

moving to /idealite

"He's not really struggling even for material wealth, but for the second-hander's delusion--prestige. A stamp of approval, not his own. He can find no joy in the struggle and no joy when he has succeeded."

"Then he wonders why he's unhappy. Every form of happiness is private. Our greatest moments are personal, self-motivated, not to be touched. The things which are sacred or precious to us are the things we withdraw from promiscuous sharing. But now we are taught to throw everything within us into public light and common pawing."
Everyone trying to change education today starts from a school. Wouldn’t it make more sense to go from online to on land.
Picked up this book from Olgivy’s recommendation.
Listening to Thiel's latest podcast with The Free Press.

He talks about the impact the internet had on the elections where it becomes harder to play identity politics because everything is propagated online.

It makes me wonder what else is not on the internet just yet, and I realized it's not much. The elections gave us a good image of the current state of things.

On one side, they spend 2-3x more for doing things the old way of doing things like hiring an army to go door to door, and on the other, they leverage the network by going to the most connected nodes.
The unbundling of education is starting. With education moving back to the states and school choice, this makes a good time to enter into the market.

The frontier lies on the internet.

This is a good start, but education is in need of a disruption. Schools cannot continue as they are because of AI.

We need to lean more into the human aspects.
"And what is the essence of religion? The great aspiration of the human spirit toward the highest, the noblest, the best. The human spirit as the creator and the conqueror of the ideal. The great life-giving force of the universe. The heroic human spirit."

The Fountainhead
Many people were posting a chart saying that whenever the Fed decreased interest rates by 50 bp, it caused a recession, but they left out 1995.

The Fed did this but then the markets went on to a four year bull year.

I wonder if this is going to be a repeat of that. I’m cautiously bullish, but it hard to imagine up only for four years.
One of the ways that using the hierarchy of tags on the blockchain is better is because it's more fine-grained and dynamic.

By making a giant monolith more fine-grained, you make it modular so that it's easier to customize.

The ease of customization makes it dynamic because it's easier to adapt by mixing and matching.

So then imagine in the future instead of CHEM 101, you would have something like understanding the kidneys where you layer in biology and chemistry concepts like diffusion, osmosis, polarity, etc.
I haven’t really thought much of the woke movement, but reading The Fountainhead has made me draw a few connections.

It was the use of compassion to bring everyone down to lowest level where equality could be achieved.

Ayn Rand’s version of e/acc vs decel is the exaltation of humanity vs the hatred of humanity.
The reason why science and morality are at odds with one another is because being virtuous depends on the social fabric that is the shared understanding of the community, and science/technological progress erodes that by introducing diversity of thought and questioning things.
Lmao I was scrolling through my feed and encountered a cast arguing for morality and the next one after arguing for technological progress.

The two are in contention with one another, and we need both. They just take turns being at the forefront.

Thinking about this post. If the existence of an opposition is the best check on autocratic leader then wouldn’t it also be a good check on corruption.

If there is turnover then there is less likely corruption. So then, everything should be allowed to be changed or else decay and corruption is inevitable.

This would mean institutions should be subject to market forces, but I wonder why it’s not already?

How does something like the obesity epidemic get this bad?
John Hoang
@jhoang·18:59 09/10/2024
Threat to democracy this, threat to democracy that.

“The existence of an opposition is the firmest and the only firm check on the autocratic tendencies of the leaders.”

The Machiavellians.
One of the things I learned reading The Fountainhead is that building with steel should look different than the buildings of the past because the building material is different.

You want to utilize the steel to its full capacity, not bend it to be like stone.

Today, we have digital cement, a new building material, which will make it possible for humans to reach new heights just as the skyscrapers did.
Saw some posts about marriage that made me realize

Although poverty is at an all time low, there are diminishing returns for more stuff.

That’s why if you measure society based upon some other metric, you would see a starkly different picture.
By age 14, nearly half of first-born children in the UK no longer live with both their mother and father.

