a1z2 💫

@a1z2 #188259

605 Follower 506 Following
I feel like my home feed has gotten significantly better post channel update
I dreamed of the word Unichain once
I won’t use some fc clients because the branding is either underwhelming or strange.

Am I proud of this fact? No.
Will I name the clients? No.

Vibes and aesthetics shouldn’t matter more than cool features, but they’re what resonate first.

All marketers know this. We want a visual story that intrigues us.
Theo Von invented the word “uniquity” off the cuff on a podcast and it’s living rent free in my head
Underrated: shipping fast for users that love when things break just as much as when things work
If crypto were to be consumed, what would it taste like?
I’m fascinated by the Korean language, mostly how it’s written and how it was created. Any tips on how to go about learning the language? 😊
Warpcast is looking 👌
Words words words words
Are there more swimming birds than there are flying fish?
A Super PAC, that’s also a DAO, advocating for digital democracy initiatives

- blockchain based elections
- zk digital passports / ids
- DAO legislation at state level

Tell me what you think— good or bad. Who is already doing this?
Words, like sand.
Images fade.

Warm stones in light

A man with a book.

Green shade
No one knows.
True laughs are the weirdest ones
Incredible to see states innovate in this space
It’s been widely said but needs to be reiterated— chain abstraction is crucial to the success of consumer crypto.
Who here watched the men’s 1500m in the Olympics? Absolutely wild stuff. https://youtu.be/2sb32uxUO10?si=NdFzYphlrEWJ9xCg
I love seeing more brands flex their style guidelines and offer it as a public resource. A+ /base
blue skies on my recent Wyoming trip
Is anyone writing about the trajectory of the election process in the US?

Was once a contest of ideas and policies, then a contest of popularity, now seems like a contest of who can be the most entertaining?

Is this an accurate analysis generally? I imagine there are exceptions to the trend.
What are the most active and high signal /channels out there?
communicate in the language of trees
communicate in circles then lines
What’s the term for a native person of Ethereum? An Etherean?
Kenzie played a good game. But anyone else feel like Charlie was robbed?