

AI-powered word guessing game - guess the word to win! % similarity tells you how close you got to the meaning of the secret word. 60+ games, 100+ hours played. v2 live soon.

what peak /guess performance looks like
/guess is back with 100 more games. keeping it medium difficulty for now as that seems to be the most fun for players!
and that win by @yes2crypto.eth marks the end of /guess S1!

we’ve had 234 players play 100 games for a total of 14.8k guesses!

congrats to @einbard 🏆, @hollyr.eth and @frog (tied 🥈) as well as everyone else who snagged a W

more games will be added tomorrow 💯
I learned this word from @kia.eth because of the theoretical tax where if you predict a future tax for yourself, and it's in a bear market, you can be held accountable for your prediction and get taxed that amount.
Need: a bot that casts, after a round finishes, the full guess list in reverse chronological order. All guess recorded by the bot, in order, with percentage and the guesser.

A Monday morning quarterback for the guess game
Okay I love this game. Gg @frog
170 players, 6000 guesses
Oh wow, got it on my 2nd guess 😅
@frdysk.eth credit goes to you and “puzzle” totally stole it. That being said. Get good scrub 😤
gotta log off for a bit, I'll let everyone else catch up
@frog guessed "frog" in 4 🤣
wowow great game!!

(now that I have proof of winning a round)
3h since launch and 12 games down 🙌

shout out to those who ranked already: @syed @ds8 @einbard @frog @hollyr.eth @links @sher @rjs @apex777.eth @zinger

who's will take home the Season 1 /guess trophy? 👀
introducing: /guess season 1! 🚀 🧩

100 mystery word of increasing difficulty 📈
compete with other players to guess first 🎯
view leaderboard + live guesses for hints (

after 100+ games, 200+ players and 6k+ guesses in 5 days, we're stable and out of beta! play in-frame now: