

A community of people passionate about running

i did my 3 miles today but hal is still pretty upset with me

i hope to get back in his good graces soon
Now over 100 hours on the treadmill, YTD. Pain is my comfort 😅
Running time 🏃

The running MAF focuses on training at a low heart rate to improve endurance, fat-burning, and overall aerobic fitness.

Okay runners, what's your defnition of short run?
Good morning runners 🏃 Day 2 of my morning run feels really good to be back ❤️ specially when you got this amazing view
3 easy, 20 min mod/hard, 2 easy🐃
Recently joined a running club. Turns out, sprinting in a pack hits different than my usual solo runs.

Speed drills, track work, and group pacing? Fun, brutal, and apparently a fullbody wakeup call.

Pretty sure I discovered muscles I never knew existed… and they hate me now.
Good morning. 🌅 After so many days went for little 🏃 felt so fresh after so many days
wanna do an easy “first track/interval day in ages” workout tomorrow morning. any thoughts?

not training for anything in particular, but would like to get the legs moving. still very much working on aerobic base, but can only do so many Z2 days

even open to doing more thresholdy stuff / longer repeats
you don't quit if you stop
you quit if you never start again
(is what im telling myself)
Folio down bad, weather not gud, but don’t forget to got out touch grass and run 🏃‍♂️
Trailrunning near Volga river. Best view on the top!
Wishing you always filled with joy and happiness.

Running time 🏃
LA marathon week, any casters running this year?
X down, probably time to go for a run...
First run after a two week break to recover from runners knee…

My knee still feels like I took an arrow to the knee 🥲

Marathon only weeks away, any suggestions?
I haven’t measured, but I think the average runner in new york is literally >25% faster than the average runner in san francisco, maybe even higher
Today I ran with my usual Sunday running group. It is good to be back consistently.
20 km @ 4:57/km this morning. Mostly zone 2 with some peaks into zone 3.

Trying to bend up the yellow line… still 81 km behind.
이제 다시 런닝의 계절이 🏃
It's running season again 🏃
Gaviota 5 definitely suits me better than kayano 31
sunday morning running🏃‍♂️

아침 조깅 완 아조완

Slow but steady steps towards recovery…
I run with 3 plums, 1 banana, 1 tangerine and a bag of nuts.

But after my getting beat down by a 30k run 2 weeks ago, I talked to Phil, @rosaliesrainbow’s dad, and he told me to use energy gels for long runs, “fruits won’t cut it”.

So today, I ran with gels. I hit 10k and had 1 every 5k after that.
Weekend running 🏃

Wish friends always happy ❤️
5 miles easy with 1 mile trying to find a 10K pace

(5/13) /commit
went on a run this morning whilst recovering from the ethdenver disease and having not run consistently for months and had two different thoughts fighting my brain:

1) damn i only ran a 5k and not even that fast and i’m already tired, fml

2) for a long time in my life i couldn’t even run this fast if i tried my hardest, i should be proud of the progress i’ve made

progress is always nonlinear and can often stir up very contrary thoughts like that but all we can do is keep pushing and try to enjoy the process as much as possible
Easy 13km this morning with woodpeckers. Sound ON:
1.5 days without power and 4ft snow drifts.

But we back on the attack!

2 easy, sprint blocks, 2 easy🐃
still (obviously) kept the streak alive 😤

(919 days)
@fiveoutofnine.eth·00:06 07/03/2025
running at 10k ft (3000m) altitude the past 3 days was really interesting

did a 5 mile (8km), +410ft elevation (125m) run at what felt like slightly faster than threshold pace, and it ended up being 6:51/mi (4:16/km)

first run back at ground level: 21.1km in 1:48 (8:14/mi = 5:07/km) @ 128 BPM heart rate
running at 10k ft (3000m) altitude the past 3 days was really interesting

did a 5 mile (8km), +410ft elevation (125m) run at what felt like slightly faster than threshold pace, and it ended up being 6:51/mi (4:16/km)

first run back at ground level: 21.1km in 1:48 (8:14/mi = 5:07/km) @ 128 BPM heart rate
Today I ran with a new run club, organized by the brand “On”. It was fun and nice to get to know new people, but very marketing oriented.

I’m not sure if it is the mood that I want for my group runs. My Sunday running group is very chilled. Maybe it is better for me.
Strange encounters this morning
Since June 23, 2023, I've run at least a mile every day.
Some days I run longer.
But never shorter.

Today was Day 622.

Light rain and cold wind. A small ache in my right foot, probably because of a much longer run from a couple days ago.

Ran the minimum, but nonetheless ran.
Good morning dear friend!

It’s a blizzard out there, and we haven’t had power for about 5 hours.

Hmmmm how to run, how to run🙃
I went out for a run in my lunch break.

It was good to get some sun and fresh air.
Managed to run 13Km again in Zone2 (at the usual pace).
Feeling the post-bronchitis effects are finally over.

To alleviate the boredom of the recovery I tried something "stupid": running with closed eyes. I chose a straight road, closed to cars, with no-one on sight.
At first I only tried 2 strides, then 4. then fear kicked in. but a lot of new sensations emerged that I never felt while running. at the end of the experiment I managed to run 10 strides in a straight line. the worst fear was falling in the canal (on the left) or in the field (on the right). it was fun. it was strange. I don't have the proper words to describe it, you have to feel it by yourself.

I challenge you to run 10 strides with closed eyes 😜
Hi everyone ❤️

Running time 🏃‍♂️🏃
👉 Run however you want—just run to be strong!

Happy day 🌸
i came to one of my best friends house (who is my running coach) to onboard him to warpcast. my bet is that he can help lots of people in here consistently, his running advice is sharp and on point. and came to explore the apartment and found this on his bed. very serious about this stuff. welcome @satzo7