

Build a learning habit. Any type of learning goes. Post new ideas, recalling ideas, refactoring your ideas.

Switched out the bento box home page. Don’t know what I was thinking.

Still need to get replies and posting in the channel working.
I’ve never heard of the divide in the innovators before.

In the book, The True Believer, the author splits the innovators into two groups, the reactionary and the radical.

The two differ in that the radical believes in the limitless potential of humans while the reactionary does not.
Interesting article talking automation and that the hard part is handling the exceptions.

Had no idea even in small tasks like scheduling there was so much complexity to it.

What's the coolest post you saw this week?
The tech dollar thesis has been on my mind. If technology is the new oil, why don’t we have common sense crypto regulation and bank the unbanked?

By giving more people access to stable coins, people buying USD will increase.
Threat to democracy this, threat to democracy that.

“The existence of an opposition is the firmest and the only firm check on the autocratic tendencies of the leaders.”

The Machiavellians.

“Dan’s method is debt service costs / total govt revenue, once this hits above 50%, then the printing goes hyperbolic or spending cuts are required (like Argentina now). Until then the party can continue, and financial engineering can paper over issues in the short term.”

According to Gemini, it’s currently, it's at $535 billion to $4.39 trillion
Interesting that this didn’t return to normal after Covid.

"When you go for a walk, you physically move through the landscape, paying light attention to your surroundings so you don't crash into a streetlight or fall in a pothole. Which encourages your mind to pay light attention to various thoughts and ideas passing through it, too. And that, it turns out, is the ideal mental state for coming up with new ideas."
What's the coolest post you saw this week?
Accidentally found an intro to semiotics while looking into Mythologies by Barthes.

I’ve made the mistake of looking at the signifier too much rather than the signified.

The signifier is the formal meaning, while the signified is the real meaning.

The two together make a sign and when you try to extend it, you’re creating a myth.
Something I’ve noticed is the rising importance of founders needing the buy in from a lot people.

In a way, this is sort of an election that follows the liberal principle in that it gives authority from below upward.

On the flip side is the autocratic principle, which is authority from above passed downward.

I’m not familiar with other sectors, but in Medicine, your career is determined by a small group of people. You get interviewed by 5 - 10 people, and they decide your fate.

Interesting read. We should be optimizing for fun, but it’s naive to say so 🤷‍♂️
Noticed today when doing a simple math problem that I never factor things and get stuck as a result. Found some factoring practice problems and am going to work through them over the next few days to get comfortable with it and prime my brain to pattern match when it'll be useful

Great talk. My understanding is that instead of making two calls to the server, one for the html and one for the data, you’re now getting the data on server and serializing it to put it into the html.
“Your existence is finding your essence.”

What does that even mean?

Your existence is the degree to which you can act within the universe. The degree to which you can act in the universe depends upon your understanding of its rules and your use of leverage. The leverage you start out with is your essence.
Reading more of The Machiavellians: Defenders of Freedom.

It mentions an interesting theory of history in that it’s mainly about the elite class because the head figure can’t accomplish much alone and the majority is too unorganized.

The author does give the caveat that there are rare times when there is social upheaval and the elite class is replaced.

I think today is one of those times.

Also, this is my first encounter with political science.
The analogy of the lion and the fox from Machiavelli reminds me of the argument between execution and ideas.

Optimizing for the ideas is like the fox where there is no force behind it.

Optimizing for the execution is like the lion where you’re constantly falling into traps.

A mistake I made was thinking 80 hours of doing something is equivalent to 80 hours of doing something you love.

I’m curious where the idea that passion = love comes from.

Also, following your passion doesn’t have to mean being passionate about work.
I learned about the importance of transitions of generations from Peter Thiel, but I didn’t know it was preceded by a financial down turn.
