

Share interesting health info, your health journey/experiences & needs, inspire, help one another, and celebrate progress together.

I rejoined the pediatrics unit two days ago after four months, and it has truly humbled me I must say
What health commitment(s) will you be making this week?

(First time I’ll be doing this in /health-hive. It could be related to fitness, mental health etc. As long as it has to do with health💜)
I just added the link the join /health-hive here.

It’s a place for us all to share anything we have regarding health👉👈

Click the link. Easy🤎
It was Mental health day 2 days ago and I had a post in drafts for that day but forgot cus of work drama

Re-emphasizing the importance of exercise and sleep to our bodies. I’ll make this post more personal and type based off personal experience.

Exercising and having better sleep hours keeps you in a better mental space.

I’m averaging 4 hours of sleep lately and have skipped the gym for 2 months now cus I’ve been busy with work and I’ve felt even more mentally messed up than before.

Same with earlier this year, and when i got everything in place, regular workouts and sleep hours, it got better for me.

Exercising doesn’t have to be going to the gym alone(need to tell myself this). You also can go for a run or have evening walks. I’ve not been doing any.. hence, my situation

Your mental health is in your hands🤍
World mental health day

Mental health shouldn’t be a solitary battle, there are times where the weight feels unbearable but even in those moments reaching out for help is a sign of strength not weakness.

Sending love to everyone on this journey
You are not alone❤️
i think my blood pressure gets lower the more i complain.
The day is finally here (tomorrow)

Am I ready now tho? No

Will I be, by tomorrow? Probably not

Will I go ahead with the presentation like that? Yes

Will I be fine? I guess

Am I fed up of work and do I need a break? Yes.

So many questions
It’s been exactly a year since my adventures in Buenos Aires 🇦🇷 with my ankle broken in two places 🥴😅

just had a surgery in Kyiv 🇺🇦 to remove the titanium plates and screws that my lovely Argentinean doctors installed in my ankle 🔩🙌 finally got rid of this pile of metal yayyyyyy
Reminder to correct your posture & drink water. Thank me in 10 years!

I do all except the one with a foam roller so far

2:50 - 4:25 are so satisfying and I do them every morning

Avoid doing these if you have any spinal disc conditions.
Sent requests to some of my followers that weren’t following /health-hive prior to the updates and they accepted

I love this space.
Was reading up stuff for my presentation at work today (which got postponed again)

And discovered the use of Nordic walking in physical rehab(idk how I’m just knowing about it)

Apparently, studies have found that it’s use in rehab showed significant improvement in balance, aerobic capacity and functional mobility
Some days ago.

I was about to manage this patient (during the outpatient clinic sessions) and didn’t check the documentations on her or anything, why?

Cus I was tired and lazy(horrible of me)

Guess what? She had Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) which had just been resolving( a colleague told me as I was about to proceed with the session)

That was a close one fr
recasting this bc i thought of a funnier way of saying it


4 free at-home covid tests for every household
🧪 🧪 🧪 🧪

Potential Text neck pandemic on farcaster if y’all don’t watch this video now and adjust your positions while doing that.

The rate at which we all use our phones here is definitely through the roofs( I had to check my position too, while typing this)
So I almost got hit by a car today

Am I fine?

But if you asked me on a deeper level

Am I fine?

- Well, I’ve never been so shocked before, my life flashed before my eyes and it’s so funny now what if it actually hit me😂

People need to do better and watch before they move. Cus the driver literally popped out of nowhere without looking.
I got this letsgetchecked thyroid hormone kit and I thought they only need a drop of blood

they are asking me to squeeze 500 uL out of my fingers I’ve been milking myself like a cow for the the past half an hour and the lancets they give suck and I’m about to run out

0/5 stars !! yes @cameron ‘s @seemorebot will ding me for negativity for sure but I want to make sure others don’t have to go thru this annoying experience
My ortho surgeon today was positively giddy today when he saw how well the titanium hardware he installed is holding up in my leg after walking on it for a month!

How do you sit?

Most of us here sit all day, working on our PCs.

Pretty sure this comes in handy.

Stay conscious of how you sit, make sure you adopt ergonomic friendly equipments and arrangements.

No pain if you’re doing it right, y’know
i’ve had this migraine for over 24 hours now
i have a pain in my elbow joint
and everything i’ve been eating in the past 2 days has been giving me heartburn and triggering my ulcer

slowdown God, i’m not one of your strongest soldiers please😂😂😭
Are you struggling to wake up but can't move or speak? 😱

You might be experiencing “sleep paralysis”

Let me explain everything you need to know about what causes it and how to prevent it from ruining your sleep!

A thread
5 easy stretches to avoid back pain

You can start watching from 2:40 if it’s too long for you.

From 9:40, Bob and Brad also explain how to properly get out of bed in the morning to avoid back pains

Pretty sure this comes in handy for quite a few of us.