the slides I presented at the Optimistic Gathering on Tuesday, where I gave a preview of some of the things that we're working on in the rest of 2024.

a local stopped us to ask us about all the runners they’ve seen in the city this week. “is there some kind of running event happening?”

crypto is truly in its running era
proof of ethcc :•>
I was kind of meh on Brussels and then I started taking the train ("premetro") instead of uber and it has totally shifted my perception of the city

some of the lines are a little dated (and the ticket machine was all smashed up) but the premetro is clean, fast, and has been getting me where I need to go
this is so cool

onchain insights for the rest of us!