moving to /idealite
"He's not really struggling even for material wealth, but for the second-hander's delusion--prestige. A stamp of approval, not his own. He can find no joy in the struggle and no joy when he has succeeded."
"Then he wonders why he's unhappy. Every form of happiness is private. Our greatest moments are personal, self-motivated, not to be touched. The things which are sacred or precious to us are the things we withdraw from promiscuous sharing. But now we are taught to throw everything within us into public light and common pawing."
"Then he wonders why he's unhappy. Every form of happiness is private. Our greatest moments are personal, self-motivated, not to be touched. The things which are sacred or precious to us are the things we withdraw from promiscuous sharing. But now we are taught to throw everything within us into public light and common pawing."
Everyone trying to change education today starts from a school. Wouldn’t it make more sense to go from online to on land.
Watching this video made me wonder whether people are interested in Nietzsche’s idea of the will to power or the repercussions of destroying the conscious.
Watching this video made me wonder whether people are interested in Nietzsche’s idea of the will to power or the repercussions of destroying the conscious.
Some of these stats are wild especially the ones about education and married parent households.
Some of these stats are wild especially the ones about education and married parent households.
Listening to Thiel's latest podcast with The Free Press.
He talks about the impact the internet had on the elections where it becomes harder to play identity politics because everything is propagated online.
It makes me wonder what else is not on the internet just yet, and I realized it's not much. The elections gave us a good image of the current state of things.
On one side, they spend 2-3x more for doing things the old way of doing things like hiring an army to go door to door, and on the other, they leverage the network by going to the most connected nodes.
He talks about the impact the internet had on the elections where it becomes harder to play identity politics because everything is propagated online.
It makes me wonder what else is not on the internet just yet, and I realized it's not much. The elections gave us a good image of the current state of things.
On one side, they spend 2-3x more for doing things the old way of doing things like hiring an army to go door to door, and on the other, they leverage the network by going to the most connected nodes.
“Just as the postulation of AI scaling never so much excited me, neither does talk of its possible diminution much discourage me.
It is still a question of whether and at what pace we can find or create “AI-shaped holes” in organizations, or with individuals. And that is up to us.”
It is still a question of whether and at what pace we can find or create “AI-shaped holes” in organizations, or with individuals. And that is up to us.”
The unbundling of education is starting. With education moving back to the states and school choice, this makes a good time to enter into the market.
The frontier lies on the internet.
The frontier lies on the internet.
This is the CBDC for education. A different centralization is not the way.
This is the CBDC for education. A different centralization is not the way.
This is a good start, but education is in need of a disruption. Schools cannot continue as they are because of AI.
We need to lean more into the human aspects.
This is a good start, but education is in need of a disruption. Schools cannot continue as they are because of AI.
We need to lean more into the human aspects.
"And what is the essence of religion? The great aspiration of the human spirit toward the highest, the noblest, the best. The human spirit as the creator and the conqueror of the ideal. The great life-giving force of the universe. The heroic human spirit."
The Fountainhead
The Fountainhead
Many people were posting a chart saying that whenever the Fed decreased interest rates by 50 bp, it caused a recession, but they left out 1995.
The Fed did this but then the markets went on to a four year bull year.
I wonder if this is going to be a repeat of that. I’m cautiously bullish, but it hard to imagine up only for four years.
The Fed did this but then the markets went on to a four year bull year.
I wonder if this is going to be a repeat of that. I’m cautiously bullish, but it hard to imagine up only for four years.
One of the ways that using the hierarchy of tags on the blockchain is better is because it's more fine-grained and dynamic.
By making a giant monolith more fine-grained, you make it modular so that it's easier to customize.
The ease of customization makes it dynamic because it's easier to adapt by mixing and matching.
So then imagine in the future instead of CHEM 101, you would have something like understanding the kidneys where you layer in biology and chemistry concepts like diffusion, osmosis, polarity, etc.
By making a giant monolith more fine-grained, you make it modular so that it's easier to customize.
The ease of customization makes it dynamic because it's easier to adapt by mixing and matching.
So then imagine in the future instead of CHEM 101, you would have something like understanding the kidneys where you layer in biology and chemistry concepts like diffusion, osmosis, polarity, etc.
"It shows that the ability to learn from spaced repetition isn't unique to brain cells, but, in fact, might be a fundamental property of all cells."
The body remembers.
"It shows that the ability to learn from spaced repetition isn't unique to brain cells, but, in fact, might be a fundamental property of all cells."
The body remembers.
I haven’t really thought much of the woke movement, but reading The Fountainhead has made me draw a few connections.
It was the use of compassion to bring everyone down to lowest level where equality could be achieved.
Ayn Rand’s version of e/acc vs decel is the exaltation of humanity vs the hatred of humanity.
It was the use of compassion to bring everyone down to lowest level where equality could be achieved.
Ayn Rand’s version of e/acc vs decel is the exaltation of humanity vs the hatred of humanity.
The reason why science and morality are at odds with one another is because being virtuous depends on the social fabric that is the shared understanding of the community, and science/technological progress erodes that by introducing diversity of thought and questioning things.
Lmao I was scrolling through my feed and encountered a cast arguing for morality and the next one after arguing for technological progress.
The two are in contention with one another, and we need both. They just take turns being at the forefront.
The two are in contention with one another, and we need both. They just take turns being at the forefront.
Thinking about this post. If the existence of an opposition is the best check on autocratic leader then wouldn’t it also be a good check on corruption.
If there is turnover then there is less likely corruption. So then, everything should be allowed to be changed or else decay and corruption is inevitable.
This would mean institutions should be subject to market forces, but I wonder why it’s not already?
How does something like the obesity epidemic get this bad?
Thinking about this post. If the existence of an opposition is the best check on autocratic leader then wouldn’t it also be a good check on corruption.
If there is turnover then there is less likely corruption. So then, everything should be allowed to be changed or else decay and corruption is inevitable.
This would mean institutions should be subject to market forces, but I wonder why it’s not already?
How does something like the obesity epidemic get this bad?
One of the things I learned reading The Fountainhead is that building with steel should look different than the buildings of the past because the building material is different.
You want to utilize the steel to its full capacity, not bend it to be like stone.
Today, we have digital cement, a new building material, which will make it possible for humans to reach new heights just as the skyscrapers did.
You want to utilize the steel to its full capacity, not bend it to be like stone.
Today, we have digital cement, a new building material, which will make it possible for humans to reach new heights just as the skyscrapers did.
Saw some posts about marriage that made me realize
Although poverty is at an all time low, there are diminishing returns for more stuff.
That’s why if you measure society based upon some other metric, you would see a starkly different picture.
Although poverty is at an all time low, there are diminishing returns for more stuff.
That’s why if you measure society based upon some other metric, you would see a starkly different picture.
The institution of marriage makes it such that most people are the best to at least one person.
The institution of marriage makes it such that most people are the best to at least one person.
By age 14, nearly half of first-born children in the UK no longer live with both their mother and father.
Who cares what cool technologies we have, if the closest thing we’ve got to community is an online forum?
Who cares what cool technologies we have, if the closest thing we’ve got to community is an online forum?