

A place to share and discuss writing

if i
c o u n t

all the
l u c k

and the
s t u c k

( add the
s t r u c k )

if the
f o u n t

cost a
b u c k

i’d be
b r o k e

in the
m u c k
This week my writing partner and I start world building for a series of books we have planned. At least two stories for the series are loosely outlined. Fantasy, grit, romance and adventure! I’m excited to bring them to life!
Maybe I knew it from the start
That you would be standing at the end of my path
Walking down an endless road,
I was always heading toward you without even knowing

We called it coincidence each time we met,
But everything felt like it was meant to be
Perhaps there’s a reason you and I were born under the same sky,
And maybe that reason is right here

The pain, the goodbyes,
They were hidden in the traces of our past
The time we’ve walked through has shown me
That you are my “here”

A destiny disguised as chance
Slowly guiding us closer,
Until the moment we reach each other,
Coming from afar, drawing near

And now, with you beside me,
It feels like my journey ends here
Together, we’ll begin anew
Writing a story that’s only just begun
On a rainy night, I look out the window, and thoughts of you drift in.
You were just a passing breeze, but the rain brings everything back to the surface.
Meaningless thoughts fill up, and your image becomes clear in my heart.
Tonight, I'll let myself remember you, just for a little while.
When the rain stops, it’ll be like nothing ever happened.
First love came to me with a smile, as if it would stay by my side forever, but disappeared like a fleeting dream. It lingered like a small secret only I knew, and every time it crossed my mind, it left a quiet ache in my heart. I told myself countless times to forget, yet that feeling never drifted away lightly. So that love remains, resting quietly within me, as an unforgettable page of my story.
“So when I think of autumn, I think of somebody with hands who does not want me to die.”

- Toni Morrison ~ The Bluest Eye
Why do I feel so upset and exhausted? I keep wanting to let everything go, but my day, which started at dawn, spins endlessly without a break. I take care of people who are like babies, while soothing the baby within me, building each day one at a time. For a better tomorrow, for a week from now, for a month, a year, and hopefully, a better five years ahead. It’s tough right now, but I just push each day forward with busyness.

Then I realize that I’m missing out on precious feelings that can only be felt in this moment. Everything I can give and receive is in the here and now, but they won’t be there in the future I’m rushing towards. It’s heartbreaking and sad. I’m more afraid of these precious feelings passing by than anything else.

-It’s not the strong who survive, but those who survive are strong. As long as you’re alive, opportunities will come-
It’s all going to intertwine soon.

We are no longer land locked.

Just think of it.
For this week's newsletter, I somehow combined Linklater's Dazed & Confused, studio focus groups, carbohydrates, and chronic information availability. 😅.



Everything feels different as of today.

October 13 is like every other day.

Except it feels different.

Humanity is going through one of the most radical changes for anyone alive.

The cost of education nears zero because of the internet.

The the cost of trust nears zero because of blockchains.

The cost of inequality nears zero because of ai.

And today.

The cost of space nears zero because of SpaceX.

There is no field that will be untouched by what comes next.

Not even politics.
Calling all screenwriters, playwriters, creative writers, pre-writers, pro writers, amateur writers, glamorous writers, famous writers, infamous writers, light writers, shite writers, heavy writers, addicted writers, curious writers, and anyone who has ever wanted to pick up a pen and learn.

I've started a new channel focussing on but not limited to screenwriting, which I hope will become a forum for discussion about everything related to this particular writing format, but also the creative writing process itself, and everything else in-between.

I'm a commercially successful self employed writer, and an award winning screenwriter passionate about writing in general and screenwriting specifically, looking to hook up with like minded people, teach the small amount about writing I've learn along the way and learn from everyone who feels encouraged to participate.

You can join the group here: https://warpcast.com/~/channel/screenplay/join?inviteCode=dlz4hDZ1VWFwOoOxoWVUFA

It will always be free to cast.
I decided to procrastinate on my work writing by doing some private writing...

Faust has been on my mind a lot (not the @faust - although it might be related), 200 years old, its lessons remain timeless.

