An onchain battle for tokens.
🏆 Raid Successful
0x23F9D0 won the raid on 0xB00296 and claimed 0Ξ & 3,867,675 $PVP
0x23F9D0 won the raid on 0xB00296 and claimed 0Ξ & 3,867,675 $PVP
🎯 Raid Started
0x23F9D0 started a 0.001Ξ raid on 0xB00296 (3,867,675 $PVP)
0x23F9D0 started a 0.001Ξ raid on 0xB00296 (3,867,675 $PVP)
🏆 Raid Successful
0x0AED18 won the raid on 0x7DA215 and claimed 0Ξ & 11,438,768 $PVP
0x0AED18 won the raid on 0x7DA215 and claimed 0Ξ & 11,438,768 $PVP
🏆 Raid Successful
0x622FC5 won the raid on 0xABBE98 and claimed 0.0019Ξ & 15,821,400 $PVP
0x622FC5 won the raid on 0xABBE98 and claimed 0.0019Ξ & 15,821,400 $PVP
⚔️ Raid Increased
0x622FC5 increased the raid on 0xABBE98 to 0.0013Ξ
0x622FC5 increased the raid on 0xABBE98 to 0.0013Ξ
⚔️ Raid Increased
0x23F9D0 increased the raid on 0xABBE98 to 0.0011Ξ
0x23F9D0 increased the raid on 0xABBE98 to 0.0011Ξ
🛡️ Raid Defended
0x9ED3A8 defended against a 0.001Ξ raid
0x9ED3A8 defended against a 0.001Ξ raid
0.001Ξ was used to buy and burn 266,909 $PVP!
0.001Ξ was used to buy and burn 224,832 $PVP!
🛡️ Raid Defended
0x622FC5 defended against a 0.001Ξ raid
0x622FC5 defended against a 0.001Ξ raid
🎯 Raid Started
0x23F9D0 started a 0.001Ξ raid on 0x9ED3A8 (42,258,372 $PVP)
0x23F9D0 started a 0.001Ξ raid on 0x9ED3A8 (42,258,372 $PVP)
🎯 Raid Started
0x23F9D0 started a 0.001Ξ raid on 0x622FC5 (56,302,319 $PVP)
0x23F9D0 started a 0.001Ξ raid on 0x622FC5 (56,302,319 $PVP)
🏆 Raid Successful
0x622FC5 won the raid on 0xB6AE2A and claimed 0Ξ & 947,977 $PVP
0x622FC5 won the raid on 0xB6AE2A and claimed 0Ξ & 947,977 $PVP
🏆 Raid Successful
0x622FC5 won the raid on 0x887B86 and claimed 0Ξ & 2,523,993 $PVP
0x622FC5 won the raid on 0x887B86 and claimed 0Ξ & 2,523,993 $PVP
🏆 Raid Successful
0x622FC5 won the raid on 0x9BB15A and claimed 0Ξ & 2,984,489 $PVP
0x622FC5 won the raid on 0x9BB15A and claimed 0Ξ & 2,984,489 $PVP
🏆 Raid Successful
0x622FC5 won the raid on 0x00DA8B and claimed 0Ξ & 4,598,534 $PVP
0x622FC5 won the raid on 0x00DA8B and claimed 0Ξ & 4,598,534 $PVP
🏆 Raid Successful
0x622FC5 won the raid on 0x48E1A1 and claimed 0Ξ & 5,992,758 $PVP
0x622FC5 won the raid on 0x48E1A1 and claimed 0Ξ & 5,992,758 $PVP
🏆 Raid Successful
0x23F9D0 won the raid on 0xCB2CA3 and claimed 0.0009Ξ & 6,189,546 $PVP
0x23F9D0 won the raid on 0xCB2CA3 and claimed 0.0009Ξ & 6,189,546 $PVP
🏆 Raid Successful
0x23F9D0 won the raid on 0x9ABAA9 and claimed 0.0009Ξ & 6,393,510 $PVP
0x23F9D0 won the raid on 0x9ABAA9 and claimed 0.0009Ξ & 6,393,510 $PVP
🏆 Raid Successful
0x23F9D0 won the raid on 0x849151 and claimed 0.0009Ξ & 7,384,661 $PVP
0x23F9D0 won the raid on 0x849151 and claimed 0.0009Ξ & 7,384,661 $PVP
🏆 Raid Successful
0x622FC5 won the raid on 0xA2ECBE and claimed 0.0019Ξ & 9,183,005 $PVP
0x622FC5 won the raid on 0xA2ECBE and claimed 0.0019Ξ & 9,183,005 $PVP
🏆 Raid Successful
0x622FC5 won the raid on 0xFC3C96 and claimed 0.0189Ξ & 30,071,462 $PVP
0x622FC5 won the raid on 0xFC3C96 and claimed 0.0189Ξ & 30,071,462 $PVP
🏆 Raid Successful
0x9ED3A8 won the raid on 0x861467 and claimed 0.0019Ξ & 42,258,372 $PVP
0x9ED3A8 won the raid on 0x861467 and claimed 0.0019Ξ & 42,258,372 $PVP
⚔️ Raid Increased
0x622FC5 increased the raid on 0xA2ECBE to 0.0013Ξ
0x622FC5 increased the raid on 0xA2ECBE to 0.0013Ξ
⚔️ Raid Increased
0x9ED3A8 increased the raid on 0x861467 to 0.02Ξ
0x9ED3A8 increased the raid on 0x861467 to 0.02Ξ