Visual Poetry


A channel dedicated to the fusion of art and language. We share concrete poetry, typewriter art, language-based art, and innovative forms of semiotic and text-based forms of expression.

Harry Everett Smith (1923-991) USA polymath mystic and bohemian. He worked in various artistic styles and mediums, as an experimental filmmaker, photographer concrete poet, painter, collector, hoarder, eternal student, and a Neo-Gnostic bishop. an important figure in the Beat Generation in NYC.
np, mine went for a day, so it did for others. I relocked into the vault but I am not sure that was the issue, others said it just came back on its own.
by wavypeso


Aleatory Graphic Music Score,
Joel Chadabe, 1968
Y's hung out on a musical stave. Music for Y's

Y-Scores on @rodeodotclub

Wip output
Orthogonal Aesthetics √

Tables of coordinates for Hershey's repertory of occidental type fonts and graphic symbols in A Contribution to Computer Typesetting Techniques, Norman M. Wolcott & Joseph Hilsenrath, 1976
▽ Page from A Pythagorean Notebook, Alfred Jensen, 1965.
33 Questions Per Minute" (2000) by Rafael Lozano-Hemmer is a generative installation that uses grammatical rules to combine words from a dictionary, generating 4.7 trillion questions—an algorithm that will take 271,000 years to complete. The beepers present 33 questions per minute, loosely rooted in the tradition of poetry. With no time for reflection, the installation transforms into a surreal highlighting the absurdity of the questions themselves.
Numerical poetry from Magic Squares & Cubes - W.S Andrews [1960]
Tim Etchells, Provocations at Tate Exchange, 2015
Mary Ellen Solt, Marigolds, 1965.
Timm Ulrichs
Permutation 1963/71

In which a computer was used to create every possible anagram of the word ‘PERMUTATION.’
The True Artist Helps the World by Revealing Mystic Truths

Bruce Nauman, 1967
Pointed Mantra ◬

Typed on the '22 in '24.
Visual Poem

Joan Brossa
L'enfant qui tète est un souffleur de chair chaude et n'aime pas le chou-fleur de serre-chaude

Marcel Duchamp
Disk Inscribed with Pun, 1923
Two Electroencephalographic Poems for AL.

I made these in 2020 and they were the first time I used a typewriter to plot lines.
: a question without a key :

Idle/Interludes #1505

Algorithmic visual poetry on @fxhash

@mishaderidder.eth 🥂