Who cares what cool technologies we have, if the closest thing we’ve got to community is an online forum?

“You know,” said Roark, “I haven’t thought of you at all. I thought of the house.” He added: “Perhaps that’s why I knew how to be considerate of you.”

A great example of how a selfish desire can lead to altruism.
Reading The Fountainhead and something I’ve never noticed is that with the death of God, the voice inside of you which calls you toward the ideal followed along with him. What is left is the voice to conform.

It isn’t the case that the voice left per se, it’s still within you and presents to you as your curiosity, but it’s that it’s unreasonable to follow this voice.
A question I have from the latest all in podcast is if 85% of GDP is coming from government spending currently, wouldn't that mean the private sector is in a recession?

Why, then, would the markets go further into a recession?
A question about the bonds yields that I had from watching All in podcast is what happens if the bond yields don't come down?

What the government could do is print money to buy those bonds to decrease the yields. This is quantitative easing. This increases inflation because there are more dollars for the same amount of stuff so the price goes higher.

Although the prices go higher, the government's debt also gets inflated away because the value of the dollars that are used to pay the debt is decreasing. The debt number stays the same, but since there is more dollars in the system, the value of that debt decreases.

This is the philosophy of love that I was looking for. Going to add her books and essays to the reading list.
Currently reading about Schopenhauer's Metaphysics where he says that there is a will to life that is driving all of us and that love is a promise for happiness that keeps us striving.

It's interesting how he bases human existence around this, but there is the free energy principle which implies that human existence is about decreasing uncertainty.

I don't think there will ever be one definition for human existence. It's like going around to every living thing and asking what is life.
“The lower a man is in an intellectual respect, the less puzzling and mysterious existence is to him; on the contrary, everything, how it is and that it is, seems to him a matter of course.”

- Schopenhauer
One of the reasons that I am building a website for this channel is because one big part of community is just doing things together.

This is missing from many of the communities on the internet that center around learning.
One of the things that I've learned from reading The True Believer is that the leaders of movements cannot and will not be the ones to inject rationality into their movements.

This would be killing their respective movements.
One thing I learned from reading The True Believer is that there is demand for the diminishment of the self for the low price of giving away one's autonomy.

This is probably already obvious given that extreme hedonism exists, but what surprised me was that there was enough demand for mass movements to form.
A channel specific web client is coming along. I have the replies working, though it doesn't look the prettiest.

Still thinking about renaming this channel to something else. Maybe once I share it, the answer will be obvious.
🤔 Thoughts on having metadata about a note looking like this?

You can open and close this.
Just some quick thoughts after watching this video:

I don't think the sacred is gone, it's abstractions are gone. The sacred is something that is untouchable and through science we have discovered parts of the horizon already.

1. You cannot predict the growth of knowledge, and you do not have access to the thing in of itself so it is safer to assume that better is out there.
2. Reality is fundamentally probabilistic since it is impossible to predict with certainty the path a photon is on when it is in a superposition of different paths.
3. You can't go faster than the speed of light.

What's the coolest post you saw this week?
Very interesting take that the income inequality isn't that bad if you don't try to make it look bad.

My original thesis was that the income inequality should be bad because of the money printing done by the state which drives asset valuations up which are mostly held by the rich.
Ideologies are best determined by their tendency to explain everything.

Because of this feature it hinders the thinking process.

Ideologies exist in part due to their persuasion, but for it to get really big, it applies coercion.

To prevent ideologies, prevent coercion and give the ideology a name so that it can decouple from a persons identity.
Working theory:

Social progress is the goal of changing the structure of society. Progress is made when a change leads to the benefit of the society as a whole.
“The lack of a distinct individuality leaves the mind without guard against the intrusion of influences from without.”

The True Believer
Interesting post about the changing economic landscape.

The levels of public debt are too high and will need to go down. Inflating away the debt is one way of doing it.
Working theory: the actions in a complex system are highly leveraged.

That’s how a complex system can look simple.
I want to test my limits, not do some arbitrary test.