Paul Prudence

@paul-prudence #307224

Artist/Writer /the-library /geoblocks ✷ https://linktr.ee/paulprudence ✷ Live: ISO/IEC 10646 ⟶ https://verse.works/series/iso-iec-10646-by-paul-prudence
7442 Follower 795 Following
Lucia di Luciano
Struttura ritmica data da immagini in combinatoria fra loro, 1966
Elisabetta Gut
Allegretto in tempo di valzer, 1984
William George Armstrong’s Electrical Discharge Experiments, 1899
Electrical discharge visualisations created from applying an electrostatic discharge to a plate dusted with lead & sulphur. Literally an alchemical transaction where materials are transformed into delicately fine Laplacian aggregations known as Lichtenberg figures. More images in comments. ↓↓↓

ISO/IEC 10646 | @verse

The questioning configurations of an array of switches trying to find its way around fate....

Semiograph ■◙■ (development sketch)

on @rodeodotclub
Sol LeWitt
Cover of Wall Drawings (catalogue) - Chagny 1984
Jean-Claude Moineau
Meta-Art Agentzia, 1972

'A deck of cards that can be arranged in multiple ways to tell different narratives'

More impressions ↓↓↓
There are 155,063 Unicode characters, but I can't stop weaving with the same damn 32 block elements

▚▓░ Weave on @rodeodotclub
Microscapes, the full set.

Digital dioramas interrogating the dimensionality of geology.

◼️◻️ — 18
#monochrome-monday #mono

Drei #244 by @whitekross
▐▚▉ Isochron

on @rodeodotclub
Another iteration from my Microscapes series. I wont be including this one in the collection on @objktcom as it lacks that miniature world/diorama aspect that is important for the series. An interesting output nonetheless.
Standing ovation for @vortac on realising this project with other members of the community. Wait, the show is not over yet, there is more to come! (tomorrow)

Seriously, big thanks, Tim 👌 👏 👏 👏
Poetics of Space: I&P 10

Last week I received a stunning A3 plot of this piece by @pixelsymphony

This series is particularly strong. I do not know how many iterations I've seen from the algorithm but every one retains such a strong and rigorous aesthetic. The eye never tires of seeing new configurations.

I must post photos of all the @pixelsymphony plotter works that I own soon. I have 4! 🖤 👌

Back in 2019 I released a record of drones and electronic soundscapes called Ficciones (2xLP). The album begins in a musique concrète mood but gradually drifts into a more melodic mode. I work with sound a lot, but I don't always find the time to master for final release. That will change this year with some new work to be published. You can listen to (or download for free by adding £0) the digital album in the link below.

Regarding the artwork. Out of thousands of generated outputs, I let twitter decide from a final 4 iterations to use for the cover. You can see those final four below. ↓↓↓

If capitalism wants us to stay unquestioned, then it has found its ultimate partner with AI, AI is arguably not just a product of capitalism but capitalism's ultimate 'product'.
Wæveform (unminted hash)

With the characters • & ᴼ
Roman Opałka
OPALKA 1965/1 – ?, Détail 524449 – 525711

In 1969 Roman Opałka began painting numbers from one to infinity that would progress sequentially from one canvas to the next for the duration of his life.

'Time as we live it and as we create it embodies our progressive disappearance, we are at the same time alive and in the face of death – that is the mystery of all living beings.' ~ Roman Opałka
Lake Lapsus

One of two new pieces added to my Microscapes collection on @objktcom This is a bit of an outlier from the rest of the series (check out the red) but it uses the same process as the others for generation. This time though I fed-back one of the outputs from the program back in as a texture. The end result is less geological but it's a microscape, nonetheless.

(A Lack of) Calibrati❍n M❍iré

on @rodeodotclub