

Gadgets, electronics and hardware

god you don't know how happy i am to get my thinkpad out of service, i'm back on linux

these 2-3 weeks on macos were TERRIBLE, everything's so slow, from opening apps to linters in vsc to switching between screens to surfing the web

people who main macos don't even know what "no microfreezes" mean

god bless linux

(p.s., this was on m4 max)
this happens *a lot*, how do people even use safari? not even power-using it, just surfing the web
how... how does top-end newest beefiest macbook pro feel slower than my $500 thinkpad from 2022?

can't wait for my thinkpad to get out of service so that I can get the macbook back to where it belongs

a shelf
need a laptop to buy (and then return) while my thinkpad is in service

what should i try?

requirement: should NOT be heavier than thinkpad x1 carbon gen 10 (~1.12kg) + 13-14" display, durable and premium feel, min 32gb ram

and before you suggest: macbooks are all heavier than this
Update: my toddler has played on this almost every single day since we got it

Started with just bashing it with his palms and now we've progressed to individual notes
Anyone with a Ricoh GR III in here? Any feedback on it?
I’m convinced the high end/quality/BIFL enjoyer has common arcs:

- Coffee
- HiFi (headphones, bookshelfs, IEMs)
- Leather goods
- Power tools
- Cars
- Computer peripherals (mice, keebs, monitors)
- Guns/weapons*

*probably the less traveled arc for many

Pretty good sale on burners. Planning to gift these next year and tell people to migrate the funds off at their convenience since I don’t fully trust the backup process.
Modretro is incredibly premium.

Tetris very addicting.
this holiday season i got myself pixel 8a, installed graphene os and am gradually working up to using it as my main

what did you get?
what's the best crypto hardware wallet to gift this xmas?

looking for something light, easy to use, robust, supporting eth and btc

bonus points if i can pre-load it (but this is not necessary)
can i just leave a sony zv-e10 mk ii on for weeks at a time, plugged in over usb-c?
Happy birthday OG Playstation.

What was your favorite PS1 game back in the day?
Did anyone else buy a dGen1?

1) gadget enjoyer
2) might make it all back on one trade