Btw, if you click on the window, not the read button, it opens the article in a new tab. 🫡

**LLM and Me: Our Epochs**

Learned today that I am not much different than current LLMs.

One of their biggest problems is context window. If you give them too big a chunk they become overweighted at the edges.

Over the last many years, going through internal and external epochs (cycles), I’ve lost context to certain windows of knowledge. Many which are useful to continue forward.

It’s in the moments feeling your face get closer to the dirt, possibly stomped on, you slow down to figure things out.

This slow down is the reasoning models. Increasing real-time inferenace, within context windows.

Like when we have are ups and downs at altering frequency. Aka learn rates and gradients.
GM - just started a new channel as an experiment in collaborative world-building. Would love some writers to help ideate on what this world might look like. Some great foundations for infinite storytelling. Please feel free to join!

Bit of a pivot today from screenplay to fiction writing. I'm finding the screenplay format quite hard to advance with so I've shifted to fiction to see if the story works better that way. It could be that I'm just blocked and actually writing the thing will help. Anyway, it's not new material it's just rewriting what I've already written in a slightly different way.
Is making fun of someone's English similar to making fun of their gender or race?
In terms of interesting stimuli for someone who writes, San Antonio and Houston are the only real cities in Texas. Austin and Dallas are just two sides of the same coin, full of people channeling middle class ennui into various dead ends
Current strategy for managing absolute madman story notes: This story follows a 4 act structure. Each act is split into an "Early Notes" section and a "Later Notes" section. You slot all your ideas in a semi-chronological order into these subsections. Then you find their exact place in the story as you write.
And just did my writing for the day. Three sentences that will translate into a scene, a transition from a difficult part of the script out to another, a link that i was looking for that will allow me to move into the meat of the story.

All because I took a shower.

Maybe it'll look shit tomorrow but maybe not. Tomorrow is tomorrow and right now it's the best I've got.
When I'm in writing mode for a novel, I drag my ass out of bed at 7.30 am, because that's the time we need to wake the kids up to get them to school. I take them to school and then spend an hour cleaning up the house, unloading the dishwasher, putting on a load of washing, and putting toys away. I then finally sit down, only to remember that there's already a load of washing hanging up which I need to bring in, and that today I really have to do the shopping because I've already left it days and the kids are surviving on old sliced bread and jam, and the milk ran out a week ago. After all of that, I realise it's time to pick up the kids. I pick up the kids, spend the afternoon playing with them and eventually coax them into bed at 9pm. After that I'm too knackered to write so I just continue thinking about the story instead, and send myself short form story beats in bullet-points like scraps found at the bottom of a library wastebin. I keep to this routine everyday without variation.
I think this week is going to be a write off quite literally in terms of writing. Couldn't yesterday or today for appointments, and admin stuff, can't tomorrow for another errand I can't put off, which looks like Thursday and Friday may be the only mornings I can actually get straight down to putting ink on a page (or at least attempting to).

Fuck all these life admin tasks that just have to be done.

I need more coffee.
I find my mind drifting once again, away from the task in hand, away from the screenplay I'm supposed to be writing, to flirt with other, lesser formed ideas, to place doubt upon my choices, to tempt me with the easy route out. I'm not sure I'm writing the right thing, is the conclusion I come to. I'm not sure I'm ready to isolate myself from the other things that need my attention in my life, I'm not sure if I'm capable, truthfully. I've always struggled with transition, and I'm struggling with transition now, at the folds between the scenes, at the edges where the glue runs, at the points that need to be seamlessly fitted together. I have the start, and I have the end, and I have the bits that come in between, the moments that make the story important to be told, I just don't have the liquid that fills in the gaps, and I'm not sure whether it's because the vessel I'm using to pour it in is empty. Or maybe I'm just not ready, Or maybe I'm just writing the wrong thing.
It's a hard lesson learned for any writer trying to avoid sounding too 'fancy' or 'purple.' An easy way to include outlandish vocabulary without harming the reading experience is by including a character who has an exotic manner of speech. But DON'T make them a main character!