

a cozy, creepy, cutesy corner of the writing and publishing world, hosted by @bookish

Thinking it might be time to write my first children's book

I tell my son stories every night

time to bring them to life
The bracelet is a sidereal remnant—my other self. I don’t understand it, not fully. But it’s the source of my power to travel between worlds. It listens to me.
Any other non-us self published writers that publish their work on smashwords and have been migrated to D2D here (niche call out, I know)?
At long last, Star Kin 2 is here! This novella will continue the story of Ava and Oberon.

Huge thanks to everyone who has embarked on this journey with me! Please share with your friends if you feel so inclined, this is a big day!
All my titles are FREE for the rest of the week! Jump on Amazon and download them all. :)
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$DEGEN allowance is claimable now.

Check your $DEGEN points and claim tokens:
$DEGEN allowance is claimable now.

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$DEGEN allowance is claimable now.

Check your $DEGEN points and claim tokens:

“Nooo!” Danny pushed off of his desk and squeezed his fists in the air.

The flat-toned voice of his second-best friend (and secret crush) came over the headphones. “You fell off a cliff and cracked your head open. You’re down to three hearts.”

“Can you teleport me back to you?” Danny bounced his leg and respawned. MagicVille was more than a game to him and Ramona. It was real life.

“No, sorry. I have to get off for dinner. Bye Danny X.”

He was glad she couldn’t see him blush when she used his gamertag. So he did the same. “See you tomorrow, Mona May.”
Working blurb:

Meet Danny Alexander, an ordinary boy who discovers an extraordinary secret right in his own backyard...

For lots of kids, summer is a time for beach vacations and pool days. But not in Danny Alexander's world. While his mom's at work, the eight-year-old plays the same ol' video game day after day: MagicVille, where your imagination comes to life.

And yet, even the coolest video game in the world can get old.
(need help with transitions)
So, one day, Danny wanders into the backyard, where he spies something glimmering in the corner of his yard: a bizarre plastic ball with a big white eight on it and a funny little blurry triangle cut into the other side.

More curious than ever, Danny calls his best friend Jimbo over to investigate. But it only takes one shake of the 8 ball for the boys to wish they'd never found it...

Join Danny and Jimbo as they try to find a way back from a crazy world of magic and old toys in this rolicking and nostalgic adventure story for kids of all ages.
Long time no cast, bbs. Still chipping away at Hollow Creek. Copper Girl Part 2 is on the back burner. Current vibe is our son's book: THE CURSE OF THE MAGIC 8 BALL. Would love some feedback as I put up scenes of that work over the next couple of days. @bitfloorsghost.eth @rusty-spoons
Same applies for creative pursuits, I think. You?
I’ve had a few encouraging reviews pop up for Copper Girl, but each one is a shocking reminder I need to finish the damn book
Tell me you self pub without telling me you self pub
Hey writers, how ya been? I'm conflicted to report that I didn't finish Copper Girl, and I ended up publishing it as a part 1 of 2. On top of that, my Memaw died yesterday. Although I thought I needed a writing break, now more than ever I need to put the words down. Get them out and all that. So, back I go.
I've been deep down in my writing hole these past many days. But FINALLY got a break-through that gives me all the writing ju ju I need to power ahead. Now just to get through the school day. How is your work coming along?
take your trauma and give it to the gods
a picture is worth a thousand words... if it's the right word.
I’ve accidentally taken a different approach with end stage Copper Girl: I’m layering heavily instead of grasping for more new plot points that don’t exist and guess what? As I layer, old plot points tie themselves off!
Chipping away at Copper Girl, and all my focus is there right now. Literally. SoooOOOoOOooo, Hollow Creek is on hold, but I have some chapters done to share soon! Hoping tomorrow :)
Book release 🙏🏻

Claim it for old time’s sake. Remember chain mail